Week 37 feels like week 9

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by samimax, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. samimax

    samimax Active Member

    I cannot believe how horrible I've felt the past two days. It's like morning (all day!!!) sickness all over again! When I eat, I feel nauseous. If I don't eat, I feel nauseous. I took a nap at 10 am and then again at 2! I really hope this is the start of labor! Did anyone else get this sick feeling at the end? Did labor start soon?
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm sorry you are feeling :bad: again. :( Not fair. I hope it eases up for you so you can enjoy the last couple of weeks of your pregnancy. :grouphug:
  3. opalbarb

    opalbarb Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that! I'm 36 weeks and still feeling pretty good, I'm just waiting for the final period of misery to set in like I hear it does. Are they going to induce you or do you have a scheduled c? I have an induction set for August 12th so I'm just counting down the days. I hope yours fly by!

    PS you and I have the exact same ticker! I guess we have good taste!
  4. CarleyWC

    CarleyWC Well-Known Member

    They tell me I'm close to the end and man the heartburn plus gallbladder attacks make me extremely nauseous.
    I also sleep ALOT, if left to my own devices and a large adult diaper I"m not sure anything could get me out of bed!!! Seriously!
  5. linz

    linz Well-Known Member

    Yes, I really felt sick at the end. Nauseaous every evening just like I was the first trimester. I really couldn't eat anything and didn't want to anyway. I also had horrible diarrhea for the last 1 1/2 weeks I was pregnant. When it first started, I thought for sure it was a sign of labor since I know for some women it is. Apparantely it wasn't for me!! Anyway, i know it is easy for me to say at this point, but sleep and rest and try to relax. Hang in there it is almost over!!

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