Waking up much earlier all the sudden

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by egoury, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    The girls have been having a lot of changes recently with us letting our nanny go, subs at nursery school, Daddy going out of town, but all of the sudden, they are waking up much earlier than they normally do. I thought it was because Danielle was starting to understand the sensation of having to go potty and doesn't want to use her pull up (she's trained during the day), but I don't know if that's it. This morning, she came in at 6am, I took her to potty and told her she had to go back to bed. Then, at 6:20, they both come wandering into my room. They said they weren't tired anymore. I had to get ready for work so I just put them in my bed and put on Sesame Street. Has anyone else experienced this? They typically sleep until 7:30...an early day for them is 7. Danielle hasn't seen 7am for a couple of weeks now. I don't want this pattern to continue. Any suggestions? Do they just not need as much sleep anymore since they are almost 3? Their naps are varying from 1 1/2 hours to 2 1/2 hours. TIA
  2. aimeemolloy

    aimeemolloy Well-Known Member

    What time do they go to bed? My son and daughter go to sleep around 9p.m. and wake up around 6:30a.m.
  3. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to put mine to bed later also, they were sleeping 7-6:30am now it's 7-5am and it's driving me nuts! They only take a one hour nap during the day so it's not like they get a long nap during the day, Last night I put them up at 7:30 and they woke 5:35am tonight I'm aiming for Eight Pm, not to mention, it was a struggle to keep them up until 7:30 last night but I am at a loss I can't go to bed much earlier then 9pm I have things to do and a 9 yr old who I have to do projects etc. when they go to bed.
  4. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    They go to bed around 7:45pm and have been for a while. They seem to be tired and go right to sleep when we put them down so I think that's the right time for them??
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    LOL, 7am sounds like a luxury to me. We go through periods of 4:45-5:30am and it SUCKS.

    I hooked up a night light to a lamp timer so it is set to go ON at wake up time. It took about a week of training, but we talked it up during the day and told them it was still 'sleepy time' until the light got bright bright and Mommy & Daddy couldn't come to get them until their light came on.

    Sounds like yours are already in toddler beds, so you may have additional challenges there, but this is what's worked for us.

    I have the lights plugged in behind a dresser and then clipped to a wall with one of those 3M hooks that adhere to the wall with putty. It keeps the lights out of reach (at least from their crib), but I felt it was important for them to see the light WITHOUT standing up in bed (to encourage going back to sleep).

    When I wake up at night I can look at my alarm clock and say, "Oh, I have x more hours to sleep". This is their version of that. ;)
  6. Jades1011

    Jades1011 New Member

    I am having the exact same issue....my boys are 2yrs 8mths and are consistently waking up between 5-5:30 every day now for about 3 weeks. They usually go to bed by 7:30 and go right to sleep, I don't think keeping them up later will help since the few times we've accidently had a late bedtime they actually slept worse and woke up just as early. I too thought it was because of the potty training thing and even though I have told them time and again that I won't come in until at least 6:30 they start yelling "I have to go potty" or worse..."I pooped mom!" In which case I have to go in and at least change them or let them go potty in order to avoid a massive mess all over their bedroom. We are going to get them big boy beds very soon, and they can't actually get out of their bedroom now as it is, but I don't really know if the transition to the twin beds will help them to sleep in later?? I can tell that they are getting worn out much earlier in the day (still only taking about and hour to and hour and a half nap at daycare) and I am suffering as well because even though I may not go in to get them until later, I am still awake as soon as they are! Sorry about such a long post, but I am getting quite frustrated by this!

    Thanks! :unsure:
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