waking up at night.. again

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by someone, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    My twins turned two in July. They used to sleep through the night with no problems!! All of the suddon over the past few weeks they have been waking up.. one just wakes up and cries, sometimes wanting her pacifier, even though she ushually has one in her crib, she just doesn't look for it, or just cries until we go on. The other one also sometimes cries for a pacifier even though she also has in her crib - sometimes she likes to hold extra ones, or cries for a sippy cup of milk. They call us in or just cry.. lately they are both waking up at least once or twice a night. They don't share a room so it's not that they are waking up together or waking eachother up. Any ideas what to do? We really want them to be able to soothe themselves back to sleep when they wake up..
  2. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Mine stopped sleeping through the night in June of this past summer (2.5 years) and just this week (knock on wood) started sleeping through the night again. It's been a long six months. I don't have any suggestions, unfortunately. I didn't find anything that really helped. Not the answer you were looking for, I know...
  3. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I bet it is just a phase. I remember mine both went through this at around age 2. It took a couple of months of us just sticking to our guns (and the bedtime routine) and they finally got back to sleeping again. Good Luck. I hope you have happy sleeping soon!
  4. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    we had a big problem with DD1 waking up screaming for me several times per night for weeks. We thought maybe afraid of the dark, or nightmares. We got her a "special" night light, and reviewed at bed time how she needed to "look at the light and go back to sleep". after a week or so of this, we began telling her that we would not be coming and and not to "cry for me" at night....

    and then we did cry it out. It was stressful, she screamed every excuse in the book for me to come in and eventually woke her sister up by calling her by name until she woke up. But within several nights she was back to STTN and has been STTN for weeks now (knock on wood). we praise her heavily now in the morning when she STTN and doesn't cry for us.

    try to be patient, if she was a good sleeper before, she will be again. i know what you're going through and it's frustrating! :hug:
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