
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rainkane, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. rainkane

    rainkane Member

    Do you give your kids vitamins? I stopped with the Vit D drops mainly because I ran out, but is there any other kind of vitamins I should be giving them? They are really picky eaters right now esspecially because they are teething as well they have a cold that they cant seem to get rid of ( bad cough thats been going around) so Im just a little concerned that they aren't getting enough vits, I got a Juicer for Christmas So I have been making a lot of juices, like carrott and apple or mixing what ever fruits and veg I can find and they do drink that at least once a day,....
  2. Kludelhoven

    Kludelhoven Well-Known Member

    I just asked the Dr yesterday about this. He said you don't need vitamins if they aren't picky eaters and they eat a nice variety of things. Luckily mine are great eaters(right now, i'm aware thats always subject to change). I'd say if yours are pretty picky, they may benefit from some sort of vitamin but i'm not sure what kind you give them.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD needed extra iron during the SY, so I gave her Poly Vi Sol with Iron (stuff smells and tastes horrible but somehow she managed to get it down with the help of yogurt). At her 2 year visit we got the okay to give her Flintstones vitamins and started my DS on them as well.
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    We have a well, so we need to give our boys fluoride supplements and the ped prescribed vitamin/fluoride liquid drops. The stuff looked nasty, but it tasted kind of sweet. We ended up putting it in their morning milk and they never seemed to mind. I know there are non-prescription multi-vitamin drops you can buy and use the same way.

    Now that my guys are older, we've been prescribed yet another type of vitamin (I guess they don't make the liquid fluoride supplement anymore), and they just chew them up. :good:

    When is your next WBV? I would ask your ped what he/she recommends. :)
  5. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    we do a chewable multi from whole goods, vitamin c and vitamin d.
    :) we also do probiotics and an omega.
  6. kgar

    kgar Well-Known Member

    You can do Poly Vi Sol drops with or without iron. The iron can cause constipation. So I wouldn't recommend those unless your kids have a known iron deficiency. I don't think chewable vitamins are recommended until kids turn 2.
  7. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Which omega do you use? I'd like to get my kids on them since we don't each much fish. Right now I just add ground flax to their food.
  8. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    nordic naturals
    its strawberry flavored and they dont mind it much!! they get it after dinner.
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