
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by WinterJAM, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. WinterJAM

    WinterJAM Active Member

    What age is appropriate for Flintstones chewables vitamins?
  2. WinterJAM

    WinterJAM Active Member

    What age is appropriate for Flintstones chewables vitamins?
  3. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    I looked at some earlier in the week, I believe they said 2 yrs old. I'm going to ask the ped about them at our next visit. I hope you can get some more definite answers!
  4. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    We use chewable vitamins now, but we need to get ours prescription still because our water is not fluoridated. In case that's a consideration for you.

    According to Bayer, two years of age:
  5. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    as soon as they're off formula.

    We started all 3 kids on chewables at 12 mos, just break them in half.
    Also, make sure they have iron and zinc, surprisingly they are not all created equal [​IMG]
  6. WinterJAM

    WinterJAM Active Member

    Thanks ladies! I really appreciate the link too. So, now my question is what kind of vitamins do you use...the chewables, gummies, etc.? Also, are there any out there that does not contain artificial sugar?
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine get 1/2 of a chewable vitamin. They started getting it at 2. I use the centrum kids.
  8. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    We use chewables at that age. My boys are almost 3 adn berkley is almost 6 adn we're just starting to try gummies. . . but I can't find much or any that have iron AND zinc [​IMG]

    The sugar thing, I don't know, since it's just 1/2 a little vitamin, it hasn't been an issue for me to check.
  9. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    That's great that we can give them a 1/2 of one at this age. That is exactly what I was going to ask the ped on our next visit. When I was looking thru them at Kroger the other day, I couldn't find any that had Iron. Is there a particular brand that you all have found that does contain iron? Because that's the one thing the Ped recommended, do vitamins with iron! Poly-vi-sol is the only infant brand that I'd found iron in (and its a nasty liquid!)

  10. WinterJAM

    WinterJAM Active Member

    Thanks again ladies! I wasn't concerned about the sugar, rather the aspartame(artifical sweetener). But, I guess since it is half of one than it shouldn't be too much of a concern. I suppose I'm just worried about long term, and taking it everyday. Does that sound silly? From the link, it appears that there is a Flintstones w/iron. Perhaps, I will check that out. Anyone else?
  11. mesamama

    mesamama Well-Known Member

    Try to fins Nordic Naturals brand nordic berries. My ped. says they are the best.
  12. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    Mine have one a day each of the generic flinstones vitamins.
  13. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    I used to work for a vitamin manufacturer and a health food store prior to having kids, and I have found that we need to really watch the vitamins that what we are giving our kids. The BEST vitamins I have found are Juice Plus+. They come in capsules, chewables and gummies. My kids take the gummies and love them! We are doing so good with these that I don't think I'll switch to the chewables anytime soon. My whole family takes their supplements. If you want further info, please click on the link below. I am so impressed with is company and I decided to become a rep.

    BTW, I see so many Lil' Critters gummies all over the place, and it was written up in Oprah magazine in 2004 - a third party lab tested it and they contain Lead! So, please don't give these to your kids. I get concerned when I see people buying them.
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