We may be moving to toddler beds sooner than later.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinzmom2b, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I thought I would be able to buy myself a little bit of time moving into toddler beds. We are *hoping* to be able to do it around November/December this year in preparation for the new baby coming in March. The twins (at this time) would be 2.5 by the end of the year.

    Well, we've noticed 2 times this week that when we go in to get Reagan, she will swing her leg over the side of the crib and dangle is until we get her out. YIKES!!! This could be the beginning of a disaster I'm afraid.

    So, we'll see how the next few weeks go, this only seems to be happening when we go in and say, "Ok, let's go downstairs." Other than that, they both LOVE their cribs. I don't want to move this soon if I don't have to.
  2. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    Wow!! Alexandra just put her leg up the other day while we were getting ready for bed. I too can not imagine them in beds yet. I hope this is just a phase and Reagan stays in her crib for a while longer.
  3. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    i know what you mean. i was wanting to skip the toddler bed and go right into twin beds. But I've caught Alexis BALANCING on the railing a couple of time and she has also fallen out once (several months ago). I just wanted to have them potty trained before doing the big girl bed. *sigh* maybe I will have to promote to toddler beds sooner!
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Katelyn used to do this and I would put her leg back down in the crib and say no-no and then kind of ignore it. She has never tried to actaully get out, but does like to put her leg up and tempt me I guess. Honestly I cannot imagine mine being out of the crib at this point ( they turn 2 1/2 in 2 days) and would be more inclined to try crib tents first before the toddler beds at that age.
  5. **Sandy**

    **Sandy** Well-Known Member

    Elizabeth started to do this and we were worried. Then they both started climbing into their cribs. That is when we decided to go ahead and make the switch to toddler beds. It was a relatively easy transition for us and my girls sleep great in the beds.
  6. shanm

    shanm Well-Known Member

    My Reed starting trying to climb out of his crib at the end of June. In fear that he would land on his head, we took the sides off the cribs. As soon as we did that, they wouldn't sleep in their cribs. We put a gate at their door and they wanted to sleep there. We put twin beds in their rooms and they will go grab their pillows and lovies and fall asleep at the gate. Ironically, we put them in the travel yards at nap time, so they will take a nap. They have not tried to crawl out of those. We just sold our cribs last weekend. That is the end of the crib road for us....woohoo!!
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