
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lromansky, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. lromansky

    lromansky Well-Known Member

    Okay so I am wondering if anyone has any advice as to what vitamins/supplements we should be taking?

    So far I'm taking:

    - 1 Prenatal Vitamin
    - 2 Calcium pills per day
    - 6 Metamucil pills per day (for fiber & to help with constipation)
    - 1 Fish Oil Pill

    I have also heard Magnesium is good to take, so I plan to get that...

    Is that too many? Or is there something that I'm missing that is key to take... like Iron?

    I've never taken so many pills in my life!
  2. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    I had to laugh when reading your post because you sound like me....I called my sister (who is a nurse) the other night to ask her if it was ok to take 5 different pills at the same time !!! I was worried about taking some dangerous drug cocktail!

    This is what I take in terms of vitamins/supplements:
    -regular prenatal vitamin
    -DHA supplement....I was told to be careful with the fish oil because it can contain Mercury. There's a DHA supplement called Expecta-for Pregnant and Nursing moms- you can get it over the counter at Walmart for around $10...It's small enough so it's not hard to swallow...the prenatal vitamins with the DHA included are gigantic (in my opinion)
    -Iron supplement called Slow FE....supposed to not be too constipating....I didn't start taking this until my doc told me I was anemic (around 25 weeks)'s been fine for me

    Plus right now I take thyroid medicine, an antibiotic and zantac 2x per day for reflux. I feel like I need to get one of those pill boxes my grandmother used to have!!!

    Hope this helps!

  3. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    Ugh so many pills for me too,

    -regular prenatal
    -the DHA one
    -Iron pill slow-fe
    -1mg of folic acid pill
    -Tums for calcium and heartburn
    -tylenol for my horrible back pain when the physical therapy doesn't work

    Ugh the though of them all makes me nauseas but I manage to suck them down.
  4. teafor2

    teafor2 Well-Known Member

    Only two pills right now:
    A regular prescription prenatal (prenate elite - has 2 different forms of folic acid and a stool softner), and a DHA supplement that I buy online - it is made from with algae and comes in a vegetarian capsule. I plan on adding calcium chews when my stomach settles down.

    I'm a vegetarian (I eat dairy and rarely an egg...but no fish) and so I've been worrying about getting enough nutrients for twins. I was actually thinking of adding some Ensure just to make sure I'm getting protein.

    I feel the need to add: During the first few weeks, because I went through IVF and hadn't yet gotten the prescription prenatals, I really did carry around the pill box that pp were joking about! I had an OTC prenatal, colace, extra folic acid, extra calcium, DHA, estradiol suppository, progesterone suppository, an antibiotic, and a steroid!! And that's not counting the IM injection of progesterone every morning (tomorrow's my last one, hurray :woohoo: !!!!).
  5. doublej's

    doublej's Well-Known Member

    Im taking 3: Regular vitamin, expectra, and folic acid 1mm.
  6. oh-baby-baby

    oh-baby-baby Well-Known Member

    I feel left out :unsure: . I'm only taking my Natacare Plus tablet w/1MG folic acid...I'll ask and see if there is something else I should be doing...
  7. pdellinger

    pdellinger Active Member

    -Pre-natal multi
    -Repliva (folic acid, iron, calcium)

    Not too much. The Repliva helps a lot b/c it has 3 extra supplements in 1 pill.
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wouldn't add the iron in unless you ob recommends it, it can cause constipation and if you don't need it, you'll be happy you don't take it! :D

    I have 2 of those pill cases myself too! :lol:

    Morning: Thyroid pill, iron pill
    Evening: Iron pill
    Bedtime: Prenatal, 3 calcium, nexium (reflux), zyrtec (allergies), metformin (right now instead of the prenatal I'm taking OTC vitamin and 1 extra folic acid, because I can't afford my prenatal script right now :( )

    Randomly: 2 simply sleep and 3 tylenol at night when I can't get to sleep or I'm hurting really bad...
  9. maksbabies

    maksbabies Member

    Wow - now I wonder if I'm taking enough. I only take a prescription prenatal (Prenatal Elite) and that's it. I drink a lot of milk everyday, so make sure they are getting a lot of calcium.

    I'm a bit nervous taking that DHA. It's relatively new and since it wasn't around before, I thought I could skip it. I guess I don't think I'm hurting them if I don't take it.

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