Venting, sorry

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by goofyjilly, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. goofyjilly

    goofyjilly Well-Known Member

    My b/g twins are 14 months old and just learning how to walk. They are teething like crazy, getting those molars. I would just like to know when does the crying stop??!! I know it gets better with time but OMG I am going to lose my mind. Just when they started to get more independent, they are back to needing my constant attention. I sure hope when they finally push those molars out or learn to walk fully, they settle down some.

    Twins: double the crying. UGH!! :headbang:

    Thanks for listening! :thanks:
  2. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    I hear ya, we are having the same exact issue, they are constantly clinging to me, pushing each other away, just crying etc.

    One thing that I have found is to try to constantly distract them, a new toy. I brought them to the gym, where they have babysitting, and they were fine there, and I got a break!

    Good Luck.

    We'll get through this!
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    You will get through this! :hug: Those teeth are the worst, and it seems like every time we get one set it, we only get a 2 day break before the next set starts coming through. :gah: But in between times, they are like totally different children, so hang in there!
  4. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    my guys are going through this awful stage right now too. I can't make them comfortable, I can't keep them happy. They have never been this whiney or needy and the nighttimes are getting worse instead of better.
    Venting right along with ya girl. :)
  5. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is definitely bad when they are teething or sick! The teething will come to an end for awhile and it will get better. For us the molars were bad for both kids. However, DD just got all 4 eye teeth and did pretty well with it. We barely used any meds. Hang in there!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Molars were tough here, so I feel your pain :hug:
    I used ibuprofen & teething tablets to help the kids through the pain.
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