Vent :(

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by team_double.trouble, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    My twins are 16 months this month, i had expected them to start walking before their first birthdays but they are still toddling around on all fours.

    DH and I took all three girls down to our carivan by the beach for the easter weekend and there was other kids there that my girls were playing with, they were the same age but had been walking since 11 months old.

    I dont want to send them to playgroup anymore :( they have been going since they were 3 months old and have grown up with a couple of other kids that started when they did, all the 15 monthers are walking....

    i just want them to take a first step even, they dont ever try, they dont use the furnature to stand up anymore they are just happy crawling.....

    i dont know if there is anything i cant do but wait....its just so frustrating, am i doing somthing wrong?

  2. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    I know it's hard to stop comparing your kids to all the others. But you have to remember - your kids were born 7 weeks early! You need to still be going by their adjusted age for all developmental milestones. And there is a reason they express all those milestones in ranges - because some kids start early and some just wait longer. Assuming they haven't had other gross motor problems (which I am sure you'd have mentioned) walking will come in its own time.

    I know it's frustrating. My girls were due 3/27 and my niece was born 3/23 last year. So going by my girls' adjusted age, they are the same age. Conner has been walking since she was 9-10 months old, while Lilly and Kate just took first steps 2 weeks ago. It's hard not to fall into the trap of feeling bad, but just remember how wide the range is. And remember that even though they probably did really well at 33 weeks, you can't discount their prematurity.

    Hang in there, momm
  3. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    All of my kiddies started walking right at 15 months and they were all full term. If they had been early, they probably would have started later then 15 months. I don't think 16 months for twins is far off. If you are concerned, do you have an early intervention program in Australia? Here in the US, each state will evaluate your children for developemental milestones for free. If they are behind, the state will offer services OT, PT or speech to help the child catch up.
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Not walking till 18 months is still considered normal for a full term baby(so being adjusted 20 months wouldn't be unusual). Mine Jessy didn't walk until 16 months and she was 6 weeks early. If it bothers you take it up with your pedi he may have suggestions on how to help them in walking or he might want to refer them to something like Early Intervention. Don't stop taking them to play group that would be pun shing them for something they can't help. The only thing I can suggest is squeaky shoes. These shoes make noise when they put pressure on their heels.
  5. Ningrao

    Ningrao Well-Known Member

    My babies are 14 months old...and My son is walking it was so nice too see him easter egg hunting yesterday but Anjolie refuses to walk even if u try holding her hands so she can walk she'll lift up her legs and wont do it...i worry some times but i know my other 3 walked fast and when she's ready she'll just get up and u shouldnt sure they will both get up and run when u least expect them to... :wub:
  6. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We had late walkers too. What does your pediatrician think?
  7. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    Mine didn't walk till they were 16months. They started the day I took their baby pen apart to open up the entire livingroom to them. I feel if I didn't take it down they would have walked later, they were pulling up and cruising on furniture but their toys were so close there was really no reason for them to walk. Also at my mom's house where they had a more open space they would take more unassisted step than they ever did at home.

    I try as much as possible not to compare the girls with any other babies. They all develop differently and it would not be fair to them. Since you mentioned that they used to pull up on the furniture, they may just surprise you and just get up and go one of these days.
  8. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    thanks everyeone, i know i cant compare my girls to other kids, they will walk when they are ready....:)

    QUOTE(TwinxesMom @ Apr 9 2007, 03:08 PM) [snapback]211440[/snapback]
    Not walking till 18 months is still considered normal for a full term baby(so being adjusted 20 months wouldn't be unusual). Mine Jessy didn't walk until 16 months and she was 6 weeks early. If it bothers you take it up with your pedi he may have suggestions on how to help them in walking or he might want to refer them to something like Early Intervention. Don't stop taking them to play group that would be pun shing them for something they can't help. The only thing I can suggest is squeaky shoes. These shoes make noise when they put pressure on their heels.

    they have the squeaky shoes, when we put them on they imediatly take them off and stick their hands in them to get them to squeak. i dont think we should have showed them that they squeaked with our hands.

