We have been invited to a christening.

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ambernruby, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    My girls cousin who was born 3 weeks after our girls is getting christened in 3wks time. I feel silly but i am absolutely terrified to take the girls! Every time they miss out on a nap they have a complete meltdown until they get there sleep. They don't nap anywhere but there cots so it's not like i can put them down for a nap anywhere. Since the girls always breakdown when they miss out on naps i haven't taken them to any place for longer than there awake time since they were about 4mths old. They are now 6mths old, do you think they will be able to handle being kept up abit better now? How do you all handle situations where your lo's aren't at home for nap time? Any suggestions welcome! TIA
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Before mine were 6 months, I would do my best to be home by nap time (or what I would assume naptime to be because they were not the best nappers in the world before 6 months). After 6 months, if we were going to be somewhere during their nap time, DH, myself, or someone else would hold them and rock them and they'd usually fall asleep, however they did not sleep as long as they normally would at home, so I would start bedtime earlier to adjust for the loss of naptime. Good luck and I hope your girls do well!
  3. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Thankyou Nancy! I hope they can sleep while we are out but i just can't see that happening without a complete meltdown beforehand. I guess i will just have to grin and bear it. I feel so bad for them when they cry because i am throwing them off there routine! Maybe now they are a little older the meltdown wont be as traumatic as it was when they were 4mths old..fingers crossed! I have visions of both babies screaming throughout the whole service arrrrgh!
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Mine were the type of babies that wouldn't nap just anywhere. We didn't go out to much during nap time because the meltdowns just weren't worth it. I definately think you should give it a shot. :good: Mainly because it's a Christening and worst case they start at it, you can leave. I hope they do well for you. :hug:
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I too would go. Its for a special occasion. If they sleep in the car either leave a little early and drive around so they get a nap before or let them nap in the car on the way home. GL and have fun. It gave me tons of anxiety to skip naps. Its still a pretty rare occasion for me to try it. But I would do it for a special occasion. :hug:
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sorry you are having so much anxiety about it, I am the same way. Since it's just one special occassion I would go and brace yourself for the worst, just in case. You might be pleasantly surprised!
  7. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Aw thanx you guys! I knew i could come on here and as always get me some great advice and a little confidence booster aswell. :grouphug:

    Twinlove i agree that sometimes the meltdowns are not worth the trip out are they. Like you all say this is an occasion and i love the idea of scarpering when/if the going gets tough hehe.

    DatjMom i hadn't thought about the journey, if they will go to sleep anywhere it will be in the car so hopefully we could time it right. I hate feeling so worried about it, it's pants! I'm sure the whole family think i am odd for stressing over sleep so much but if they do end up having a breakdwon everyone will get to see the aftermath of skipping naps x 2 lol

    Aimee, that is good thinking! At least i will be prepared for it and hopefully the girls will prove me to be a drama queen but i really can't see that happening somehow lol

    Anyway it is very comforting to know that i am not the only person out there that worries about the consequenses of missing naps, it feels like it over here sometimes. Maybe it is more of a Twin Mum concern.

    Thanx again ladies :)
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree, I would go & hope for the best since it's a special occasion. If they get too cranky, you can always just apologize & say they need to nap and leave early. Hopefully, they will be so interested in being in a new place/situation, they won't get cranky.
  9. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    Is this during regular church services or after church for a private ceremony? If it is during regular services then maybe you can take them to the nursery if the church has one and try to get them to nap or just talk with the nursery workers. If it's a private ceremony with just family/friends maybe it won't take that long and you can survive before the meltdown by holding and rocking. Good luck.
  10. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I would say try it and maybe hope they sleep in the car on the way there or the way home. If it doesn't go over well you don't have to do it again. You could always leave early if they are melting down.

    DH wants to take the babies to a baseball game (a day game) later this month. I have the same concerns as you, but I'd like to do a few fun things this summer.
  11. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I would go too. If it were a wedding, I would think differently, but there will be other babies there and everyone will understand if a meltdown occurs. It will mean more to your family that you tried and had to leave early than if you didn't go at all.
  12. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Thanx all, it is much appreciated!

    Tina, that is exactly what i'm hoping for! That they will be so amazed by by the church and all the people that they forget about how overtirred they are getting, at least until we sett off home! I have noticed lately that they can be distracted more easily when they get fussy so i'm crossing all fingers and toes!

    Daniv, thanx for this suggestion! I'm not sure but i will ring Pauls cousin to find out, that would be great if we could go somewhere to calm them.

    Amberg, thankyou and yes if all else fails we run lol Best of luck with the base ball game now that is adventurous!

    Mommymeg, this is a good point. The place will no doubt be packed with babies anyway and yes i would probably be quite upset if it were them who didn't show up to our girls special day. We will make the effort if nothing else.

    This has got me thinking about our little gems christening and i just don't think it would be enjoyable for them or me right now. So DF and i were discussing it and we came up with June 2010. What do you all think? I know it seems ages away but reckon they will be a little more able to stay up and enjoy the party afterward. I know babies usually get christened as newborns but with two i just don't think it would make for a nice day.
  13. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    I waited until my DD was 1 to have her baptized and also with my boys. We just had theirs a week after their 1st birthday. My parents and IL's all hours away and so we wanted eveyrone to be there for both things and couldn't expect them to drive both weekends so we combined it. Everyone went to church had the baptism and then came back to the house where I had prepared a Boston Butt in the crockpot, and potato salad and baked beans. We had the boys cakes and I got cupcakes for the rest of us. And it was perfect. The only thing that could have made it better was if Greyson hadn't ran a fever due to his teething. He started in the middle of unwrapping presents. So yes I think June 2010 is a perfect time. Have fun at the Christening.
  14. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Aw a double celebration is so special and it sounds like you all had a lovely day. Hey it was Greysons party he can cry if he wants too, i feel a song coming on :rolleyes: No but really if it isn't teeth it is illness with children isn't it, nobody warned me about this when i was pregnant lol
    Thanx will do my best to have fun :unsure:
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