Ways to entertain babies

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by tiff12080, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I am running out of things to do to entertain my babies. I would really appreciate any tips or products you think I should get. I currently have play mat, bouncy seat, jumper, swing. I must sing all day long to them and we sometimes watch baby einstein with mixed reviews. Please help!!!
  2. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I struggle with it sometimes too... b/c I'd love to read books to them, but all they want to do is chew the books!

    Ours enjoy the play table that has electronic buttons to push. Most have legs you can take off to put on the floor when they are younger. We have a fenced play area and I tied one of the legs to the fence wall so that it wouldn't tip over, and they could pull up on it (at 8 mo. or so) when they started standing. BUT now, my boy will try to stand on top... so I've had to move to the center so that he won't climb out! do you have any exersaucers? those are nice for them to hit all the buttons etc.

    I've also recently started watching Signing Time dvds... for baby sign language... the babies love them, and I really like that they incorporate children signing, not just cartoons or something. anyway, that series is really nice, our library has them so I can check out different ones.

    good luck!
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We took lots of walks, went to Target, used the exersaucer, and I just left them to themselves on occasion too.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i toss a gazillion toys in the middle of the living room floor & leave them to it. i only intervene if they're cranky or needing some one on one time. when my girls were about the same age as your LOs the jumperoo was a big hit. GL!
  5. jen8675309

    jen8675309 Well-Known Member

    I am also struggling with this as well with my 5 month olds. I have named all their activity centers (exersaucer, bumbos, swings, floor time, etc) "stations" and we rotate stations after about 20 minutes unless they get cranky earlier. I also take them with me when I'm doing activities, such as, when I cook, do the dishes, make their bottles for the day, and I'm in the kitchen, I'll have them sit in their highchairs with toys and we'll "talk" about what mommy is doing. I also put them on the couch surrounded by pillows and have them play with their toys (their 2 favs are their laptop and around town baby driver both by Vtech). They love love love playing on the floor on their mats or just on a blanket with toys. I try to make the things I'm doing seem like a game to them (folding laundry, feeding the cats, etc). They seem to be entertained by whatever I'm doing, plus they like for me to just let them play by themselves too.

    Good thread! I like to read what others are doing with their LO's!
  6. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the tips ladies. Part of my problem i s that my boys are limited in what they are ready to do. They haven't quite gotten control of their hands yet so toys are not that fun to them. Hopefully soon. Keep the tips coming!
  7. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    At that age, I would put them in bumbos with the tray and put toys on top for them to reach for. I would also put them in the bumbo's with the Laugh And Learn Table between them so they could sit and reach all the toys. Jumperoo, exersaucer were big ones. My girls love books that they can touch and feel stuff so I would open them up while they were on their tummies and let them touch the pages. I also let them play with spoons, tupperware containers, empty shampoo bottles etc. They love anything that ISN'T a toy. :)
  8. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    I learned this from another mom, but we spend like 10-15 minutes each "awake/activity" time stretching. I stretch their legs out, then their arms, and then I'll stretch one arm and the opposite leg, then touch them together. They seem to like it!
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