
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LisaJB, Jun 4, 2007.


Do your toddlers take a daily multivitamin?

  1. Yes, they take a daily multi without iron.

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes, they take a daily multi with iron.

    0 vote(s)
  3. One of my twins takes a multi; the other doesn't.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Nope, no multi here.

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. LisaJB

    LisaJB Well-Known Member

    I've seen a few people here mention vitamins. I'm just curious: who has children taking a multivitamin? And how did that come about?
  2. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to remember when they started but definitely from a very young age (9 months?) my girls have been taking a pediatrician recommended multi-vitamin. Originally in liquid form then in chewables. Ours has iron but also fluoride since our water isn't fluoridated. It's a prescription because of the latter. Poly-flor I think.
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    ditto to pp regarding the no flouride in our water thus it is a Rx. Lately however, my girls completely HATE the taste of the liquid and fight me to the point that it ends up all over them instead of in them and let me tell you, that stuff stains!! I actually need to call the ped today and ask if there is another way to give it to them. I don't think they can take a chewable since they still have no back teeth. I think they started taking them also around 9 months.
  4. twinsmama11305

    twinsmama11305 Active Member

    We also have the perscription vitamins due to the no flouride thing. I have always tried to make it like a "treat" for the girls, and even though I think it is nasty, they do not seem to mind it.
  5. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    For the first year or so, my girls used to slurp the vitamins right up out of the dropper like they loved them -- yum yum! They started resisting them at around 20 months so we switched to the chewables. Which are now called "CANDY!" :)
  6. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    Ditto on the fluoride thing . . .

    Mine have been on prescription multi with iron since they were born due to being preemies and anemic. The Dr. was planning to switch them to plain fluoride at 12 months, but suggested that since they don't mind the multi with iron that we keep giving it to them and just switched the prescription to the one with fluoride. At 27 months they not only take it, they often ask for more . . . go figure (I have never even tasted the stuff, but the smell alone can practically knock me out).

  7. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    My pedi recommended a multi with fluoride but I chose not to give the Rx. I personally made the choice not to give fluoride but I do give them a multi. I give my girls Juice Plus, they have a gummy form and my girls love it. Some of the biggest leading pedi are recommending this vitamin. It has everything a child will need, plus all fruits and veggies or the day. Anything they eat on top of it is just a bonus. I have noticed a huge difference in the health on my girls since starting them on this. The best thing is I don't have to fight with them to take it. They love the taste and I'm sure when they get older they'll be asking for it, they already get excited when i bring out the jars. I added a link so if anyone is interested they can look it up. This product has been around for yrs, and is proven to be a benefit to a persons health. I personally recommend this to anyone, both adults and children.
  8. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I am the odd one out at the moment; Luke takes vitamins but Naomi doesn't (usually). He didn't start taking them until he was two, and there was no discussion with a doctor. Basically he was seeming very run down and his parents thought they would try giving him vitamins, it worked and so he still takes them. He has liquid multi-vit with iron that is orange flavour and loves it. Sometimes N will ask for some too, she gets it if she asks.
  9. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It won't let me vote since there is no option on the last question about not taking a vitamin. None of my kids take a multi-vitamin. Ped. said it wasn't a big deal with my oldest DD when she was a baby as long as she got a variety of foods so I never brought it up with the twins and neither did he. I have tried giving different vitamins to my oldest, but she doesn't like the chewable vitamins.
  10. LisaJB

    LisaJB Well-Known Member

    Hmm...never did a poll before and I don't see a way to edit it (I did forget the "n/a" options so I'm guessing anyone whose kids don't take a multi can't vote).

    Neither of my twins takes a multi and I've been curious as to how/why others have come to take them. Both were taking poly-visol with iron when they were much younger, however the doctors took them off of those after just a few months. Neither is anemic, they both eat a variety of foods (although we're having issues at the moment getting them to eat vegetables), and the pedi has never mentioned it. I didn't even think about the flouride issue, although I would imagine the pedi would be up on that. I'm trying to figure out if my kids are in the minority in that they don't take vitamins...

    Also -- any tips/insight on editing polls? Since I don't see an 'edit' option anywhere on my screen I'm guessing there's a time limit to this feature, and I've missed it?
  11. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    before 12 months, they took Tri Vi Sol then I switched to Poly Vi Sol or Shaklee powder for infants
    Now I've switched to Shaklee chewables and only give 1 per day not 2 (the dosage for 4 yr olds)
  12. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I started at the pedi's recommendation when Trent's iron tested borderline low with an OTC liquid multivitamin with iron (Polyvisol). I give them both the drops and I learned that we do best dosing as part of the bathtime routine. This way if they dribble, it's not staining their clothes. I also give their teeth a quick wipe with the washcloth to keep them from getting gray.

