We need a jogging stroller

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JennaPa, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    Can you all help me figure out which one of the MANY jogging strollers is worth the money? I don't run or jog really - it's more like fast walking. I also want a stroller we can use "off road" like the beach, soccer field etc. Are the expensive ones - double B.O.B. for expample that much better? Do they make joggers that fit through doors? Are there any that don't break your back? Where can you actually see and try the strollers out. BRU had 1 double. The specialty store had 2.

    I know I'm asking for a lot but I don't have a ton of time to do the research and I find BTDT moms have the best ideas.

  2. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    I just purchased the Instep Safari from Ebay, and love it. We spent $175 w/shipping Although i have to say it didn't do so well on the dry fluffy type sand at the beach! But other than that i love it so far, we have been to the park, regular sidewalk, boardwalk and beach w/it so far.
  3. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    We have a Bob Revolution. I am not a runner wither but this stroller is GREAT for walks. I have also taken it to run errands - though I think it takes up too much of the back of my car, of course so does my duoglider! I have been able to fit it through every door I have tried. I love that the front wheel can be locked in the straight position for when my DH takes it running but can swivel for my walks. I also LOVE the huge sunshades! I had another jogger that I bought used and I hated it because of the wheel being in the straight position all the time and the sunshades were pretty much useless. I even bought one of those add on sunshades but those blew up too much in the wind or when we walked fast.

    I got mine at REI - they had it set up so that is one place that you may be able to try it out.

    The BOB is expensive - I was lucky and my mom split it with me - but I think totally worth it!
  4. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jdandson+2 @ Jun 26 2007, 07:13 PM) [snapback]307852[/snapback]
    I just purchased the Instep Safari from Ebay, and love it. We spent $175 w/shipping Although i have to say it didn't do so well on the dry fluffy type sand at the beach! But other than that i love it so far, we have been to the park, regular sidewalk, boardwalk and beach w/it so far.

    I have the same one and LOVE it! My mom used it the other day and commented on how nice it pushed and was easy to maneuver. It is big though. We can fit in inthe back of our extended mini-van, but not my car (Pontiac Vibe). And, we don't take it to the mall or whatever b/c it's not very store-convenient. However, it's great for outdoors!
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We have the Chariot Cougar 2 and I love it. It is a multi-sport stroller so you can jog with it, city strolling, hike, bike, even xc ski!
  6. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I just bought the Schwinn Double Free Wheeler at mystrollers.com

    I paid $239 and that included shipping.

    I don't know if I like it yet :) BUT - it DOES have a parent tray so I should be able to put cups, keys, etc up higher than the under storage area.

    My second choice was the InStep Safari TT based on what I heard from TS mommies, but I would have had to buy the parent tray attachment and that was $20. In the end, they would have cost about the same.
  7. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    I have the BOB revolution Duallie and love it. I use it for walking, going to the mall, to the foodstore, craft fairs and basically all over. And don't forget the daily caffeine, I am always in Starbucks with it. It has fit through every door I have ever tried and is my stroller of choice. I also have a duoglider and a Combi Twin Savvy (love this one too but my jogger is the best). It does weigh at least 30lbs. It folds down easily and the strap is used to secure it closed. Then I take the front wheel off before lifting it into the car, I find that makes a little difference in the weight and the wheel gets in my way anyway. I have a Town and Country minivan and I can fit it in open when I don't feel like folding it on it's back wheels and handle bar. I keep the front wheel locked for this and it then sticks up between the girls car seats and touches the ceiling of the car. I also love the front swivel wheel, I feel it is a must for getting around easily for the non-joggers like myself.

    I ordered mine from joggingstroller.com. This website also has reviews so you can look up many of the strollers that pp's and future posters are going to tell you about and check what people say on the reviews too. After looking at a few different joggers I decided on the BOB based on the reviews, I always look at the worst reviews first. I was not able to find one to look at before I bought it but I did find the single version at BuyBuy Baby and went there to look at it.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    If you aren't planning on real jogging and want to use it offroad, I highly recommend the Mountain Buggy Urban (with swivel front wheels). It's very stable, very easy to push, and handles bumps really well. We even used it in snow (up to 5" or so).

