We have all been sick for almost a month

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AliPaige717, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    Paige has croup!!!!! I can't believe this. I knew when the girls started school (only 2 mornings a week, 3 hours each day) that we would be constantly sick for at least 3 months or so but I am sick too so that isn't helping things.

    Today they were supposed to get their flu shots but Paige has been running a fever since yesterday. So I just wanted the girls checked out. Alexandra has been coughing on and off at night for at least three nights now. It sounds terrible but she seems to sleep through it because I go in to offer water and she is not awake. The pedi checked her out and everything is clear thankfully and hopefully she won't get croup too.

    Paige got a fever yesterday and was at 102.2 at it's highest. She napped and woke up soaked and has almost no voice and a very dry cough, no barking. So I didn't really think croup till she got upset this morning and from crying and taking air in she sounded barky. Then she got upset at the pedi and he immidiatly said croup.

    I hope they get better soon. I can't stand seeing them so sick. I already have a cool mist humidifier going in their room and have set up another one in my livingroom where they play most of the time. I have also been keeping the house a little cooler than usual so they Paige can breath better too. DH and I are going to try and put something under her mattress to elevate it a little on the end that she usually sleeps at.

    Is there anything else I can do to make Paige more comfortable till this passes?
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sorry about the sickness. Emilie had the croup last month and it wasn't fun.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :hug99: It's no fun when kids are sick! I hope they get better soon!
  4. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    When Dave had the croup I would run the shower until the bathroom was steamy, then go in and hang out for a while. That's what helped us most. I hope your sweetie feels better soon. :(

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