Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by haleystar, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    Of course, DH is on his 24hr shift at the FD leaving me on the solo shift here at home when something like this, that could only seem to happen to me, occurs...

    SUCCESS: As with every night, the boys use their froggy potty seats before their shower to pee. Well, tonight Alex POOPED! Yes, you read that right. It surprised him, me, all of us. River got up, so excited for his brother and said "Good job Alex!" then he looked up at me and said what I was thinking "PU, that's disgusting!" but continued clapping and cheering him on. So BIG SCORE for Alex the big boy who doesn't like to even pee at any other time of the day in a potty.

    FAIL #1: Being in a small bathroom with 2 floor potty seats, two 3yr olds; one who just pooped in something other than the toilet and another who unleashed a huge amount of urine into the other; and a 30yr old adult (side note: I was NOT prepared for this AT ALL) trying frantically to find wipes and keep these excited 3yr olds to sit still on their designated frog pots until I gave them permission to get up (this is of course for fear of them picking the "pot" off the frog and dumping the grossy into the tub). After evaluating all of my options I decided the logical thing to do, since this poop was golf ball size and I worried that if he pooped more it would end up smearing all over his cheeks freaking all of us out, was to empty Alex's pot into the toilet, put the ring on it and let him finish going potty where I could just flush it away. Thus begins...

    MASSIVE FAIL #2: While Alex was sitting on the toilet ring I decided to go ahead and flush what he already deposited down the toilet and.it.CLOGGED! Yes, it clogged. I pulled Alex off of the toilet and put him back on his now emptied frog seat, took the ring off and proceeded to plunge. 1 good plunge/flush and no success. The boys were now standing around me so they could see this thing I was doing to Alex's poop (because his two golf balls remained intact during the entire event). I'd flush and hope it went down completely and then, up came the crapper twins. I proceed to plunge again and then hear the boys start getting excited about this "game" and giddily they started asking "Did you get one? Did you get a poop? Did you?". with a "YAY! Mommy, you got one!" when they saw me "recollect" the golden nugget, if you will.

    IN SHORT: The very first poop experience that I had been dreading turned out to be much worse then I even thought it could. Now they think there is a game that involves pooping golf balls into their froggy, dumping it into the toilet, flushing to clog the drain and then plunging for cow pies.

    Score 1 for Mommy... [​IMG]
  2. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    Laugh Out Loud!.. I swear, I am laughing with you, not at you.
    Thank you for sharing.. nice to know someone else's life can catapult out of control the way mine so often does!
    I hope you write that in their baby books.. really I am still giggling!
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That's kind of funny but I sure would be giving Alex some prunes or apples and no bananas for awhile. That poop could not have been comfortable to come out. :faint:
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    Glad Alex pooped in the potty for you!
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