wants to wear panties, but won't go on the potty

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    DD is potty trained except for at night (she usually wakes up dry, but we use pullups just in case). But several times now, ds has insisted on wearing underwear but never goes on the potty. Sometimes he'll sit for about 30 seconds & that's it ..... he's done & off. Last time I tried "let's count to 10!" and that helped a little; but no peeing.

    Any suggestions?
  2. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    I am right there with ya. I have the same problem. Today I tried letting both the girls wear underwear and they both peed in two pairs and also pooped once. I gave up!
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Is there something you can bribe him with? For example, my Allison wanted a big girl bed so bad that I printed off one from the internet and taped it above her chart. When she filled up the chart with stars, I told her she'd get one. She would never go until I did that, then she was motivated. Is there something that he really wants that you could tape above an incentive chart?
  4. Our 16 month old daughter is the same way, yet she has no interest in even getting on the potty! She just wants to wear underwear like her big brothers. So we just put her underwear on over her diaper! Satisfies her, and saves on the cleaning up (and laundry!). Would he be willing to try this? Then he would have on underwear, still be able to sit on the potty when he wanted, and you wouldn't be spending your time cleaning up wet spots!
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well maybe put him in underwear and he won't like the feeling when he pees in them. I have never used pull-ups, I have always just used underwear so that is exactly how we start. It may be a good time to start since he wants to wear them, that's a good sign. :good: You could tell him he can't get Thomas (if he is wearing Thomas undies) we, so he has to go on the potty and I would just sit him on the potty every hour to start. That's what I did with all of mine.
  6. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I second putting the undies on over the diaper! Makes them feel like a big kid and saves you the clean-up. I did this for a while with the girls when we first started, then gradually started doing just undies....
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