vaginal deliveries

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by *Sully*, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    So both babies are in position and I'm REALLY hoping they stay there since I would prefer a vaginal delivery. Though, I am at that point where I'm counting down the weeks. Ob said that they would not let me go past 39w, so would plan induction between 38-39 if I don't go into labor on my own.

    So how many weeks were you when you went into labor?

    And . . . did your babies spend any time in NICU?

    Thank you so much for your replies. I need encouragement that I can do this no matter what I'm in for :blush:
  2. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    i delivered vaginally at 37w6d. i was induced due to high blood pressure. my entire birth story is in my blog, but the babies were each over 6 pounds, they had to spend a few hours in the special care nursery being monitored as they were working pretty hard to breathe (grunting and the like) right after they were born, but they came home with me less than 48 hours after being born and have been in perfect health since.
  3. **Diane**

    **Diane** Well-Known Member

    Hi, I had a vaginal delivery with my two. Baby A was in the head down position and Baby B was in the breech position. My OB was comfortable (and so was I) in doing a vaginal despite Baby B's position and she just happened to be the smaller of the two which made it a bit more easier. We did deliver (which I believe most multiples are) in the OR in case of emergency but I laboured in a regular birthing room.

    My two were induced at 38w2d and I delivered them at 38w3d. Nothing was happing "down there" at my 38 week appt so the next day we started the inducement. My two spent no time in the NICU. They got to room in with me but we did stay an extra day as my DD needed b/w as she was under 2400g (b/w for hypoglycemia) and they suspected IUGR because of the weight difference between my two. She was 5.3lbs and he was 7.10lbs. All her b/w for low blood sugar was fine though and we all got to leave 3 days after they were born.

    All the best! Only a few more weeks to go!
  4. Chrishelle

    Chrishelle Well-Known Member

    I had my boys vaginally at 38wks 3days. My water broke 4 days before a scheduled induction. My boys spent no time in the NICU and were healthy weights. 6lbs 5 oz & 5lbs 11 oz. I delivered in the OR but labored in a birthing suite. They we're born about 12 hours after my water broke.

    Wishing you all the best!!! :icon_biggrin:
  5. vweaver

    vweaver Well-Known Member

    That is GREAT!!! A vaginal delivery is SO much easier to recover from - I was 38 wks pregnant and delivered baby A vaginally - 2 pushes and out - and baby B by c-section - she fell down shoulder and hand in my pelvis - they tried to turn her but no luck. Both babies were healthy and came right into our room and they were 6lb 6oz and 6 lb 3oz. I definitely recommend vaginally deliveries if possible.
  6. KentuckyMom

    KentuckyMom Active Member

    Hi! First of all, best of luck! My babies were a month early and spent NO time in NICU. Brenden was in the incubator/isolette for several hours afterward due to his traumatic delivery (vacuum/forceps etc) but he was out of it by morning.
  7. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I didn't go into labor, I was induced and delivered at 36wks 6days. One was 6lbs 3oz and the other 7lbs even, both went straight to the well baby nursery.
  8. Angelmommy

    Angelmommy Well-Known Member

    I was induced at 37 weeks, just because i was dialted at 3cm and begging them to plz take them out. I had both head down, was planned for a vaginal delivery, i delivered DD vaginally then had DS by emergency c-section due to he had cord prolapse. They didnt spen any time in the NIC other than DS went in for about an hour for breathing.
  9. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 33 weeks b/c of one of the placenta cords not pumping blood the correct way. I had a vaginal delivery and was walking around within a couple of hours of delivering them. Nathan spent 11 days in NICU and Natalie spent 14 days in NICU. I would recommend vaginal if both are head down.
  10. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    My babies were born vaginally after an excellent induction at 37.5 weeks. The whole experience was a dream! Twin B was breach but did a little flip 5 seconds before he was born. Two healthy little miracles, no NICU time. Good luck.
  11. heartofdixiemama

    heartofdixiemama Well-Known Member

    I was in the hospital for a month before vaginally delivering my two...I was 4 cm dilated that entire time & contracting. At 35 weeks my boys measured 6 lbs each via ultrasound so the docs scheduled me for an amniocentesis to check their lung maturity. They said the test showed the twins as right on the cusp, and they wanted to go ahead and induce me the next day. At 35 weeks 1 day, I was induced.
    Twin B spent 10 days in the NICU w/ breathing issues...grunting, wheezing, and the like...followed by a brief stint w/ jaundice and not being able to regulate his body temp enough to keep his hands/feet warm while in an open crib. After a couple of days, his breathing cleared up and after 10 days he came home and has now (at around 3 months old) outgrown his brother!
  12. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    We delivered at 38 weeks and 4 days (we were induced) Baby A (Abigail) was 5 lbs 10 oz & Baby B (Mason) was 5 lbs 5 oz. Born vag with an epidural :good:
    No NICU time for either twinkie!!!
    Good Luck To you :):)
  13. hilly

    hilly Well-Known Member

    I had pre-term labor from about 28 weeks on, we did everything to calm the contrax then at 36 weeks I was induced (ironically) due to toxemia and delivered within just a few hours.

    Both babies were very healthy, 5lbs2oz & 4lbs14oz, no NICU time, no major problems.
  14. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I never went into labor. Had a c-section at 38 weeks 1 day. Never even had a real contraction. So I guess you can do a while! Good luck!
  15. Mommydee

    Mommydee Well-Known Member

    i was induced at 34 wks. 6 days due tot preeclampsia. luckily ( i guess!) they had enough time prior to give the steroid shots to help their lungs mature. they both ended up spending 9 days in the NICU, just feeding and growing- no oxygen or iv's or anything.i was very happy to be able to deliver both vaginally- it CAN be done. good luck!!! get your rest now!!! :winking0009:
  16. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I was induced at 38w2d because my doc prefers to have twins out at 38 weeks. I was 4 1/2 cm dilated and it was a very smooth and fast delivery. My girl was head down, and my boy was born by breech extraction 4 minutes later. They both came home with me 2 days later.
  17. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    water broke at 36 weeks.

    No NICU time for Ella
    Addison was there for 11 days but her problem woudl have occurred even if she had been a 40 week singleton!
  18. walker006

    walker006 Well-Known Member

    My waters broke at 35 wks. I was in denial.Went to bank, took daughter to I didn't start contracting until the next day.
    Both babies were born vaginally and very healthy. Boy weighing 5.14 and girl weighing 5.8

    No NICU. I would have gone home the next day,but since they were early kept me one more day just to make sure everything ok.
  19. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply and share your experiences. It really means a lot to hear it straight from women who have BTDT.
  20. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    i delivered at 36 weeks to the day. both vaginal and both head down. both girls weighing 6lbs 12oz and 6lbs even. good luck!
    lots of love!
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