Was this just a bug? Do I need to keep them home?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MeredithMM, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    Yesterday one of the boys was kind of grumpy and running a very low grade fever. I thought it was teething. But then last night the fever went to 101, he seemed very restless, etc. He also had a few small rash-like places on his lower legs and arms.

    So then I thought maybe it was chicken pocks.
    But it never spread or anything.

    Maybe it could have been an unrelated heat rash, something they both get a lot.

    Anyway, this morning he seems just fine---no fever at all, in a great mood, no rash.

    We were supposed to go a few places today. SHould I keep them home?
  2. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Could it be roseola? My girls have never had it but the fever and rash combo fits. But you said the rash is already gone and wasn't present on the trunk region so it probably isn't that. Also, roseola is contagious so if only one of your boys was/is exhibiting symptoms then he's probably fine. Do your boys have sensitive skin that is prone to rash? My girls are very fair and have sensitive skin so often have rashes or similar skin sensitivities. Chances are it is probably just that and I would say you should be fine to go out and about today. I would just keep things to a minimum and keep an eye on him just in case.
  3. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    my guess is that it's not roseola because it sounds like the fever was fairly low grade and the rash showed up right away. still, if you feel like the two events are connected you could call your pedi for some input.

    if he seems to be feeling okay today you could probably get out of the house for a bit. you might want to limit his contact with others, both kids and adults. and watch for signs of a return of the fever. if he gets worn out from the hustle and bustle he might be susceptible to another spike.
  4. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    We had roseola and the rash was the exiting of the virus. Was the rash the final symptom? After the fever broke? Could have also been a slight reaction to a food, which can give you a rash. Not an allergic reaction, but a food sensitivity. Like strawberries, or something acidic. I would probably continue with my plans assuming no fever, good temperament, and no other signs.
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    As long as the fever stays down & he feels okay, I don't see any need to keep them at home. I hope he feels better!
  6. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone!

    I did take them out, and G's fever went up again, but then I gave him some tylenol and now he is giggling and playing.
    The rash keeps coming up and going away, which makes me think it is just a heat rash. It's VERY hot here right now.

    Thanks again!
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