Weak Gross Motor Skills

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Stephanie M, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    I completed the ages and stages developmental forms for my ped. On a scale of 0-60 my DS received a 0 for gross motor skills. While he does pull up, it takes a lot of effort and he's not steady. He does not cruise at all. He doesn't lower himself to sitting. He will fuss until you help him down or he'll fall down. He doesn't really like to be on his feet at all. When you try to walk with him, he kicks his feet out from under him. Has anyone's 12 1/2 month had these types of gross motor delays? I'm not specifically talking about walking. I'm more concerned about the lack of interest and no cruising. I would love to hear your stories.
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    No advice Stephanie, just a hug. :hug99:
  3. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    I definitely have experience with this!

    One of my girls was born with clubbed feet and dislocated hips. She spent the first 10 months of her life in casts and restrictive shoes, etc - basically she couldn't even try to move until she was 10 months old. So no wonder she is quite behind in her gross motor skills. She is 17 months actual, 15 1/2 months adjusted age, and she isn't even crawling on her hands and knees yet. She army crawls all over the place, and she will stand if you lean her up against something, but she isn't cruising yet either. She also doesn't walk if you try and hold onto her hands. She will go from sitting to standing, but only if she's sitting on something like a little chair or stool, and only if she has something to grab onto to pull herself up.

    My other daughter Josie also has a gross motor delay, even though she was born without complications, and as far as we can tell she is perfectly healthy and normal. She didn't start army crawling until she was 13 1/2 months actual age - but she's really taken off since then. She started hands and knees crawling at 14 months, and by 15 1/2 months she was cruising pretty well. Right now she will walk holding onto one finger or the wall, but isn't quite confident enough to do it herself.

    Did your ped recommend early intervention, or some other program like it? My girls have been seeing a PT through early intervention since March, and I think it has helped them tremendously. Both of my kids are very cautious and very content babies - I think this contributed to them not moving until they were older. Before they started crawling they could sit and play with each other for hours on end and not get bored or feel the need to move. The PT evaluates their progress when she sees them every two weeks, and then gives me ideas of things to try with them to help motivate them to move more and try new things.

    Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions about our experiences!
  4. Inlowtwins

    Inlowtwins Well-Known Member

    My girls are preemies, so we have some gross motor delays too. They were both crawling by 11 months actual and have been cruising for about 4 months, but are still not walking at 17 months (14 months adjusted). They love to cruise and push toys, but have no interest in walking. They can't stand to walk and hold your hands. Just this week they have finally stood alone for several seconds. I would try not to worry (easier said than done) their doctor says full term children walk any where b/t 9 - 18 months. Good Luck and hand in there!
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Yes, Grace. She did exactly all that at that age. But she's come along and is so, so close to walking on her own at this point.

    Some babies just do things later than others. Grace is far more cautious than her sister. We had her evaluated by EI at around 13 months, and she qualifed based on the fact she couldn't get herself into a sitting position at that point, but she started doing that like a week later so we just have EI visit every month and check in, we chose not to do any therapy. The EI lady gives us stuff to work with her on.

    She's really following all the same stages of gross motor development her sister did, just way, way slower. But still within normal range for her adjusted age. And I'm hoping walking happens in the next week or two.

    I'd call EI if I were you. The evaluation is free, and if DS qualifies they will work with him. Try not to worry though, every baby develops at their own pace. I know it is stressful though, I've been there.
  6. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    Yes my Payton was the same way. However she has been in therapy since she was 6 months old. Now she is just starting to cruise ect. If you feel there is a concern then definently talk ot your pedi.
  7. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    My dd has some gross motor delays, and she's been in therapy for awhile now. At first we were just going to the hospital, but around their bday they told me they thought her delay was big enough that she'd qualify for Early Intervention.....which has been great. I also started taking her to a few acupuncture sessions, and I firmly believe those helped, too.

    She didn't start crawling till about 14 mos, she stands on her tiptoes a lot, very stiff legs, etc. Sounds kind of similar to what your ds is doing. Only within the last couple of weeks has she been doing well about sitting back down after standing. Not really cruising, either......but something the PT told me to do with her to help with that was hold her by the elbows & help her "walk" around the house. She said not to stand behind her & hold her by the hands - which is what I had been doing. She told me that they'll rely on your balance more that way, instead of learning to do it themselves. So instead I'm supposed to support her elbows, or somehow keep her hands lowered and help her walk that way. Also we have one of those little toys that you stand & push - the PT was helping dd the other day with that & she went all over the house! I never thought of it, since I didn't think she could do it yet.

    Something else we do that helps with that movement of the knees & hips is set her on a bouncy ball and let her kind of sit on it & bounce while I sit with her so she doesn't fall over. That one helps strengthen a lot of areas.

    I remember not so long ago being seriously worried, thinking she'll never even crawl.....but with a little help & just some time she's doing amazing & we are SO proud of her! I would contact your pedi or your EI office (I believe there's a link here for it, but your pedi should also be able to help.) They can just do an evaluation and go from there. I was sooooooo scared at 1st when they told me she needed more PT, but it's been the best thing for her.

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