My boys don't want to take their 3rd catnap anymore .... but, but, but...I want/need them too! LOL! What a crazy ride these past 9 months have been but I'm not stopping this choo-choo train anytime soon! Loving every minute of it; well, almost! :rotflmbo:
It sure is! I took worse then they did when they dropped the third nap and was drug kicking and screaming when they decided to go to one nap!!!
I've actually found the two nap schedule much easier to navigate than the three nap schedule. Of course, my boys kept the 3rd nap until 11 months. But you don't want my boys because they still don't STTN at 13 months old.
It was a sad day when my girls dropped the 3rd nap. Know what was even worse? When they dropped the 2nd nap. I miss the days when they napped all day long! But I don't miss the night feeds.
I wish mine would hurry up and decide what they are doing somedays they do somedays they do what the heck they like in an aftermoon and end up like little beasts before i have even tried to bathe them :gah: At least it gives you more time to go put and about.