warm/mild days, cold nights

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by bstone716, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    For the past few days, it's been in the 70s during the day and dropping down into the 40s and 50s at night. Our house is older, so it heats up pretty well from the sun and doesn't really get cool until the middle of the night. This morning when I got up around 7, the thermostat was at 67 (we haven't turned the heat on yet)! The boys' little hands were frigid, and their feet were cold through their sleepers.

    Any ideas how I can dress them to keep them warmer for sleep? They've been STTN for 4 months now, so I'd like to think they'd be waking up if they were cold, but they're not. Maybe they're fine, and Mommy is just worried. :) I thought about using the wearable blankets again, but that won't help their hands.

  2. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    No matter how warm their jammies are, their feet always feel cold to me. So I've been putting socks on under the footed jammies. Then I either put a short or long sleeve onesie on under the jammies, depending on how cold I think it will be. I haven't found a solution for their hands yet either. I'm hoping if the rest of them are warm enough, their hands will be too. Once they get settled and fall asleep, I'll usually put a blanket on over them too. Our house has been in the upper 60's at night. This morning it was 27 degrees outside! I'm not ready for this weather :(
  3. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    Hi Becky!
    Miss "seeing you" in the buddy club. Hope your school year is going well. I just went out today and bought some fleece sleepers for the twins. They had been in cotton sleepers- but our house has been 66-67 degrees the past few mornings and their hands are cold too! I am hoping the heavier fleece will help keep them warmer. They don't seem too bothered by it- still sleeping the same- but I worry too :)
  4. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    67 isn't really that cold. In fact, the recommended room temp for sleeping babies is 61-68 degrees. Since their hands are still small, they are probably going to get a little chilly but they aren't in any danger and it obviously isn't bothering them. :)

    What matters is their core temperature and, if you are worried about them being too cold, you can layer a onesie under their sleeper or put on the sleepsack. Another thing to try is putting those little infant mittens on them but they probably aren't going to stay on long at their age.
  5. ghanigirl

    ghanigirl Well-Known Member

    We've had winter weather here in AK for about 3 weeks (yes, there IS snow on the ground! Only about an inch, but still there IS snow!), so we've been dressing them in short sleeve onsies and then fleece sleepers. In the morning they've been fine. I agree with the previous post that it really is their core temperature we should worry about.
  6. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Once it gets cold here we put the babies in short sleeve onesies, fleece jammies, and I put socks on them so their feet don't get so cold. I think their hands are going to be cold no matter what, though, because it is cooler in the house and they aren't moving around much when they sleep.

    Good luck!
  7. MuchFaith22

    MuchFaith22 Well-Known Member

    I put socks on their hands to keep them warm too....but, mine are younger, so they haven't figured out how to get them off yet. ;)
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