Waking up in the middle of the night again!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hogbeast, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. hogbeast

    hogbeast Active Member

    I was wondering if anyone is in a similar situation. My son Chase has been waking up a handful of times in the middle of the night for the past two months. Probably about 5 nights out of the week. He'll wake at 1:30 or 2:30.. cry, ask for milk, water, Gabba, lollipop, stuff that he likes. I or my husband will try to soothe him and tell him it's not morning and that he needs to sleep. A half and hour later, same thing, this might continue one or more times throughout the night. Sometimes he wakes up his brother Max who sleeps in the same room. Max doesn't seem to care and usually falls back asleep. We've tried having Chase sleep in our bed but it's a disaster and he usually prefers his own bed.

    Also, Chase has been waking up super early for about 4-5 months... like 5:30, 6:00, 6:30 at the absolute latest.
    Their naps during the days are hit or miss. We can't put them in their room for naps because they screw around too much.
    It's wearing on us as parents. We now go to sleep when they do (8:00) like they are newborns all over again.

    They both have some speech and communication issues and have been in EI for over a year. They have made incredible strides but it's still very challenging.

    I thought three was supposed to get easier!!! HELP! I need some good thoughts.
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    It happened to us last week and we just stopped going after 2 nights. We told her when we put her down that it was nighttime and that we'd see her in the morning, and didn't go back in when she cried. She cried for 10 minutes and stopped, and we haven't had an issue since. I'd put a cup of water next to his bed and get a goodnite lite or tot clock so he can tell when it's morning, and stop going in.

    No help for naps, they still nap well here but we're still in cribs... we have speech issues too so I hear you that it can be challenging!
  3. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    I would cry it out, I just went through this with my DD, she was sick/coughing, then waking up 3+ x per night even though she was better. We did 3 nights of CIO and for the first time in weeks she's STTN for 3 nights in a row.

    When we go for night night I tell her I'm not coming in, until morning time, and the first CIO night was hard. She was screaming, "I need my water, I need my doggie, cover me up, open that door mommy, etc..." but after 45 minutes, she woke her sister up (who is a great sleeper), they talked for 5 minutes and both went to sleep.

    I posted about how hard CIO is with an older child, but I do believe it works and is necessary for everyone (parents and child) to get good restorative sleep during the night. Good luck!
  4. hogbeast

    hogbeast Active Member

    Thanks... I will try CIO... even though I am weak! Which is better? Good nite lite or Tot Clock?
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I agree with just letting them cio. As for sleeping in, I have no help, we're in the same boat :headbang: Good luck!
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ugh, they do tend to go through phases where they wake up more during the night. I have never been able to figure out exactly what causes it.. growing maybe? CIO definitely wouldn't hurt, but mostly I have found that the phase just tends to pass & they start sleeping again. :hug: I hope you can get some sleep soon!
  7. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    My DD has been doing this for a couple of weeks. We've had to do CIO and she would go strong for 5 or 6 hours sometimes (not constant crying, but definitely not sleeping). Everytime I would be weak and give in, it made it so much worse. The past few nights, she's finally sleeping again BUT, she's not sleeping in her bed. She immediately gets out of her crib and gets in the glider and sleeps there until morning. Doesn't seem like it would be very comfortable curled up on that tiny cushion, but she seems to like it! :laughing:
  8. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Do you think a reward chart would work - a special sticker everytime she makes it through the night without crying for you...just a thought. I also wonder if you talk to her that mommy and daddy need to sleep at night, and when she cries for you it wakes you up etc, etc. These things wont hurt to try, and then if nothing else works, I would suggest CIO (not sure how you do it with kids that are not in cribs - as wouldn't they just come to your room and cry?).

    we also have a tot clock which is great. We read the book and talk about only getting up once the "sun is up", and it works really well for our two little ones.

    Good luck!
  9. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I can relate. I have been going through this for the past couple months. Most of the time he says he has to go pee because he knows I will get up for that. I'm not sure how to fix it because I would feel terrible if he peed himself because I ignored him. Also mine are in beds so unless i actually lock them in the room I couldn't do CIO (and I am not ok with locking them in). If you find something that works let me know.
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