Waking at 2:20 am to party?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hikerkira, Apr 2, 2008.

  1. hikerkira

    hikerkira Well-Known Member

    At first we thought it was teething. Then we thought it was a growth spurt. We have tried motrin, feeding them when they woke up, rocking them, ignoring them, letting them cry it out, etc. And still at least one will wake up every night and want to party. They will stay awake for at least an hour, last night it was 2! They don't exactly cry, kind of fussy, but just chillin and having a good time. We have switched their bedtimes from 7 to 8 and back again.
  2. azmomto2

    azmomto2 Well-Known Member

    Mine do this too. They started months ago and I can't seem to make them stop. If you find a solution please let me know because the baby party is killing my sleep!!!
  3. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    Mine just started this two weeks ago and it's STILL going on!! Please someone help!!

    At least I know I'm not alone!
  4. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    My one dd Lorien has been doing this now for almost a year. She rarely sleeps through the whole night. Last night, I heard her on the monitor at 3 in the morning. She doesn't cry or anything but like you said, just kind of chills out in her crib. I can hear her singing and reciting the alphabet and counting and running her crib side mobile and playing with all her pacis and then eventually she just goes back to sleep. Sometimes she's awake for only a few minutes but more often she is up for at least 30 minutes and has stayed up for as long as 1.5 hours. I don't know why she does this other than habit but as long as she is content and I know she is not sick, I just leave her to do her thing. If I go in and check on her (which I do now and then) she will think it's play time but I just lay her down and say sleep baby and she knows it's not time to get up yet. I think something stirs her awake and then she just wants to practice and recite all the stuff she is learning. Who knows. When she is a little older if she is still doing it, I will be very anxious to ask her why she is awake and see what she says.
  5. TwoBits

    TwoBits Member

    I am new to the site so "hi". My one dd is doing the same thing but unfortunately is crying. Last night I let her CIO for an hour and it killed me. I end up taking her back to my bed, laying her on my stomach and then eventually putting her in the pack'n'play we have set up in my large walk-in closet. She will often cry in there too. She is so STUBBORN!!! It usually takes my husband to give her the riot act before she will settle down. I am so frustrated and sleep deprived in the morning I feel like I am holding a grudge against my own daughter. If you find any good solutions let me know!

    QUOTE(double-or-nothing @ Apr 2 2008, 10:32 PM) [snapback]701691[/snapback]
    My one dd Lorien has been doing this now for almost a year. She rarely sleeps through the whole night. Last night, I heard her on the monitor at 3 in the morning. She doesn't cry or anything but like you said, just kind of chills out in her crib. I can hear her singing and reciting the alphabet and counting and running her crib side mobile and playing with all her pacis and then eventually she just goes back to sleep. Sometimes she's awake for only a few minutes but more often she is up for at least 30 minutes and has stayed up for as long as 1.5 hours. I don't know why she does this other than habit but as long as she is content and I know she is not sick, I just leave her to do her thing. If I go in and check on her (which I do now and then) she will think it's play time but I just lay her down and say sleep baby and she knows it's not time to get up yet. I think something stirs her awake and then she just wants to practice and recite all the stuff she is learning. Who knows. When she is a little older if she is still doing it, I will be very anxious to ask her why she is awake and see what she says.
  6. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    Have they just started on dairy products? My girls were started doing this when they started dairy. We took them off all dairy and they slept through the night again. At 18 months they were allergy tested and we found out they are very allergic to dairy pluse a few other things. As long as we keep them off dairy, they sleep. Just something to think about!
  7. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    Mine did this too and I read that kids wake up to 6 times a night. The article also said to put a few SAFE toys in their crib that they can play with and keep themselves occupied by if they wake until they fall back to sleep.

    We started that about 3 weeks ago and it has worked for the most part, we still have occasional nighttime bottle feeds but otherwise they can grab a doll or monkey or foam cube and entertain themselves while we get to stay in bed...
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