Weekend from He Double Hockey Sticks.....

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Melissa518, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. Melissa518

    Melissa518 Member

    It seems like I just posted my Hello and here I am venting now. The not so vented part of this post is that my husband's grandmother passed away on Friday and we rushed to get plane tickets to go be with his family on the east coast. We got in on Friday night (very late) and the funeral is set to be on Tuesday morning. Well we arrived and DH's dad was well aware that we were coming and we asked him before we left if we could stay at his house and ya know help with getting everything situated. (it was his mom) So we got here and he goes well what hotel did you make your reservations at and my husband was like dad we're staying with you. He swore he never said that but told us we could stay with my DH's great-aunt who is a heavy smoker. Well it was either that or a hotel room that we wouldn't be able to really afford. The problem staying with a heavy smoker is that Ethan has severe asthma and he can't be around people that smoke, so we asked that Ethan could stay with DH's dad, well he didn't want anything to do with us.

    Fast-Forward to yesterday afternoon, Ethan began wheezing, after we asked this stubburn great-aunt to please not smoke around him. Well the wheezing turned into a full blown attack and resulted in us calling 911. It took I believe 3 treatments to get him calmed down and he stayed over-night. So we called DH's dad and again begged him to let us stay there, because of Ethan. Again he told us we either had to go back there or stay at a hotel! I wanted to SMACK this man upside the head! I was getting angry with him, but I kept the thought in my head of he just lost his mother, just let it go.

    So to make an even LONGER story short, we are staying at a hotel and leaving Tuesday night to get the heck out of here. My husband is so beyond ticked at his family and we're ready for home.

    So here we are at a hotel that we can barely afford to be at, but I think we're better off here than at a family house. ;)

    I'm sorry I had to VENT.
  2. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry that happened to you! What a difficult situation. When I first read your post I thought of you being pregnant- being around such a heavy smoker isnt good for you or the girls ether! I hope the rest of your time goes smoothly. You may not be able to afford the hotel but at least try and enjoy it!
    I hope things get better! :hug:
  3. Kimani

    Kimani Well-Known Member

    That is awful!! What the heck is wrong with that man?!! Seriously, I can understand that his mother just passed away but you would think that he would care about his grandson's, ESPECIALLY after he was in the hospital because of he wouldn't let you stay in the first place.
    This post just seriously upsets me, perhaps because I have asthma myself and can just imagine what that poor little boy went through.
    Hopefully their is a nice hot tub there at the hotel that you can let your son sit in, the steam would probably be good for him.
    Sorry this happened to you. You are awesome for not flipping out, I KNOW I would have!!!
  4. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    You are much better than I bc I would have blown a gasket! I'm so sorry he reacted that way and that Ethan became sick. I hope the trip goes quickly and that you get back home with no more episodes. I'm sorry to hear about the grandmother :(
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :hug: Sorry about dh's grandmother! Sorry about the situation you were put into. :hug:
  6. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm so sorry. How upsetting! Your poor little boy! And as another pp said, that wasn't good for you and the twins either. My brother has severe asthma, too, and I just can't imagine anyone smoking around someone with asthma, especially a relative! Big hugs for you and I hope the rest of your week is better from here!
  7. Melissa518

    Melissa518 Member

    Thanks everyone for letting me vent. I never thought about exposing the babies to smoke, ugh. Glad I didn't think that way when we were at his great-aunt's house, because there would've been heck. I have tried to keep my cool about all of this, but I may blow a gasket at the viewing tonight. ;)
  8. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry...how frustrating & irritating :hug:
  9. Melissa518

    Melissa518 Member

    Not to vent more....but DH's dad heard about us staying at a hotel and now offered to have us stay at his place and I was like NO and I mean NO! I was like we have gotten the picture we weren't welcomed the first time, you are offering only because you feel bad now. I said you are more than welcomed to pick up the tab for our hotel stay, but we will be at the viewing tonight, funeral tomorrow and leaving for the airport after!

    UGH! That man! DH was down at the hotel pool with Ethan (so glad I pack prepared...always pack our bathing suits no matter where we are going), so he doesn't know about this yet. Wait till I tell him I told his dad off.

    But I felt better after "yelling" at him. ;)
  10. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Melissa518 @ Dec 8 2008, 02:32 PM) [snapback]1102498[/snapback]
    Not to vent more....but DH's dad heard about us staying at a hotel and now offered to have us stay at his place and I was like NO and I mean NO! I was like we have gotten the picture we weren't welcomed the first time, you are offering only because you feel bad now. I said you are more than welcomed to pick up the tab for our hotel stay, but we will be at the viewing tonight, funeral tomorrow and leaving for the airport after!

    UGH! That man! DH was down at the hotel pool with Ethan (so glad I pack prepared...always pack our bathing suits no matter where we are going), so he doesn't know about this yet. Wait till I tell him I told his dad off.

    But I felt better after "yelling" at him. ;)

    Go you! You need to let it out and he should feel bad if he had the room all along and refused to let you stay. I would have blown up before now if I were you. Kudos for keeping it together so long!
  11. Melissa518

    Melissa518 Member

    Jack clapped for me standing up to his dad and asked me if I would be able to face him tonight. I was like it doesn't mean I am not sympathetic to what is going on, but the jerk offered only after finding this all out! My DH is stubburd just like him, but I love that he can stand up against him.

    So the viewing 7:30-9...not too sure about taking Ethan, but DH wants him to go. Another dilema there, I don't want my 3 y/o traumatized for life seeing a dead lady.
  12. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    DH's Dad sounds like a jerk!! but you know what they say 'You can choose your friends....' You have handled it well, I would have lost it after Ethan got sick.
    I have never seen a dead person and dont plan to, the thought of it freaks me out for some reason.
    Good luck
  13. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Holly Poo-

    What on earth is their problem?! I would be flaming mad. To risk a kids life so one could have a smoke? You have got to be kidding me! Im an ex smoker and can honestly say, I would have NEVER been so selfish! And for him to turn away family like that?! So sorry she passed away, but so sorry you have to put up with this crap! Get out of their.
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