Verbal Development. Are they on track?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by orcoastmommyof2, May 23, 2007.

  1. orcoastmommyof2

    orcoastmommyof2 Well-Known Member


    I have been kinda concerned about this for awhile now. I am a first time mom and not entirely sure what they should and shouldn't be able to do or say at this age. They are 22 months as of Sunday. My mom keeps telling me that if I would just get rid of their binki they would be talking more. Mostly we have gotten rid of them except for nap and bedtime or in the car. For the most part both of the boys have a vocabulary of around 179 clear words that they use on a day to day basis. Hunter has around 20 or so 2 word phrases and Keagan has around 15 or so 2 word phrases. They can both count to 20 very well. Hunter does speak more clearly than Keagan and Keagan is the one more dependent on the binki. My question is, for their age is this not enough words and do you think that the binki actually effects them learning to speak. Thanks in advance for you input. I just worry I am not doing enough to help them learn.
    Thanks Again
  2. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    If they are saying taht many words at 19 months, I wouldn't be concerned.

    My boys are 2 months behind yours and only say Mom, Dad, Fish, Stop, duck, this and that. They don't have binkies either
  3. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Sounds normal to me. Mine still have paci's and say everything!
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    They sound right on track to me (if not ahead of the game!!! I really don't think the binkie stops them from talking unless they have it in 24/7.
  6. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Wow sounds very on schedule or ahead! My boys were not saying much until 20 months or so and had the language explosion everyone was walking about. They now have 100 or so words and can put up to 5 words together for a sentence! \

    But they were evaluated and got EI from 18 months on for expressive speech development. All other areas they are on track or ahead.

  7. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I agree with the others, they sound fine. Don't worry and try not to push them too hard. It think limited paci use (sleep and car) is still fine at that age.

    BTW I first read binki as bikini and thought to myself "Why on earth would she think... ...doh!" :lol:
  8. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    WOW, they sound above average to me!!! My girls are 23 months and only have a few handfuls of 2-3 word phrases. They babble alot, most of it we don't understand, but I'm sure it means something. They know a ton of words and learn new ones each day. I haven't bothered to count, but sounds like your boys are doing awesome! BTW, my girls NEVER had it sounds like just anotehr thing for someone to nag you about :)
  9. schmoopie

    schmoopie Well-Known Member

    Sounds like yours are doing REALLY well! One of mine doesn't speak at all.... no words. Abby speaks about 20 or so words and babbles like crazy. We never had binkies. :)
  10. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Mine had NO words until 22 months.
    Yours sound ahead of the curve.
  11. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    I have one that uses a paci at home only and one that doesn't use a paci and they are about on the same lines as your boys. I'm not worried at all and apparently neither is their pedi nor their day school teacher.
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    They sound great to me as well. :) Some kids don't even say their first words until close to 18 months old and your two have close to 200 words and are using phrases.
  13. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    DD uses a pacifier at bedtime only (it's been this way since she was 9 months old). DS has never used a pacifier (but he does suck his thumb when he is tired or upset). DD is MUCH more verbal and speaks more clearly than DS... so I don't think the paci has had an affect on speech for our DD. Your kids are a few months younger than ours and it sounds like they are way ahead in terms of speech. I would guess that DD has about 150 words... maybe more... but DS is probably under 100. They can both say about half of their ABC's and can count from 1-10 (but not always in order :) )

    I was going to take the pacifier away before Oliver was born... then again a few weeks ago. But I talked to the pedi at their 2 year well visit and he said to just leave it alone. If it's for sleep only, then why rock the boat. He figured she would eventually outgrow it on her own.

  14. orcoastmommyof2

    orcoastmommyof2 Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone for your responses. I feel better knowing that they are not behind. As for the paci's I am relieved to know that I shouldn't worry to much. We are going to try and get rid of them after we take a trip this summer. I wanted to keep them until then because we will be flying. Then I think it's time for the "paci ferry" or "take them to the hospital for the new babies". Again thank you all!
  15. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    Sounds on track to me. I remember having my first "real" back and forth conversation with short sentances right around the boy's 2nd birthday.

    It may be a coincidence but it was shortly after I got rid of their pacies. We were in the car, which was one place I usually let them have pacies. I remember thinking how glad I was that I finally got rid of the pacies and how cool it was to have a conversation with my boys on the long car ride.

    My boys were completely addicted to their pacies and started to beg for them outside of nap, bed and car rides. They started to be more of a hassle than they were worth. I worried way more about the transition than I need to though. It really only took a few days for them to get used to not having them. You'll know when you are ready, like I said once they are more trouble than they are worth.

    We waited until right after our summer vacation too. I think our boys have the same birthday and it would have been right before they were 2.
  16. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    I'm a speech therapist, and I have to say, I can understand your worry (being a mom of 1 year old twin girls) about developement of verbal skills, but I also have to say, your kids are doing great! I think their developing just fine, though I'd have to really eval them to know for sure, but I though maybe hearing a professional opinion might help. And remember, when using posted developemental guidelines from the internet, that twins have a tendency to be a little behind/delayed anyway, and that if your children were premature, it may (but shouldn't, if they're not otherwise impaired) effect the outcome expectations by age, as well.
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