Very sick of being sick....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MommyofThreeBoys, Dec 27, 2007.

  1. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    It all started Sunday 12/9...

    I got home from working at 6pm to realize that Aidan had a rash all over his chest and back.
    I called the on-call doctor to ask what I should do...they said that it was probably a reaction to something. I wasn't convinced. It was still there the next morning so I brought him to the doctor and they said he had ezcema. He got sick the next day (Tuesday) with croup...then Brady got it on Thursday, then Brett got it on Saturday. We did doctor appointment, steriods & nebulizer treatments for over a week total with 3 boys. On Tuesday of the following looked to be on the mend.

    Then, Brett got a high temp. with a stomach virus and that lasted a couple of days.

    Then, last TH Brady was diagnosed with an ear infection & put on amox.

    Then, on the night before Christmas Eve, Aidan didn't sleep at all. Christmas Eve morning...Aidan went to the doctor again and had a double ear infection and got put on agmentum.

    Then...yesterday...I thought something was severely wrong with Brady. He played a little in the morning and then just got up on the couch around 12pm and layed there holding both ears as if everything in the room was too loud for him. I called the doctor at 1:00pm because he just seemed so out of it. He had a flaming hot head and his fever was 103.7. I brought him to a 4:45 doctor appointment and he was "out of it" in the waiting room. Then, we got brought into the exam room and they took his temp 103.8. Then the nurse prati. came in and looked in his mouth and then in his ears and she told me that he had a really bad ear infection (nothing she's ever seen before) Then, she wrote up a script for agmentum and as I stood up...(He was asleep during the entire exam)
    she asked me if "this" (5:15pm) was a normal tired time for him and I SAID NO!!!! This is how he has been for hours. Then, she got really more concerned and called the doctor in...He couldn't believe how bad the infection was and said it was the worst he has seen in YEARS! He then said that I should go to the ER because of the fever and because he had been like that for a few hours. He left the room and I "thought" I was leaving to go to the ER. Then, 1 minute later after putting Brady's jacket on...the doctor came back in and said..."On another note, I am going to give him a shot of antibiotics and then you can go home" He told me that if after the shot and tylenol the fever didn't go down...that I should go to the ER. We got home around 6:15pm and Brady just hung out on the couch watching Brett and Aidan play on the floor around him. He was just out of it...poor little guy. We put him to bed at 8 and he slept until I checked his temp. again at 11pm and it was still 100.7. I woke him to give him more tylenol and he went right back to sleep. He seemed much better this morning but still isn't himself. I just thought it was so strange too because he had been on amox. already for 6 days.

    They told me that I don't need to have his ears re-checked but don't you think I should have them checked at worst in 10 days when he is done with the medicine?

    I also have to add that in the midst of all this...DH & I had to both totally juggle our schedules to accomodate sick children staying in the house. I had to work so many extra hours at my night job for Christmas.
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I feel ya Tara!! :hug99:

    We have been sick with the exception of about 4 days since about 10 days before Thanksgiving!! I finally took them to the doc. I am sorry you are having SO bad of sickness. It's really scary when they are so lethargic like that! Martin did that with the diarrhea a week ago.

    Hang in there!! Spring is only MONTHS away! :rolleyes:
  3. 1+2=3boys

    1+2=3boys Active Member

    oh my gosh... I can TOTALLY feel for you. Definitely go get his ears rechecked. I would call your pedi and just say you want to make an appt. for an ear infection re-check. they don't need to know it wasn't recommended by the ER doc! ;)

    I have 3 boys too. My 3 yr old had a stomach virus for a few days (vomit ALL over my car and me. ugh.) he got over that in a couple of days, but then the babies had it. They are 14 months. They ended up in the ER after almost a week of it due to dehydration... We were there for 9 HOURS. One baby was so dehydrated that they couldn't get his IV in. I won't go into it all, but it was a miserable night. They finally improved after about another week; they were healthy for a few days, then they came down with horrible upper respiratory infections. So they both had nebulizers and SUCH horrible congestion. They are finally getting over it and today they were back to their happy selves. My 3 yr old has now been going through the UR issues. I got it, and the sinus pressure and ear pain is horrendous... I know how it felt for me, so I can't imagine how it felt for my little boys! :(

    So, hang in there... this started for us the last week in November, and is just now starting to clear up completely. Get rest whenever you can. I've found when I'm tired from being up with them, and stressed worrying about them, it's really difficult to deal with it all. BIG hugs to you... it'll get better soon!!!

