Waking up at night- 16 months old

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Pookeysue, Jul 21, 2007.

  1. Pookeysue

    Pookeysue Well-Known Member

    My 16 month old dd and ds have been sleeping thru the night wonderfully, until recently. My DD now wakes up a couple of times a night and cries for at least 10 minutes each time. We usually let her CIO, but last night she cried forever, so I got up to comfort her.

    I am wondering if this is a common thing for this age? We have also just got back from vacation at the Grandparents house, where we slept in the same room, so I didnt know if maybe that had something to do with it. We have let her CIO for the past week and it doesnt seem to be getting any better.... any ideas or advice are welcome!!!!!

  2. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    my one dd has just recently started doing this. i can't begin to pin point what is causing it because she recently had her 15 month shots, she has 5 teeth coming in and she has become a bit attatched to me so i'm thinking it could be seperation anxiety or perhaps a combination of things. I tried to cio but i've never been very good at it and she has ALWAYS been a much better sleeper than her sister and almost always sleeps through the night except when she is sick (and I guess teething). i also prefer to get her and comfort her because i don't want her to wake her sister who just started sleeping through the night 2 weeks ago. i'm pretty sure that's it's just another one of those phases and i'm hoping it will pass quickly. of course it HAS to happen just when her sister FINALLY starts sleeping through the night :rolleyes: go figure.

    hope it's just a phase for you as well. sorry, i know it's hard. i was just enjoying some consecutive full nights rest but i guess the man upstairs has a whole other plan for me :D
  3. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    Our dd did that too. She would wake up and cry in a "I'm scared" way. She couldent find her comfort items like her blankie or binky so we ended up buying a nightlight. We actually thought we were making a mistake but it worked great! I think once she could see around that she was safe in her room, she could soothe herself back to sleep easier. It's a long shot, but I thought I would mention it. Good Luck!
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Could it be that DD is getting her molars? Lily's doing this, but she's definitely getting her molars. And she just got 15 month shots too.
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    it's been getting really bad. now i don't know what to do and i'm EXHAUSTED. I'm getting about 4 hours of sleep a night. She wakes up crying hysterically like she is terrified. she will keep crying until i come to soothe her which i usually do because i don't want her to wake her sister. i can get her to go completely back to sleep but the second i put her back in her crib, wham! she wakes right back up and stands up and cries. it is so sad to see her crying like that. she seems completely hysterical, reaching out for me yelling "mama, mama." how can i not pick her back up. it breaks my heart. she has 4 back teeth coming in right now and one other tooth so i know she's teething really badly. i hope she goes back to sleeping well when this teething crap is done. she was such a great sleeper and i'm sooooooo tired!!!
  6. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Awww...hopefully, it will get better for you soon! It's probably the teeth coming in that's waking her. It should get better quickly...kind of on again off again type of thing.
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