    I don't know how it compares to cheaper versions (we got ours used), but it's definitely an SUV of strollers. It's big, but not terribly heavy (I can get it in & out of the station wagon myself, though not without grunting). It does fit through most doorways.

    The only drawback, which didn't seem like a big deal when I bought it, but has bugged me a little, is no parent tray. Supposedly there's some website that sells one that will fit, but I haven't tried it yet. Fortunately the MB is easily pushable with one hand, while carrying coffee with the other.
  9. Ellensgirls

    Ellensgirls Well-Known Member

    I've also got the InStep Safari and love it. As others have said, it is heavy, but it pushes like a dream and folds/unfolds easily. I take it everywhere, the mall, dirt roads, walking, shopping, etc. I've never gone on sand and I don't know that it would handle well on that, but elsewhere it is great. The wheels are a bit wide, so the doctor's office is maybe the only place it won't fit.

    The girls love it (3 years now) and the storage is terrific as well. We got ours at The Sports Authority for about $230. I'd have gotten it sooner if I'd known about it. The swivel front wheel is a must. Though it is lockable, I almost never use that feature.

    Have fun shopping,
  10. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I have an Instep Safari and it is working great for us. I do not ever take it anywhere though, I use it solely for walking. I take them to the beach in it and to the park, and I do a lot of "off road" with it. It stays parked in the garage though, I keep our Duoglider in the van for anything else.

    It works great for us, and was much cheaper than some of the other strollers out there. I did have to buy an extra accessory though - a parent tray did not come with it.
  11. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I have the baby jogger city series. It is similar to the mountain buggy but a tad lighter (I think). It has a patent and folds in one step. It is great if you dont have to take in and out of your car. At first I did not mind but recently got tired of how heavy it was. I bought a lighter one to keep in the car and the jogger I planned to keep in the garage for walks. It has ended up though that I still take the jogger with me to place like the mall because it does push so lightly.
  12. Maytwinsmom

    Maytwinsmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Corinne923 @ Jun 26 2007, 11:34 AM) [snapback]307793[/snapback]
    I also want a stroller we can use "off road" like the beach, soccer field etc. Are the expensive ones - double B.O.B. for expample that much better? Do they make joggers that fit through doors? Are there any that don't break your back? Where can you actually see and try the strollers out.

    We have the Bob Duallie and LOVE it. It was much more $$ than we expected to spend, but we both loved the ease of its steer, you can actually make a full circle with one finger. We justified the cost with "it's gonna be the last stroller we buy." I don't jog, but it's great for the Zoo, and beach and parks. I also use it at mall just because I love it so much and though we can fit it through all door, it's not always easy to. The sun shade is trully great, I don't think any other stroller gives you that protection. BRU in my area doesn't sell it, maybe your city does. We bought ours at Right Start, don't know if you have one. There are also many web sites that ship for free. You can save some $$ by buying last year's model.
  13. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies - keep the ideas coming. We're going to the beach in a few weeks and I have to make a decision - soon.

    For the ladies who have the BOB or any of the others with a front swivel wheel - can you lock it for when you want to walk fast/jog/run?
  14. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Corinne923 @ Jun 27 2007, 12:31 PM) [snapback]309086[/snapback]
    For the ladies who have the BOB or any of the others with a front swivel wheel - can you lock it for when you want to walk fast/jog/run?

    Yes, the wheel can be locked in place and adjusted to make sure it tracks straight.
  15. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I have a dreamer design http://www.dreamerdesign.net/ double and I love it. It is the only stroller we have/have ever had. It's not the latest model--but I wish it was, from looking at their web site they just keep getting better and better. My parents bought it for me, it was a close out model from ebay. It's light, easy to steer, very well balanced, has an awesome sun shade that blocks the sun any time of day, and it has 16" tires and I use it off road pretty much most of the time I use it. My husband runs with it (he even did a 5k fun run with it last year). I don't run but we walk on trails in the mountains. We put thorn shields inside the tires to help cut down on puntures. I've never taken it to a mall because we don't go places like that. I've only ever met 1 door it wouldn't fit through and we have a old VW Beatle so obviously it doesn't fit in the trunk, but we put a luggage rack on top and it's so light I can easily swing it up there and strap it down. (and I'm only 5'4" and not that strong)

    I highly recommend the dreamer design strollers.
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