We have braces!

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by jxnsmama, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    I think I had more butterflies than Jackson this morning. He surprised me with his bravery and nonchalant attitude (definitely not his usual demeanor when faced with something new and worrisome). He went into the ortho at 9:00 and at 9:45, came back out the door with a big smile on his face. He said he felt fine and that it went well, and we got him to school just in time for 2nd hour. I told him he must be growing up, because he showed such maturity and was so calm through all of this. I remember how much braces hurt at times, and I'm hoping they've improved and that his experience will continue to be good.

    His main concern is that he can't eat Skittles or Doritos for two years. ;-)
  2. CCJN

    CCJN Well-Known Member

    LOL sounds like a true brace wearer!!

    Glad it went well, I remember when my oldest got them on for the first time, Does he have the bands on yet where they get to pick what color they want to sport?

    We were told last week at Jacob's dental appointment braces are in his future, I hope he handles it as well as Jackson did! :)
  3. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Glad it's going well! I remember how painful it was, too. Hopefully he's not too uncomfortable.

    I'm impressed with how he's handled it! I know I wasn't very good about it.
  4. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    Wow! He is a trooper!

    How adorable is he!? Berkley is dying to get them, LOL!
  5. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    well done to Jackson.! :)
    I remember how painful it was.. both me and alisha got braces at the same time. We couldnt chew anything for like a 1 or so.. it was bad. But it got better. We have them off now and still have our retainers.. but its worth it in the end..

    I wasnt very happy about it.. im surprised at how well he went! :)
  6. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    WTG Jackson!

    And no skittles or doritos? Oh, dear. DS2 is getting casts made Oct 2. They never mentioned the skittles.
  7. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Great Job, Jackson! I understand the Skittles--but why no Doritos? I bet he will eat a lot of pasta for the next few days :)
  8. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    No Doritos because of the hard pointy edges -- I guess they can get wedged into the braces. He also had to cut up his carrot sticks yesterday, but he didn't complain. I told him full-size carrot sticks were fine, and he brought me the list from the ortho that said they had to be cut up. At least HE knows what's going on. :)

    He started hurting the night he got them on, but only a bit before bedtime. I gave him a dose of Motrin, and by yesterday, all was good.

    He did have a choice of colors, but being that he has to wear them for two years, DH and I advised him he should just go with the regular silver ones. I wouldn't have minded if he'd wanted one color, like blue or something, but he was talking about red and black (AC/DC colors) or green and yellow (Packer colors). Both sounded really unappealing to me, and knowing him, what he thinks looks cool right now, he won't like at all in about 6 months. He was fine with getting silver.

    He has them on the top only right now. Bottom braces to come later.
  9. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    Wow, what a trooper!

    I know all my kids will need braces too, and I can only hope they will be as cool as Jackson was. For some odd reason, the twins are looking forward to them as well.
  10. mommyto3girls

    mommyto3girls Well-Known Member

    Way to go Jackson! Caitlyn will need to get them soon. She has an impacted lower incisor that the otho is concerned about first. He gave it 6 months to come out on its own but so far nothing.

    I thought they changed the bands every so often. Someone I used to work with used to tell what colors her niece got each time. If they did not brush properly, he put on gray. Caitlyn goes to the same one.

    Good luck with everything. I remember how painful mine were sometimes.
  11. 3Xblessed

    3Xblessed Well-Known Member

    Sounds like its going well. We will be there soon as well with at least one of the twins. I think we are going to try spacers and to correct the cross bite as soon as my dd loses her top teeth.

    How often do they change the bands?
  12. krysn2ants

    krysn2ants Well-Known Member

    First...I'm really, really late coming to this thread.

    Second, congrats to Jackson for taking it so good! I forget, Amy, how old is he? I'm asking b/c the boys will be 10 next week and I know Michael is going to need braces. They just got dental insurance after not having it for a couple years...earlier in the year we went to a free thing for kids without dental insurance and they cleaned their teeth and put a sealant on their teeth but did tell me that they thought he'd need them. I never had braces so I don't even know how old kids are when they first put them on. I'm dreading taking him to the dentist, mostly because he doesn't know too much about braces and I don't want him freaking out on me...LOL
  13. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    Jackson's 11. He's been seeing an orthodontist every six months for the past couple years, just to keep an eye on his teeth and determine when he should start with braces.

    When I have orthodontic care as a child, I started in 1st grade with a bite plate, got a headgear later, and had top-only braces in 7th grade, followed up by a retainer. Now, though, they generally wait longer and try to have all treatment completed in a couple years.
  14. DinaJ

    DinaJ Well-Known Member

    My 14 yr. old just got hers off, so we've survived one set so far! She couldn't eat popcorn for 2 years, which about killed her.
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