We wipe faces and hands with washcloths throughout the day...but I am getting irritated with them accumulating in the kitchen, hanging to dry on the sink. Where do you dry them? I saw that some of you have separate bins in the kitchen for the wet washcloths...is this on the counter somewhere? My kiddos would be into anything that was on the floor. Thanks for ideas (But, I imagine it is just one of those things I will have to get used to!!)
i just toss them in the washing machine after i use them, but our washer is pretty close to the kitchen...
I only use one washcloth per day. After each meal, I give it a good wash with soap and let it air dry until the next meal.
I have a little wastebasket to collect bibs & washcloths/flannels wipes since I usually just use them once and then wash... just be warned to NOT put them in a basket that will be there for more than a day... stuff will mold... sometimes I let them hang on the sides to dry for a couple of hours then into the bin... BUT now that the kids are more mobile and into everything that's not really working either... ugh... good luck.
When the weather was warmer I had a small clothesline out the back door and just hung them up there to dry before tossing them down the stairs toward the laundry room. Now they hang off the cupboard door handles... not attractive, but reasonably effective. I learned the hard way that you MUST let them dry out - that mold stinks.
I too learned the hard way.....Mold is gross!! but what I do now is after their meals I hang the cloth over a gerber puffs container that sits on my counter top....once its dry I throw it into a basket which i used to keep in a cupboard but now I keep it on the washer! Not a great way...but now we don't have moldy cloths. I guess you could hang it over their highchair or somewhere as well.
I have many, many washclothes, so after I use each one i just put in wash and use a clean one for the next meal cleanup, doesnt bother me to use that many, they are small anyhow.
We throw ours into a tub in the laundry room sink with Oxyclean. They do tend to get moldy pretty quickly otherwise.
We throw it on the wash machine, as we do with stuff that we spray to get stains out, until we do laundry, which we do every night after the girls go to bed.