  4. shoudeshell

    shoudeshell Well-Known Member

    Here's some :love0028: for you. I'm so sorry your babies have been sick. It will pass! My two have colds again that will prob turn into ear infections as well...if their older sis wouldn't share her colds with them! I would definitely get a recheck to make double sure that his ears are better. Rely on your instincts momma! GL! Hope they feel better soon!
  5. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Geez, I can totally relate! Since our new baby was born (on Nov. 20th), we have been to the doctor for: baby rash (folow up from discharge from hospital), baby allergic reaction to diaper, baby speck of blood in diaper (turned out ok), Twin with cold, twin follow up with cold, other twin stepped on a nail got infected, antibotics and follow up, other twin bladder infection, baby reflux, flu shots and to top it all off, one trip to the ER when DH accidently pulled Maya's elbow out of socket just before leaving for work (on his first nioght back afte the baby was born...crazy taking two three year olds and a newborn to the ER alone!). Seriously, it has been totally insane! It has literally been one thing after another. Plus, the twins got a really bad head cold while I was in the hospital that lasted THREE weeks. It's too much!

    My family was supposed to come to our house tomorrow to celebrate Christmas, but my sister and her kids have a stomach bug. My mother was at their house on Christmas and the kids she babysits had a stomach bug this week, too. Myt mother's not sick (YET!), but who knows what grems she's carrying around! I politely asked them to come next weekedn. I can't handle anymore sickness, trips to the dr, and feeling so bad for my poor kids! A stomach bug is the last thing that we need! Thankfully, the understood!

    I hope your son is feeling better! I was wondering if you tried giving tylonol and motrin...sometimes this helps for the fever/ comfort. I would ask that his ears be re-checked just for peace of mind! Youe ped. should understand considering how bad his ears were! Did he ahve any explaination for why the infection was so bad?

    Take care and hope things get better real soon!
  6. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    He didn't have an explanation to why the ear was so bad and it is discouraging because he had been on amox. for 6 days already...
  7. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Has he had a lot of ear infections in the past? I'm just wondering if he's been on amox. a lot of times. A friend of mine is going through this with her son (tons of ear infections). The ped. told her that sometimes it's the same infections that never fully goes away (a great reason they should check your son's ears!!! I think it's weird that they wouldn't want to!) and he also talked to her about resistnace to antibiotics (very scary). Maybe he needs a differnt antibotic if it's still that bad/worse after six days. I would be concerned, too, since he's been on the medicine and seeing no improvement. Hopefully he will be better after the 10 days! But, how will you know unless they are willing to check his ears?!?!
  8. WEME

    WEME Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry your little guy is so sick. I can sooo relate as last week I was extremely sick (though it was just a bad cold) and the girls have been coughing and terrible runny nose for weeks now. Saturday, DH's finger was swollen where he had cut if last week and was apparently infected. He went to urgent care and they treated him with antibiotics. Then Christmas day we noticed Addison had a HUGE lump in her right lymph node on her neck. The next day it had doubled in size (2 1/2 inches). She seemed okay (just a runny nose) but we took her to urgent care. After 4 long hours of waiting, we were seen. They first said they would run some blood test, but then suddenly changed their minds too since she had no fever and was acting okay (I think they were just trying to get us out quickly because they were so busy). They said they would test her for strep though. They immediately came back in and said she had a very bad case of strep and we probably all had it! So, we were all checked and yes, we all had it (except for DH which they said was probably because he was already on antibiotics for his finger). They is probably why I was actually so sick last week. So, we all got our antibiotics and were off.

    We thought things were getting better today as the swelling in Addie's neck has gone down some, but tonight we went to dinner and she didn't want anything. Not bread or cheese either, which she never refuses. Then we went to Sam's to shop and the girls actually were the best behaved that they have been in a long time. But when we left and were loading the car, Addison just started crying out of the blue and making a funny face. I turned to DH and said I think she's going to be sick. He grabbed her out of the buggy and about that time, she threw up everywhere??? We finally get home and she goes straight to sleep without any problem. But now Chloe has been crying in her crib and saying she doesn't feel well.

    It's driving me crazy! I want all of us to be well.

    Well, I hope your house gets better soon! Good luck
  9. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    We are dealing with weeks of sickness here, too - pneumonia, ear infections, and stomach viruses. It's awful. I feel your pain and have the utmost sympathy! I hope all our kids are better soon and can enjoy what's left of the holiday break.

