We cleared the grocery store today!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debfitz, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    Only twin moms will get this one. Ok, so I was out of a few items that are necessary for breakfast tomorrow, so I scoop up the twins and head to the store. No biggie right? We do this all the time. Well, today they both had issues in the cart! I was in the store for about a minute before the screaming and crying and tantrums x2 started! Boy was I getting the stare down from everyone...like I was beating them or something! I went to the checkout counter as quickly as possible, started putting my groceries on the belt, and the yelping and screaming started again. Well, lets just say that there was a line behind me, but they all left![​IMG] We were definitely the talk of the store. But it just floored me the dirty looks these old women were shooting me! I guess they've never heard a crying baby..or 2 at the same time! The funny thing is, it didn't bother me! I actually thought their disapproving glares were funny knowing they had no idea what having 2 at the same time was like. So of course once I got the twins in the car and turned on their favorite dvd, the whining stopped..MAGIC! I'm suprised someone didn't call DSS on me for having 2 crying children..it seemed as if they were ready! Please tell me someone else here has also experienced this horror! I still think it's funny that we cleared the line behind us!
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    LOL Good for you for ignoring those looks!! You're right they don't have any idea what our lives our like...
    Glad they calmed down in the car!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :yahoo: Kudos to you for ignoring those looks! People sometimes just don't get it.
  4. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    I had something similar happen - I was in the checkout line and one of them started crying and the checker actually said "Sounds like nap time" I was pissed and shot her a nasty look. We can all think it, but totally uncalled for to say it out loud.
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    [quote name='Shelly's twins' date='28 January 2010 - 08:15 PM' timestamp='1264734959' post='1567593']
    I had something similar happen - I was in the checkout line and one of them started crying and the checker actually said "Sounds like nap time" I was pissed and shot her a nasty look. We can all think it, but totally uncalled for to say it out loud.

    :laughing: when people say this to me, i usually just say "yup" cause 9 times out of 10 they're right. it can definitely be annoying though. i hate it when your kids are obviously having a meltdown but people still want to stop & chat about their cousin's mother's niece's best friend who just had maternal twins, don't you know. :rolleyes:

    to the OP - good for you for ignoring the dirty looks! :good:
  6. twinfinite

    twinfinite Well-Known Member

    Hehe, thanks for sharing. Can totally relate. The magnitude of the loudness is almost unreal.

    You know what ticks me off though? When others ask (even family members like grandma/grandpa/aunt/uncle) why they are crying. Umm, hello! Thought you took care of kids before? They are toddlers -- they cry all the time just for being bored!
  7. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    LOL. Oh yeah, done that. Most recently, I had all 3 in the grocery store and, as usual, the twins decided to go into full-out meltdown just about the time we got in the checkout line. Well, they continued to cry and I, of course, continued to check out. I mean, what else could I do? And I'm used to this. This was always DS#1's m.o., too...saint while shopping, meltdown in the checkout lane. Apparently I'm pretty good at tuning them out, since I just carried on talking to the cashier and grabbing bags of groceries. When I finally did look up, people for at least 4 lanes either side of me looked REALLY stressed. heehee. I think they were a little disarmed that *I* wasn't in a panic.

    One bonus...I've actually had a cashier pull me out of line open a lane ONLY for me...I'm presuming to get me out of the store as quickly as possible. Hey, I'm good with that. Believe me, I want to leave, too! And in the same store I had that happen while I was very pregnant, too. They probably thought I was going to deliver then and there. lol

    I guess if nothing else, having twins has sure toughened me up!! :ibiggrin:

    LOL. Oh yeah, done that. Most recently, I had all 3 in the grocery store and, as usual, the twins decided to go into full-out meltdown just about the time we got in the checkout line. Well, they continued to cry and I, of course, continued to check out. I mean, what else could I do? And I'm used to this. This was always DS#1's m.o., too...saint while shopping, meltdown in the checkout lane. Apparently I'm pretty good at tuning them out, since I just carried on talking to the cashier and grabbing bags of groceries. When I finally did look up, people for at least 4 lanes either side of me looked REALLY stressed. heehee. I think they were a little disarmed that *I* wasn't in a panic.

    One bonus...I've actually had a cashier pull me out of line open a lane ONLY for me...I'm presuming to get me out of the store as quickly as possible. Hey, I'm good with that. Believe me, I want to leave, too! And in the same store I had that happen while I was very pregnant, too. They probably thought I was going to deliver then and there. lol

    I guess if nothing else, having twins has sure toughened me up!! :ibiggrin:
  8. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    It does seem like you get faster service when they have meltdowns..hmmmm. Not a bad idea. I'm like you, and kuddos to you, I am used to tuning it out and not getting frazzled by it. It is quite funny that everyone else gets their panties in a wad when they have in store meltdowns.
  9. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I think it's great how calm you were; I get so anxious when my boys get fussy for some reason. :pardon: I need to take a page from your book and be more matter-of-fact when they melt down while in public. :D
  10. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: i can just see the looks its the universal "cant you control your kids" gotta love the older generation:girl_devil:; i hear "you have your hands full" when they start to fuss or whine--
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