    I take a mulitvitamin myself and have for years just to fill any gaps in my diet although I eat pretty well and so do the boys. I'm thinking I'll switch the boys to chewables when the current bottle runs out -- the choices are overwhelming.
  13. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    My doc recommended the flinstones type vitamin. I made the mistake of getting the gummy type and they think it's candy - it was tough at the beginning because they wanted more more more.... now they know they only get one a day, but will still ask if they see the bottle (which is usually out because otherwise I will forget). They like them and they definitely don't have a well rounded diet that gives them all they need, so for us a vitamin is a good way to go!
  14. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    We don't do a vitamin here at all, mostly because the girls were gettinga really well-rounded diet, and also because my pediatrician has never mentioned it, so it had never occurred to me. But I swear now the girls haven't eaten any veggies and hardly any fruits in about 2 months, so I've been considering starting a multi just for good measure.
  15. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I can't give mine vitamins - we started them around Christmas and my poor DD got the worst painful gas - it would keep her up all night long - and it took WEEKS after I stopped for it to completely get out of her now I'm afraid to try again...they are good eaters and will eat veggies and fruits (as long as it is pureed) that I don't worry about it...
  16. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    We started giving the munchkins chewable vitamins with iron sometime around 18-24 months, mainly because they are picky eaters and I don't feel like the get the vitamins and minerals they need. I've probably mentioned it to the ped at some point; their office sells vitamins, but Aiden threw them up, so we buy ours from Whole Foods.

    DH has an iron blood disease, so at some point I'll need to check the boys' iron level and find a multi w/o iron. Probably around elementary age.
  17. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    We used Poli-Visol as recommended by the pedi until they were 2, then we switched to the pharmacy brand multi-vitamins (not the gummy kind). Just a word of caution because some people are not aware, you DO have to worry about overdose with vitamins. There have even been cases of death from an overdose of Vitamin A, so keeping vitamins out of reach is very important since all the children's vitamins taste like candy these days. I always tell my girls that one vitamin is healthy, but eating more than one at a time will make you sick. I must have drilled it into their heads because I heard Jamie telling her cousin this the other day. :)
  18. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I give the youngest 3 vitamins. I just got a new bottle with iron for the big boys. I was paranoid about iron overdose since the bottle says for 4 and up, but once the dr suggested using the same iron vitamins for Brandon (1yo), I figured it would be safe for the older ones. Brandon is on Polysivol with Iron due to low iron count. The dr ordered Brandons multi but I already had William and Nathan on one. William is usually borderline anemic so I really want to get the extra iron into him.
  19. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    I think mine have been taking a multivitamen since like 15 months. They started with the gummi vitamens because they didn't have the teeth for chewing up the chewables. Once they had enough teeth, I bought the My First Flinstone vitamens. After their 2 year appt, I tried the flinstones plus iron on Amber because her iron level was acceptable but close to unacceptable. It caused yucky black/dark green poop (too much iron) so she's back to regular flinstones now.
  20. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I couldn't vote either. I asked our pedi about it, and she said as long as they are eating a good balanced diet, then I don't have to worry about it. And after watching my kids ravenously stuff their faces with spinach from our salad last night, I am not too concerned! ;)

    But she did say if they go on a fruit or veggie strike, then to give it to them.
  21. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I edited your poll to include a NA option.

    We do not take one. I have asked the pedi but he said they seem to get a well rounded diet and have never felt the need to prescribe one for them.
  22. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    My girls do not take a vitamin. I asked the Pedicatrician at their 15 month visit and she said it is not necessary as long as they are eating a variety of things. She said that since most kids food are fortified now that there is no reason to add the vitamin.
  23. mesamama

    mesamama Well-Known Member

  24. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    I also give my kids Juice Plus+. DH and I take it too. I like the product so much that I signed up to be a distributor. Here's my website for more info: My Juice Plus+ Website I could go on and on about this topic. I have 7 years experience working for a health food store along with my Master in Holistic Nutrition. So, I'll try to keep this short. ;)

    First, I caution you in giving your kids a multivitamin. There are studies showing that people who receive isolated vitamins from a multi or individually will cause more harm to their body than if they didn't take them. Second, let's face it the reason why we take a vitamin supplement is because we realize we aren't getting what we need from our food. And, the most common foods that we are lacking are more fruits and veggies. This is where Juice Plus+ fills the gap. It contains 15 fruits and veggies with 2 grains. And it is easy to take - capsules, chewables or gummies. And, the great part about is the research behind it proving that it works - increases antioxidants in our blood, decreases damaged DNA (what else does that?), and the list goes on. If you want more info, please check out my website or feel free to contact me. I love chatting about it.

    Second, I am sold on Juice Plus+ because it is very safe. Someone I know, her DD ate a whole bottle of gummies and was fine. With a multivitamin, she would need to have her stomach pumped or some other drastic measures.

    I think supplements are good. Just make sure you chose one that is proven to work.
  25. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    mine take a multi w/iron at the pedi's suggestion. they've been on iron supplements since 5 wks.
  26. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Also couldn't vote...

    I asked the ped about it and he said it wasn't necessary. They didn't need iron when they were on formula, and then he said that kids who had iron-enriched formula up to 1 yr hardly ever had iron deficiencies after that, so he doesn't even test for it. And he said no need for a multi as long as they ate a decent variety of foods (though he did say I could feel free to give them one if I didn't think they were eating many veggies).
  27. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(LisaJB @ Jun 4 2007, 05:35 PM) [snapback]278885[/snapback]
    I've seen a few people here mention vitamins. I'm just curious: who has children taking a multivitamin? And how did that come about?

    I didn't actually vote b/c there wasn't the right option for me about discussing it with your pedi. At their 1 year appt, I asked him if they should start taking vitamins. He said that as long as they're getting enough fruits & vegetables they don't need it yet. However, I still give them these - not exactly vitamins, but I think of it kind of like a "back up" in case they're not getting enough fruits & veggies. Right now, I only give them 1/2 each day....I bite off the other 1/2, so I'm getting some too! :)
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