Wanting to DO more & feeling like it's impossible!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kayte819, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. kayte819

    kayte819 Member

    So as most of you know (or are learning the hard way, ike me) 19 month olds are HARD to keep happy! The problem I'm having is I have a 3 yo DS & B/G twins (19 mos) & I am at a loss on activities to do to engage everyone. We do the ordinary stuff - color, play, go on outings, walks, play outside, do water play, etc. My issue is I feel soooo guilty because the TV is on all the time. Its not that they just sit around staring at it all day, but 1 of the 3 will usually watch as opposed to torturing another one if they are getting bored/tired, etc. I feel like I don't do enough, but I don't know what else to do? The babies are total terrors right now - they throw fits, throw toys, climb everything, fight, and are in general are little tornadoes. I do spend 1-on-1 time w/ my 3 yo doing puzzles, playing games, painting, etc. when the twins nap but not all the time. Sometimes I HAVE to clean because my house will get out of control if I don't make time to do it when they're napping - so he will watch a movie or something. I am racked with mom guilt for not doing more - but I don't know how to engage them all at once. Any ideas? I am a SAHM & since leaving my job to be home with them we have sacraficed most of our disposable income so I don't go to the zoo or childrens museum every week etc becuz I can't! We are home most of the time. I also have a daughter that's 15 who needs rides, attention, etc. & I babysit a 6 month old all day M-F so I try to take care of everyone's needs, the house, etc. but I can't get over not feeling like I am not engaging the LO's enough & am a terrible mom who's letting the TV raise them :(

    Ok, fire away! I welcome any & all advice!!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :bow2: for taking care of a 15 year old, 3 year old, 19 month old twins and babysitting a 6 month old! It sounds to me like you are doing plenty with them. Are there little craft projects that your 3 year old and 19 month olds can work on? Blocks, wooden tool box set, my kids loved (and still love) to draw and color and could do that for most of the day. I think it's easy for us Moms to beat ourselves up and all we can do is the best we can. It truly does sound to me like you are doing a lot with them even if it does not seem like it to you. Another thing to remember is that kids do have short attention spans, so when I try to do an activity with them (like working on letters or a craft) I try to keep easy and short or they lose interest after a while.
  3. twointheoven

    twointheoven Well-Known Member

    Kudos to you for keeping everyone happy, safe, and fed! :)

    I feel the same way you do. I don't necesarily have the answer, but I will share what I have been doing. I try to rotate toys, activities, and tv as much as I can to keep them from getting bored (which equals crazy!). I followed advice from ladies here, and seperated toys and put them away, so I can pull different things out at different times. I take them outside at times as well. Just on our patio (we are in an apartment) with some toys and a sand/water table. I toss in tv intermittantly... mostly when I need to do something with the baby, or make lunch, etc... but I try to keep it off in between, so they don't get used to it. I want it to be exciting for them, KWIM. As far as activities, besides coloring, bubbles, and the water table I haven't really done much. The baby has kept me occupied, and honestly, any time I try something, they just want to eat or throw it. Hopefully they will grow out of it soon, and I can start to try some different stuff.

    You mentioned no disposable income, and I can definitely relate to that. I wanted to suggest checking in to your zoo. Ours has a family annual pass for $50. This is something I planned on doing soon.

    It sounds to me like you are doing fine, but I can definitely relate.
  4. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    How critical is the babysitting job? I know you said no disposable income, is that adding to your household income to pay bills? I only ask because without the 6 month old, you might have more freedom and time to spend with the babies and 3 year old. I am amazed at all you do.

    Are there any parks nearby? We spend a lot of time at the park or in the backyard burning off energy which seems to help mood.

    Good luck.
  5. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    You've got a lot on your plate. I've only got the twins. You might check into Parents as Teachers in your area. If you are looking for an outing... ours has free playgroups M-F. You don't have to be getting services to attend the playgroups. Additionally some community centers will have play gyms that are very cheap ($1 or 2 per kids over 1).

    We also have a family membership to the children's muesum in our area.

    Lots of time is spent in the backyard. I read to them a lot throughout the day. It might be only for a minute or two at a time (depending on their attention span but any amount is beneficial. And if I'm doing other things (folding laundry etc.) I talk to them about what I'm doing or what they are doing. I play a lot of music. They will even "ask" for their favorite songs.
  6. didusaytwins?

    didusaytwins? Member

  7. didusaytwins?

    didusaytwins? Member

    Wow! I have a son who is turning 3 in about 7 wks, I also have b/g 16 mth twins..I couldn't imagine taking on another child right now. I am so impressed. I also, have beaten up myself w/ mom guilt since they have been born on how I should divide my time. I am always struggling with it even though I spend all of my time w/ them so I don't know how much more I could give to them. But w/ all the activity in the house it feels like I am constantly preparing meals, cleaning up and doing laundry. I wish I could sit down more often and try to teach them more than what they already know..I feel like my oldest has received that one on one attention and I still do that w/ him when they go for a.m. nap but even when those times happen between me and one of the twins I don't feel like they are as engaged b/c they are not used to it and probably feel like they are going to be disrupted quickly.
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