Waiting for a pediatric neurologist appointment…

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by leaudemiel, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    For the past two weeks my son Ted has been having this tic/shudder/clenching thing going on. Some quick googles found that this is kinda common for his age, not being able to express what he wants to because he doesn’t have the language. But it still freaked me out because he seemed to have no control of it.

    My husband took him to the doctor this afternoon (I couldn’t get out of work), and she wants him to go to a pediatric neurologist. She said it isn’t an emergency, so it may take a few weeks.

    I’m trying not to freak out. Its really hard. I keep thinking of the various scary things that can go wrong with your brain and its just horrifying. I know a lot of things can be fixed, but your brain is just so hard.

    Anyway, has anyone been through any of this? How do you stay calm in the meantime?
  2. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    I hope it's nothing serious and your pediatrician just wanted a specialist to rule out issues for your peace of mind. Good luck and keep us posted on what's going on.
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  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I bet the ped. just wanted to make sure all t's are crossed & i's dotted. I would have though the ped. would have been specific if s/he thought something real serious was going on. :hug: Still doesn't help with the wait.
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree-the pedi is making sure everything is checked out. When Anthony was 4-6 months old...he had a BIG head. It was at one of those appointments that the pedi suggested a neurologist appointment from left field! I never saw it coming. I think at 4 months he told us that if his head continued to grow the way it was, he was going to send us to neuro. So at six months, that is what we did.

    It was all precautionary. In the end-he just had a big head, and by 18 months, he would start to grow into it and his growth curve for his head would level off. And it did. Hang in there. The wait is the worst of all of it. They may run some tests-we did a CT scan and a MRI to rule things out.

  5. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    agree that pedi just wanted to make sure...
    My DH's SIL got that shuddering thing when she was young. I dont know if her parents took her to doctor to check out or not. But she grew out of it. Now her son (of course my HD's nephew) got it too. I saw him did it. he shaked his shoudlers like 5 times (or so) in 1 hour unconsiously. His parents said they would check it out. But I dont know they did. But the boy is 7 now and he is totally healthy and does well at school. So dont worry too much. IMO, there is a high chance its not serious and he might grow out of it later on. :hug:
  6. traciwinkler

    traciwinkler Well-Known Member

    I just want to say that I'm sorry you are going through this. I know the waiting is difficult. At our 1 month appointment our pedi saw a spot in the iris of DS. She thought he had a cataract. I was so upset- hitting Google between boughts of tears. In our case our pediatrician put a rush on us. Within a day we were in the ophthalmologists office where it turned out to be nothing but a really tiny overgrowth of iris tissue overlapping the pupil.

    I would have to think that, because your pediatrician wasn't rushing you to the specialist, then that's a good sign. She is probably being the cautious doctor that you want for your kiddos. I had to remind myself through our ordeal that I trust my doctor and her opinion. She knows that I would want to err on the side of caution, and even if the news ended up being other than what I'd hoped, then at least I could feel confident that we were right on top of whatever problem there might be.

    I sincerely hope that everything works out okay. Please let us know how you are all doing. :hug:
  7. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    Thank you all!

    This morning I got a call from the hospital, they had a last minute cancellation if we could come in two hours! So we both got off work and ran home (two mile commute) and got Ted ready and made it!

    The doctor was amazing. So reassuring, but funny. Serious but not worrisome. He saw our footage, and Ted had an episode while we were there. He was 99 percent sure its just Ted not able to express his emotions because he is a baby.

    In one video ted is transfixed by something off screen. The doc said often this will happen when a baby is watching tv and is so excited. He asked what he was looking at... it was his twin.

    We are going in tomorrow for an EEG just to be sure. Thank god this is all happening fast. I've been trying not to be a wreck!!

    Will update once we hear news! Thanks for the good thoughts and well wishes. It means a lot.
  8. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    The eeg went well. He had two minor episodes during it, and napped.

    The doc called and said he is fine.

    Im so happy my baby is ok. And I need a mojito!
  9. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You deserve a mojito!

    So glad all is well and it's also good to know that your dr is on top of things.
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