weaning from formula

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Christel, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    Has anyone here NOT taken their kiddos off of formula at one year? Mattie is my first formula baby and everyone is really talking up the fact that he can go off of formula now and on to real milk. But I'm not sure I should take him off of formula yet. If I were breastfeeding I wouldn't stop nursing at one year. I'm not convinced that he magically stops needing the extra nutrients just because he's one. What do you guys think?
  2. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    My little guy is still on full formula. My other one who has fully caught up from being preemie is on 75% mile and 25% formula - we had him all the way off formula but it was a bit hard on his tummy. I am probably going to take him off formula all together soon.

    My understanding is that around a year they are supposed to be eating enough solid foods that they are getting the nutrients they need from the solid foods so they dont need quite as much from the formula. Not the case for my little guy - he just doesnt seem as interested in eating much and really needs to put on some weight.

    I would say if yours are average weight and eat balanced foods then they probably dont need the formula. Just my opinion though.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would talk to your pedi about your concerns. The theory is that they should be getting enough nutrients from solid foods/milk not to need formula. However, I did wean mine off of formula, I started off with half milk/formula bottles and decreaed the amount of formula daily until we were out of formula and they were on all milk. Good luck with your decision!
  4. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    Mine were weaned between 13-14 months because they still were not eating a lot of table foods. It was a slow transition and it did take a month or two. My pedi also explained that their bodies/brains require the nutrients from solid foods. Also at this age they become more mobile so a liquid diet can't sustain them (even breastfed babies eat solid foods and get fed less from mommy). The first birthday shouldn't be your cut off for anything. Just take it slowly and do what feels right.
  5. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Mine are still on formula. They use the next step premium. They are good eaters, but it's not always a well balanced meal. Their pediatrician isn't telling me I have to change them over at this time. Besides, Kiefer is a little sensitive to formula. He's not lactose intolerant, but just a little sensitive. When I'm at the pediatrician's, she just asks me what I'm feeding them and not say anything. I've asked her how she feels about it and she tells me it's what I'm comfortable with. They don't need to be on formula and not all babies on whole milk need multivitamins (I didn't want to have to give them multi-vitamins if I didn't have to). She's fine with them on formula. It's certainly not hurting them. If they are still drinking it, then continue with it as long as they are not on bottles anymore. She said she'd at least like to see them on sippy cups by now. They are using the straw sippy cups since that's all they'll use. They do not like the ones you have to tip up.
  6. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    Thanks, everyone, for your responses. We stay away from synthetic vitamins, but I'm not naiive enough to think that he is getting a balanced diet consistently at his age. We have two peds (some of the kids see one and some see another) and they have each given me different advice, lol.
  7. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Feeding is always different in the eyes of another. Which is why pedi's have different views. There's no definite answer - mostly only opinion. [​IMG]

    My MIL is a nurse and I trust the info I get from her. She mentioned that babies [should] be on formula for the first couple years of life [cause of the nutrients], but it's so expensive that the gov't suggests to discontinue after a year - because a lot of families are using WIC to help pay for some formula and it'd be more $$ for them [​IMG] [btw, we used WIC and it helped us immensely]

    IMO as long as they're eating well [variety of foods: fruits, veggies, bread, etc..], then I wouldn't worry so much. I feel that it's very important for children to learn healthy eating habits at a young age so they can take that with them as they grow older. [I know you're not too fond of the idea, but] I give mine a supplemental vitamin [1 flinstone gummy/day] along with the variety of foods [perk of being a SAHM] and offer pleanty of water every day.

    Good luck! I hope I didn't confuse you with any of this. If all else fails, trust your mama instincts! [​IMG]
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