Waking up At 5am?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by teafor2, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. teafor2

    teafor2 Well-Known Member

    I was reading another topic (the one about schedules) and noticed that many of you do not go into your kids' rooms until well after they wake. My DD wakes up very early, 5am-ish. My DS, if left alone, would probably sleep till 8am! But what happens is that I end up going in at around 5:45 because that's when DD starts screaming, and I don't want her to wake DS. However, lately he's been waking up at that time too, or waking up soon thereafter. Is there anything I can do to push this waking time later? Should I let her cry in the mornings? This morning she actually had a poopy diaper so I was glad I went in, but that has never happened before...

    They are generally in bed by 7pm and sleep through the night. I have not noticed a difference if they go to bed later (and have read that this won't make a difference anyway). But 5am is so early?!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    have you ever tried an earlier bedtime? weird as it sounds, that can often extend the morning wake time. when making that kind of change though, you want to stick with it for a week or two before evaluating whether it's helping or not. at your LOs age, you're aiming for 11 - 12 hours of night time sleep.

    another option would be to set a wake up time & not go in until that time in the morning. i would start small - if she currently gets going around 5:45am, maybe don't go in until 6:00am, and then gradually push it back until the time you want.

    also, how are their naps? if they aren't napping well, that will effect their night time sleep. on average, you're looking at 2 naps a day totalling 2 - 3 hours.
  3. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    Everythign pp said is absolutely right. I went through this for a while with my two.....five fifteen every morning. I adjusted their daytime schedule just a lil by changing to two naps a day instead of three and started putting them to bed at 7 instead of 7:30 and in about three days everything evened back out. They started sleeping agian on average until 6ish. I still most mornins will not go get them until 30-45 min after the wake up unless wake up time is 7 or later and then I jsut get them up. I was also able to push the bedtime back to 7:30 after a week. Good Luck.
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys don't usually wake until 7-7:30, but sometimes if they are up and crying super early (like 5am) I can go in there and "convince" them that it's still night-time and that it's time to go back to bed! We have room-darkening shades so it's pretty dark in there. In other words, I treat very early wakings like I do night wakings. I'd say anything before about 6am I treat as a night-waking. :good:
  5. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    My DD was an early waker. I could never leave her in the room for an hour or more because she was LOUD (and they share a room). We did a gradual adjustment. We made her wait 10 or 15 minutes and stretched it out over time. She is now making it to 7 am. We have to be really consistent with her bedtime, or she will wake up early. Even 15-20 minutes will make a big difference. GL!
  6. SheriBrownDion

    SheriBrownDion Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies, This is all very helpful information. (hope its ok to add in my own issues here on someone elses post??) My boys are also early risers (5 to 5:30). We have been trying very hard to get them to sleep longer with little luck. They are usually in bed by 7 - 7:30. Since they are at 21 mo they only have 1 nap and we work hard to keep to a regular schedule. We tried an earlier bed time but met with resistance. Hmmmmm. J shares a room with his big brother - so we cannot let him cry. Actually that is our big prob - letting them wait until 6 to get out of bed. Maybe we need to move big bro out and DS2 together...
    Thanks for letting me muse... Any suggestions welcome. Also still nursing - which is what my DH thinks is the problem. Would like to wean by 2nd BD. Will start another post for this.
    I appreciate the collective wisdom[​IMG]
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