Walking Strange

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lillysmom, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    I hope I can describe this in a post, but one of our boys who will be 2 in about 2 weeks has been walking strangely. He has been doing this for some time and lately I notice him doing it more. He walks as if he has a hop when he walks. It's like he is favoring one leg and it gets worst when he is attempting to walk very fast. His brother can almost run, but he can't. He is also walking on his tipitoes at times. He has had no injuries and is not in pain. My husband told me that it was noted when he went in for a developmental screen in May for speech, but they didn't say much about it. I really don't know what to make of this, but will talk to the doctor either now or at his well-check in 2 weeks. I did a quick google search and of course came up with all sorts of things- some bad!
    Has anyone ever heard/seen this before???
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Does he swing that leg? Jessy did this around 2yrs to 3 yrs and we took her to the orthopedic doc and she had good muscle tone. She eventually stopped doing it. She had lower muscle tone than jazz due to her heart defect
  3. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    No, I haven't noticed him swinging his leg.
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Make sure you get it on film so you can show the pediatrician.
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I would take him in to the ped and they will probably do an xray. My dd has had 2 for her hips--one at 6months because her hip made a strange popping noise and the other at 2 because she had a really strange limp. It was a limp from her hip not from her foot or ankle or anything. It lasted a month and never seemed to hurt her and then just went away. Good luck, keep us posted!
  6. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    I will def keep you all posted- thanks everyone!
  7. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Has it been consistent? Or does it come and go? If it's intermittent it could be that one leg grows before the other. My oldest had that happen and by first grade it was gone. We did see an ortho and had xrays of her hips. Hope it's minor!
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