We did it! YAY!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nikki_0724, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Well Yesterday I took everything out of the boys room except their mattresses, blankets and blues clues bedtime dolls and at 830pm I said my goodnights and closed the door behind me. I peeked in a few times to see them walking around and such. At 1030pm i checked again and they were sound asleep. A few times during the night I checked on them and they were off their bed sleeping some random place in the room so i picked them up and put them back on their bed. Ithink I worried way to much about this but them seem to like their new set up.

    The same thing happened for nap time today I put them in there around 1130 and they walked arouns and played for 2hrs before finally falling asleep. I have a major downfall with our bedrooms b/x we have 2 verticle windows in each bedroom that go from the ceiling to the floor so they spent a LONG time looking out the window.

    Now for my question, When they were in cribs they would play around for 30-45min and then sleep. Now that they are in beds and free to roam they play for 2hrs then sleep. Do you all just allow them to do what ever in their room untill they finally drift off. Or did you just stop naptime. They are way to young to not have a nap at all. and Im not ready for that either. I guess I dont have a problem with what they are doing b/c I know they will sleep when they are ready just looking for your thoughts.
  2. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have no idea how long it takes Joey to fall asleep at naptime or at night. Joey and Ellie share a room and I just put them down at the appropriate time and get them up when Ellie starts crying a few hours later. I know when Ellie moves to a bed (sometime after age 3) that it will be a whole different story and when Ellie can talk to Joey.

    So I guess I just let Joey (and Ellie) do whatever in their room until they fall asleep.
  3. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Yay for no more cribs! :banana: 18 months seems a little early to be dropping naps all-together. Maybe once the "newness" of the room wears off it won't take as long for them to fall asleep?
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    You are so brave! My kids are a year older than yours and I wouldn't dare take them out of their cribs yet. Hopefully once it's not new anymore they will fall asleep quicker. I agree that 18 months seems to young to drop naps.
  5. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(FirstTimeMom814 @ Jul 3 2007, 10:44 PM) [snapback]316538[/snapback]
    You are so brave! My kids are a year older than yours and I wouldn't dare take them out of their cribs yet. Hopefully once it's not new anymore they will fall asleep quicker. I agree that 18 months seems to young to drop naps.

    LOL..... Trust me it was not something i wanted to do. I had a few prior posts trying to figure out how to keep them in their cribs when they started climbing out and the crib tents didnt work on our cribs. So this was the only option I could think of (with the help of TS moms) to keep them safe.

    I was planning on them being in cribs till they were at least 3 so much for that Idea.

    No way and i dropping naps they will stay in there till they sleep I was just wondering what others were doing.

  6. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    My kids were 2.5+ when they transitioned out of cribs, but they did the same thing - wander around the room for a long time before settling down. I was patient for the first 2 weeks, then I decided to give them "x" amount of time before going in and letting them know that talk/play time was over. After a few nights of this they began to go right to sleep. Now, at 5.5 years old, I am back to telling them to settle down and go to sleep. I guess I'll have to deal with it off and on as long as they share a bedroom.
  7. kerihough

    kerihough Member

    We just transitioned ours to toddler beds. Night time they do great, except for falling out of bed. They don't attempt to get out of bed at all. But naptimes are another story. They try and go play. I usually have to go in there and lay on the floor so they don't get out of bed, but Today Logan decided to nix nap time altogether. Hopefully that don't happen again. As for the falling out of bed thing, I am about to get rid of the crib/toddler bed thing and just put the mattresses on the floor. The crib/toddler bed is still a bit high for my taste.
  8. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I let them do what they want but there are exceptions, they have to stay relatively quiet, no rambuctious activity (no yelling, running, jumping etc etc). They can talk, sing, read books, play with puzzles all they want but they have to keep it as relatively quiet time.
  9. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I like the mattress onthe floor Idea. were looking for toddler beds now but I dont think they are ready for them yet. I was not ready to see the cribs go:(
    What is so funny thought is that they usually end up on the fkoor throung out the night anyway our half on the floor using the mattress as a pilow...

    They are so funny!!!!
  10. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Oh gosh..we're on the same page!

    The day before yesterday, I put the girls mattresses on the floor because of climbing out problems. I only have to worry about naps at my house on the weekends and I just put them in there yesterday and closed the door just like I do at night. They did play and finally lay down. I didn't go back until they were crying to get out a couple hours later.

    My son, for afternoon nap, he doesn't HAVE to sleep but he must have quiet time. meaning he can read books laying in bed or play quietly. If he's noisy, I turn off his light...he hates that!

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