Very Scary Thing Happened To Us

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by greatexpectations, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    My girl Jay woke at her normal time yesterday, but crying unusually. I wrote about this in my blog in more detail, but basically when we got to her we noticed that she was very, very pale -- from her head to her toes white. It was very scary. We called 911 but she got better before it arrived. She got better automatically with no help. Doc said it's one of 3 things, most likely low blood sugar. We are now giving a bed time snack of high protein.

    Anyway, anyone experience this before with a toddler? If so, did it happen more than once. I'm scared it will happen again. She also has to have an EEG done to rule out seizures and anything else more serious. I'm finally feeling a little less frantic and sick to my stomach over this ...

    Also, anyone with good (high protein) bedtime snack ideas? We gave milk with peanut butter and crackers the last two nights. She seems receptive to it.

    Thanks for reading. :(
  2. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't have any words of wisdom that I know you are probably looking for but I just wanted to offer you some hugs and tell you I hope you find some answers, I am sure that was very scary. Was her breathing okay, could she have gotten stuck in blankets or anything that might have affected her breathing? Is she anemic...was she cold? Good for you for being so proactive and on top of things..
    Isn't there some protein water or something out there?
    Hope you find some answers soon...
  3. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    I don't have experience with low blood sugar in my babies...I can't imagine how scary that was! We do give Drew an Ensure plus drink before bedtime. He is underweight and the pediatrician recommended these for weight gain over pediasure. I know they have a high protein one you might try! Drew loves them and will cry for it.
  4. twoboys3

    twoboys3 Well-Known Member

    My little one alex woke up from his nap (was waken up) and he was shaking, but when I picked him up he stopped. Well anyways I called my dr right away and she ruled out seizure and said that he could have low blood sugar because when we woke up he was realllly hungry or just startled from being woken up.. so before they go down I just make sure they get a snack of something.. I think its more of being startled but this was my experience..
    good luck

  5. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Timothy used to wake up with low blood sugar. He seems to have outgrown it now. His experience was a little different than what you are describing. He would literally have trouble waking up. He would fuss and fidget around but could not come fully awake. I had read about that happening before so we would just get some apple juice in him and he'd be bouncing about in 30 mins. I never talked to the dr. about it because apple juice would bring him around so quickly I was confident that it was low sugar.

    We continued to let him have whole milk right before bed up until we started working on potty training. The episodes were also more frequent if he was sick and not eating well in general. They still get apple juice very first thing in the morning.

  6. MJXplus2

    MJXplus2 Well-Known Member

    My daughter will get like that if she goes to bed without eating anything. I am very prone to low blood sugar myself, so I recognized the symptoms right away when I realized she hadn't eaten anything. It is scary, and I know it is probably scary for her. I try to treat her like myself and make sure she eats or drinks something every few hours. It is really hard because she is the pickiest eater ever and is perfectly happy to go to bed missing both lunch and dinner in a row if we don't serve what she wants. I don't want to give in to her picky eating, but I can't just say, "well, she'll eat when she gets hungry enough," because I know she'll be really sick in the morning if I don't get her to eat at least something.

    When she has episodes in the morning or at nap time she will be unable or unwilling to stand up, lethargic in bed and awake, wanting out, but not wanting to get herself up, wimpering rather than crying, and she will have the shakes. I know I get really dizzy and stuck in a sort of daze that I can't shake if my blood sugar gets low, so I don't know how much of the weakness is true weakness or dizziness/zoning out. She has always been fine after I give her milk or juice.
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