    QUOTE(twoin2005 @ Apr 9 2007, 03:55 PM) [snapback]211522[/snapback]
    We had late walkers too. What does your pediatrician think?

    he said its completly normal for them, being 7 weeks premi, they will walk when they are ready. i have to take them out as much as possible (to th park and such) where they have to stnad up to play with a toy or climb up somthig.

    BTW my girls crawled at 10-10.5 months.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    They will walk when they are ready. Ainsley didn't walk until 4 weeks ago, and she has quickly become a good walker. She certainly practiced long enough! Do keep taking them to the playgroup, it will be good for them to see the other kids walking. Don't be embarrassed or anything. I take my girls to Gymboree and the library storytime, and at both places, all the moms were so encouraging and couldn't believe it when we came in and Ainsley was walking. If you are concerned, talk to your pediatrician.
  10. mariz

    mariz Well-Known Member

    Have you tried using a walker? Both my twins love their leapfrog shopping cart.
  11. Marian

    Marian Well-Known Member

    Nikki didn't really start walking until the past few days, and even that is only in short bursts in between crawling. Alex has been walking since 11 months old. So, my point--try not to worry, but you could always speak to your pediatrician to see if he/she has any concerns :)
  12. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mariz @ Apr 10 2007, 03:48 AM) [snapback]212671[/snapback]
    Have you tried using a walker? Both my twins love their leapfrog shopping cart.

    As i said in my first post, they dont even attempt to stand up or hoist themselfs up on anything, they are happy to sit ton the ground.

    they have walkers but hate them....I'm going to take them to playgroup this friday, they do love it and see the other kids willl help..
  13. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    Both of my girls were late walkers Natalie at 20 months and Brooke at 17 months. They have physical therapy once a week and some of the things the therapist worked on with them: to get them to stand up to the couch, coffee tables, is to put toys up on those items so that they have to stand there and play with them; put toys on the floor and show them how to put the toys up on the couch to get them standing & bending. The last piece of advice she had for Natalie who was at that time walking along furniture and walking with holding both of our hands, was instead of having her hold on to our hands, for us to hold on to a wooden spoon and have Natalie hold that - its not as stable as if she was actually holding on to our hand. Another one was to have her hold on to the belt of a bath robe if we were wearing one.

    All in all as pps have said, walking will come when they are ready. I will say that when Natalie walked at 20 months, there wasn't really a wobbly period. She just did it and did it good!

    And I feel your pain. Last summer when kids their age were running around at the park and in their backyards my girls were still crawling, and even though you're not supposed to compare we did. I'm really looking forward to our outside fun this year!

    Good Luck!
  14. Saiynee

    Saiynee Well-Known Member

    Peyton was able to walk at 16 months, but only did it occassionally. Mackenzie didn't start walking until 18 months ( a week before PT was to start) and that's when Peyton decided to do it full time. I guess she didn't want her sister hogging the spotlight.

    I understand your frustration. I used to carry both of them at once (still do at times) from one place to another. But my mother kept telling me, no one crawls into kindergarten. Now, they run away in stores, and demand to walk when it would be better for them to be held or in a stroller. It's a whole new type of frustration. LOL.

    If you are still concerned, call for a PT evaluation (you need a prescription from your pedi for this). It can' t hurt. Mackenzie wound up getting PT anyway, becuase she actually did have lo muscle tones.
  15. nbgmom

    nbgmom Well-Known Member

    Mine are 16months too. One of them just started walking, the other is still crawling. I want them to walk because they are so big. The one that started walking is 26lbs, the one that isn't walking is 29lbs. So obviously my back hurts. It will happen soon. I just talked to a mom the other day who said her son didn't walk til 22mos. I was so bummed out thinking that could happen to me, but we just keep holding my twins hands and practice walking. I know this will pass and then we will be posting how to get them to slow down :eek: .
  16. Saiynee

    Saiynee Well-Known Member

    The PP reminded me of something. To help them learn how to walk, support them under the armpits, not with their hands over their head. This encorages them to find balance. At least this is what the physical therapist told me (though by then the girls were walking). She knew I had supported them by their hands by the way Peyton held her right arm aloft.
  17. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    my girls are still very little, i love the fact that i cant carry them both around at the same time, where as if i was to carry two singletons their age at the same time my arms would probably fall off.

    thats a good point your mother made, nobody crawls in kindergarden hehe, its true.

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