Vanity question...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ladybenz, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    Will my ribs shrink back to their original size? Or will they be stretched forever?

    And, if they are stretched forever, does that mean that my waist will look smaller by comparison? (don't you dare tell me that will be stretched forever!!)
  2. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ladybenz @ Oct 30 2007, 02:34 PM) [snapback]473913[/snapback]
    Will my ribs shrink back to their original size? Or will they be stretched forever?

    And, if they are stretched forever, does that mean that my waist will look smaller by comparison? (don't you dare tell me that will be stretched forever!!)

    You know that is very interesting question, because when I had my son I put on so much weight and my ribs seem to stretch out (or it could have been just more fat around my ribs?)… and I thought I didn’t go back completely because I could never loose that last 5 (and really wasn't willing to give up life to loose those 5 if I could still wear all my old clothes), BUT the other night my husband busted out home video from when we were first married, and guess what, I think my memories of how I looked were better then how I looked… so I (personally) don’t have an answer for you, BUT I know I was told by family I looked better after…
  3. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    My ribs did not go back down. I base this on the fact that although I returned to my original weight (and for a while, less than my original weight), the band size of my bra went from 34 to 36, and has stayed there. This happened after my first pregnancy, a 9.5-lb singleton. I never measured my ribs before being pg, so I can't swear it, but why else would I need a larger band size?

    I would not say it made my waist look smaller, but I am very short (5'1") and short-waisted to boot, so there wasn't much there to work with!
  4. Jayn

    Jayn Well-Known Member

    me too - after my sons, I weighed less than before I was ever pregnant, but my bra size went up and also, my hips were different. I had to play with brands and shop around to find some that fit well. Also- in dress shoes, I now wear a half size bigger than before.
  5. Erin92702

    Erin92702 Active Member

    I think it must be different for everyone. My ribs expanded in both of my two previous (singleton) pregnancies, but did go back down after losing (most of) the pregnancy weight....

  6. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    ladybenz- WHY DID U HAVE TO ASK THAT!!!
    Now all I can think about is how my ribs are going to be ever expanding. hahahahaha.
  7. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    Sorry alexa... ;)

    I was just thinking about how every year on my wedding anniversary, I try on my wedding dress to see if it still fits. And every year it has. This year, I skipped because I'm HUGE!!!! And I was just wondering if it will fit next year, or whether my ribs are just going to be bigger from now on.

    I know, totally weird and random thoughts to be having almost two weeks after my anniversary...especially since I'm never actually planning to wear the dress again, just try it on once a year... :D
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