Venting SORRY

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by HurleyBeeGurlie, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. HurleyBeeGurlie

    HurleyBeeGurlie Well-Known Member

    Yesterday I woke up and I was soooooo nauseous all day......woke up today and I feel the same. I haven't ate much cause everytime I do I get more and more nauseous and I get bad heartburn. Im keeping my fluids up but I been sitting here and thinking about all this stuff that is going on with my in-laws UHHH long story short..... They act like I don't exist and my husband told me that if they continue to act like this he will say something. Well he didn't and now they are sucking up to him so that they can come in the hospital and see the babies. I REALLLY don't feel like I should be ignored if they come in there. I REALLY didn't want them there cause they been treating me really bad lately FOR NO REASON! (seriously I mean that for no reason) Well anyway back to the contractions I'm 36 weeks and 4 days and Im having a scheduled C section next week. Im not sure if Im just apprehensive about next week or whats going on.... I feel like Im getting contractions.... more now that Im upset. UH Did anyone feel like they would just get upset about EVERYTHING....Like I just cant take it anymore....
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Yes, there were a few times at the end that the stress(of just the pregnancy!) was just so overwhelming, and every time I would start having lots of contractions. Sitting in a hot shower helped me(and the contractions!) to calm down. :hug: You are so close, hang in there.
  3. njobe

    njobe Well-Known Member

    You are doing a great job and i am ashamed at your in-laws. Some of the other moms who have been through C-sections probably know better than me, but it is my understanding that only the Mama can say who can come see the babies and who can't (maybe that's only NICU babies??) - i know for sure if YOU do not want to see anyone you don't have to. Talk to the nurses and see what you can arrange so at least you don't have to see the in-laws. Hang in there - almost there!! :)
  4. flygirlcdh

    flygirlcdh Well-Known Member

    Uggghhh Inlaws!!! I think it is a law that the man's parents don't like the daughter in law. I really do. They thought I was a bad influence and never liked me since and don't do a great job hiding it. But about seeing the babies, I think anyone can see them through the glass but can only go in the nursery if they have a bracelet and only hold them if they are in your room. And you get to choose who goes in your room. I know stress brings on contractions. I thought I stressed myself into labor at one point with my son. Or maybe you could just be in the early stages of going into labor. I've heard nausia can be a symptom of it. Not sure on that though.
  5. nicinthebu

    nicinthebu Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry and I would completely back you on this one. My in-laws are super annoying and want to come stay with us but smoke constantly and I really dont need anyone else to take care of. I am trying to get DH to stand up to them (like you) and have had no success. I wish I had a better answer for you. When I first told my mil about the pg she asked me if I was going to get all hormonal - cause then they would want to hit me . . . I was flabergasted. (Good for me they live a 6 hour drive away). I would agree with pp and not allow them to come into your room and instruct the nurses no one is to hold the babies beside you or Dh. I hope that things get better. In the mean time focus on you and your needs and try to not think about those who are unhealthy for you and/or the babies!
  6. HurleyBeeGurlie

    HurleyBeeGurlie Well-Known Member

    Im glad to hear that Im not alone with the in law thing. I told my husband when he got home from work (because I been stressing about it sooo much today) I will not have them ignore me and act like Im a piece of crap when they come in. If they do I will call them out and KICK them out. And if they dont leave..... There will be a problem cause I work at the hospital and I know alllllllllll the security there. He said that he doesn't care cause they are big enoff to take care themselves.... Im like FINE Im just warning you that Im not gonna take that. So WE SHALL SEE WHAT HAPPENS. I have this feeling he will do whatever they say n e ways.
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