    As for the ear recheck, I would absolutely go. Lilly was diagnosed 2 weeks ago, did a course of amox, seemed better for a few days. Last night she woke up screaming in pain, and this morning was her 2-week re-check. Yup, still (again?) infected. :( Don't take the chance - make an appointment for a recheck in 10 days to 2 weeks.
  10. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    i hear ya! my ds had croup at thanksgiving and my dd has had a cough since 2 weeks before that. ds went to the er and they gave him a steroid shot and he didn't have any more coughing 'episodes', but still had a cough. so after they both had the cough for like a month and runny noses for 2 weeks, i got them to the dr. they put them on amox as a precaution because of the congestion, so they wouldn't get ear infections. a week and a half later at their 15 month appt.....they BOTH have ear infections!!!!!! they were on amox for a week and half and got ear infections??? so, they put them both on cefdinir (omnicef) for 10 days...i pray that the ears clear up. and the pedi wants them in a couple days after they meds are done to recheck the ears. so i think you should go in for a recheck.

    i'm done w/ snot, that is for sure! :p

  11. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    My Noah has been sick for almost 2 months. He started off with a sinus infection, was on omnicef and it never really went away. He was a bit better for a while, so I waited it out. Then he got pink eye so we got eye drops. Then Josh got pink eye, so we got drops again. Then Noah was getting up crying so much at night I brought him to the clinic - he has a sinus infection, double ear infection and pink eye. So we was started on augmentin. He still wasn't better after 5 days so I brought him back, but his ears looked a bit better the NP said. So the day after Christmas when he was still sick and up crying multiple times at night, I brought him back. His ear infections were much worse and so were his sinus infections. They cultured his nose and then he got a shot if IM Rocephin (probably what your son got). I am suprised he only got one shot though. Noah got 3 shots, one a day for three days. They had to do Rocephin because oral abx didn't work. So now we have an appt with the ENT to get tubes.

    We had the EXACT same issue's with his twin last winter - ear infections that didn't respond to any oral abx. He ended up with 2 different rounds of Rocephin shots (plus one hosptial stay with IV abx for pneumonia and ear infections), before we got his ear tubes and then eventually got his adenoids out a few months later. So we will do the say thing for Noah.

    I would DEFINATLY call and make an appt for an ear check. Did they send you home with oral abx too, or just the one shot? I know sometimes they might get away with only two shots and then a 10 day course of abx. But I knew it wouldn't work for Noah as it didn't for Josh. Some infections are just to strong to be put out with oral abx and require shots or IV medications. When you get to that point, it's time for ear tubes. This was only Noah's second ear infection, but we are getting tubes soon. Because if he get's another one, we will have to do the shots of Rocephin again - and I don't want to do that. And neither does any Dr., the usually won't do more than 2 round if Rocephin shots.

    I would ask your Dr. about the need for tubes, or at least a referral to an ENT Dr. Being a pediatric nurse I know most of this stuff, so I have an upper hand. But usually needing a shot of abx is a shoe in for tubes. Especially if their is still fluid in the ear that doesnt' go away, and can be a breeding ground for new infections.

    Oh, and on a side note - after all of these illnesses - the boys came down with the stomach flu right after Christmas and then shared it with me too! Oh the joys!!
  12. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    AmyA - I did ask about how many ear infections he has had and she said that he hasn't had that many. Should I still be concerned that after 6 days on amox; and it getting that bad?
  13. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MommyofThreeBoys @ Dec 31 2007, 02:40 PM) [snapback]551820[/snapback]
    AmyA - I did ask about how many ear infections he has had and she said that he hasn't had that many. Should I still be concerned that after 6 days on amox; and it getting that bad?

    Yes, I would be a bit concerned. It just means that the oral abx wasn't working and that's why his infection got worse. So he required the shot. This was only Noah's second set of ear infections (first set at 11 months, now at 3 years 2 months). But we will be doing tubes because oral abx don't work for him. They may want you to just wait and see if the fluid goes away. If he has responded in the past to oral medications he might again next time. But if next time comes and he needs a shot again, I would definatly say tubes are the right choice. They are really sooooo easy. Done in about 5 min and then a difficult wake up (crying kiddo for about 20 min), but then everything is USUALLY much better after that. Some kiddos with tubes still get ear infections, but then the fluid can drain out of the tube and you only need to do abx drops. So I would definatly talk to your pedi.
  14. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm right there with you! We were dignosed the week before Christmas with severe ear infections. They were given amox. and that made them sicker so they switched them to cefzil which didn't help and now they are on biactin and are slowly getting better. Today makes three weeks.
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