We went to the mall this weekend

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by guestd, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    We don't go to the mall much, but I had a gift certificate and something to exhange at Sephora. I tried to do it the weekend before at a JC Penney's Sephora, but they don't accept Sephora gift cards for some strange reason. Anyway! I got out the double stroller and cleaned it up because it had been in the garage. The twins were excited about riding in it because we hadn't used it in a while. They did really well at first, but for some reason they did not like Sephora! They were crying so my Mom tried to take them out to the mall, but they wanted me. Luckily I pretty much knew what I wanted so I hurried up. That store is pretty overwhelming if you don't know what you want. So we get out of there, and they are better. We go have lunch, went to another store to look for something, and got the boys some cookies since they were being good. We were on our way back to the store where we parked, and I don't know what happened, but both the twins were crying. Not screaming, just crying. I think one of them bit his finger while he was eating his cookie, and maybe the other one was crying for sympathy, who knows! But their was this lady that was in front of us several feet, that turned around and gave us the dirtiest look you could ever imagine! I told my Mom (loudly) that I guess kids aren't supposed to cry. She walked a little farther and turned around again with the same mean look and said "not like that!" They were just fussing, not screaming at the top of their lungs! And it is not like we were in a restaurant, or a library, we were in the mall! I didn't realize it was supposed to be quiet! So I walked closer beind here the whole way to where we were going just to aggrivate her! She even had an older kid with her. I guess her kid never cried. Some people can be so rude!!
  2. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the world of nonperfect parenting. ;)

    My boys cried once getting their haircuts and this lady passing by stopped and looked at me in shock that I would let my boys go through such a disastrous experience. :huh:

    So I walked closer beind here the whole way to where we were going just to aggrivate her!
  3. 1+2=3boys

    1+2=3boys Active Member

    Oh my... people are incredible sometimes! I was in Target with my kids... I thought I was being efficient by stopping there on my way home to get a couple of things since it's 30 min round trip to get to any grocery store from my house. I got food for them all, and set up my 1yr old twins and my 3 yr old in the pizza hut with my nanny to eat lunch while I quickly went to get a couple of things. So, apparently my 3 yr old was yelling 'MOOOOOMMMMMMMMYYYYY!' (not crying, just calling me) and I heard him half way accross the store. So, I stop shopping and go up front, my DS sees me and I say, 'Hi sweetie, you can come in line with me.' and he runs over. (the Pizza Hut is right by the registers and is only separated by a half-wall, so it's totally open. And, my poor nanny had to stay right next to the twins b/c the highchairs didn't have straps. DS was NOT listening to her call him back, but he was only about 10 feet away from her, so she wasn't panicked or anything.) The lady in front of me and the cashier exchange looks and the customer says to the cashier (loud enough for me to hear) "You should take care of your children FIRST, then do your shopping." EXCUSE ME???!!!??!!?? I thought I WAS taking care of my children first by getting them set with lunch WITH THEIR NANNY, so they didn't have to schlep around in a shopping cart while I piled groceries on top of them. YOU try getting any grocery shopping done when you have 3 children ages 3 and under! Shesh.

    Ahhhh... feels good to vent sometimes. :p We do what we can, the best we can. People who aren't blessed with multiples like we are will just never understand the difficulties, nor will they experience the unique joys that come with it, you know?

  4. wentztwins

    wentztwins Active Member

    I was happy to hear I am not the only mother that has children that cry or scream out Mommy in the store. We try hard to explain to the twins not to scream in public but toddlers are going to act like toddlers. My son is very very vocal his pre-school teacher and I talked about it this morning. He yells when he wants something and doesn't get his way, which is many times a day.
    When I see a parent with a crying child I always try to give them a nice smile and try to make them feel more comfortable that it is no big deal the child is not hurting anyone by crying.
  5. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(wentztwins @ Jan 7 2008, 01:06 PM) [snapback]561179[/snapback]
    When I see a parent with a crying child I always try to give them a nice smile and try to make them feel more comfortable that it is no big deal the child is not hurting anyone by crying.

    Me too. I think all of us here know how it feels when your kid(s) are crying in public. I mean, really, should we never take them out? What's wrong with people? Honestly, I've chalked it up to people not being very happy in their lives. Because if they were, they'd be laughing with you at how children just don't understand. Not chastising you on how imperfect (or at least what they see as imperfect) the world can be.
  6. mitzy1400

    mitzy1400 Active Member

    QUOTE(1+2=3boys @ Jan 7 2008, 12:53 PM) [snapback]561147[/snapback]
    The lady in front of me and the cashier exchange looks and the customer says to the cashier (loud enough for me to hear) "You should take care of your children FIRST, then do your shopping."

    Holy Cow, I can't believe people sometimes. I have to say (knock wood) that I've yet to encounter any seriously rude comments but you have me thinking ahead just in case. I read an article once with good responses to similar comments--especially when people comment on your kids during a meltdown. Things like: "Was that meant to be helpful?" and I can't really remmeber the others but maybe something like: "A little understanding here would go a long way."

    My initial response usually tends to be something like "Maybe you should jump in a lake." But if the person actually ends up re-thinking their mean comment it may worth taking the high road. :)
  7. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    Believe me, I wanted to tell this woman off, but my Mom kept telling me to 'be the eagle and rise above her'. So I just walked closer behind her without saying anything. I can fly right above her right?
  8. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    Wow yeah that would have pissed me off too. Kids cry and sometimes you can't help it. It's not like you were beating them or something. Like one of the other people said, what are you suppose to do, not take them out?
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(TripleL @ Jan 7 2008, 10:56 AM) [snapback]560922[/snapback]
    So I walked closer beind here the whole way to where we were going just to aggrivate her!

    :lol: That is what I would have done too! :good:
  10. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    She probably doesn't have kids! :rolleyes: How rude!
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