Vaginal Deliveries? Need some positive stories!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by tashatank24, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. tashatank24

    tashatank24 Well-Known Member

    I'm terrified of a C/S, for many reasons. First, the obvious scalpel cutting apart my abdomen. Secondly, the rise in deliveries through C/S has also shown a rise in children with heart murmurs, and reflux. I remember one article suggesting that the baby passing through the birth canal helped to close off the valve in the esophagus and possibly doing the same for heart valves. Now, if a C/S is the ONLY way to get my twins out safely, then by all means. I want to hear someone tell me that a vaginal delivery is VERY possible. I want to hear your stories!! In my first meeting with my OB for this pregnancy, the first thing he wanted to talk about was C/S. I want that to be the last resort, not the first thought.
  2. 2blessed

    2blessed Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2plus2Tasha @ Jul 7 2008, 01:49 AM) [snapback]862690[/snapback]
    I'm terrified of a C/S, for many reasons. First, the obvious scalpel cutting apart my abdomen. Secondly, the rise in deliveries through C/S has also shown a rise in children with heart murmurs, and reflux. I remember one article suggesting that the baby passing through the birth canal helped to close off the valve in the esophagus and possibly doing the same for heart valves. Now, if a C/S is the ONLY way to get my twins out safely, then by all means. I want to hear someone tell me that a vaginal delivery is VERY possible. I want to hear your stories!! In my first meeting with my OB for this pregnancy, the first thing he wanted to talk about was C/S. I want that to be the last resort, not the first thought.

    Both my girls were vaginal, but they always want you prepared for a C/S incase the need arises. Sometimes one can be born vaginally and the other, for various reasons, needs to be sectioned....unfortuanelty its hard to know 100% how things will be until that time comes!
    Ask lots of questions and you have the right attitude, that you will deliver them by whatever means for their best health. Just prepare yourself for the possiblitly of a section and hope that both can be vaginal!
  3. momoften

    momoften Well-Known Member

    My twins were my 8th and 9th children and I was terrified I would end up having a c-section just because of the odds. However, I would have to say it was my easiest labor and the delivery went pretty quickly too. I waited to go to the hospital until my contraction were very painful. I got to the hospital around 11 am and was checked in L&D. I was thrilled when the doctor said I was 7 dilated! Our daughters were born at 1:31pm and 1:42pm. It was an easy birth. No stitches or tears to report. I was induced with 5 of my others. So think positive. If you do have a c-section it will be in the best interest of you and your babies. Best of luck.
  4. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    Well I ended up with a c-section but only b/c I developed pre-eclampsia and needed to get the babies out ASAP. I wasn't even a tiny bit dilated and the dr said inducing would likely result in a rough labor, and I didn't want to take any additional chances.

    But up until my BP shot through the roof, my dr was totally willing to let me try vaginal. Both my girls were head down, and I'd have to give birth in the OR just in case, but otherwise he said it was up to me. If it's really what you want keep saying so. We had the c/s put on the schedule way ahead of time as a precaution, but we could always cancel if it wasn't needed.

    BTW my c/s went very well and we all came home 4 days later, no NICU time or anything!
  5. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Mine were both born vaginally at 37.5 weeks. They were my first and only pregnancy. Contractions were strong enough to send me to the hospital at 10pm. It turns out that Jacob's water had been broken since that morning - but his head acted as a plug and I wasn't really leaking. Got pitocin at about midnight to speed things up. Epidural shortly after that. They were born at 3:55 and 4:16 without any complications. Granted, I did deliver in the OR in front of a gaggle of people, but it all went smoothly.
  6. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    I was induced at 39 weeks 2 days. Baby A was head down, Baby B was Breech. I had an epidural and pitocin, and got to 10cm around 6am. Pushed for quite a while, Thomas came out with a little help with a vacuum at 8:23am, Maya was delivered by breech extraction (doctor pulled her out) at 8:27. Overall it went smoothly, no scary moments or anythig like that. I switched doctors at 30 weeks to make sure he/she would be comfortable with a vaginal delivery given baby a was head down. It worked out well I think.
  7. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    It's totally possible to have a vaginal delivery. I had mine at 35 weeks 2 days and they were born vaginally 6 minutes apart with no complications and no NICU. Mine were head down from 18 weeks on. I did have a lovely epidural as well.
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was induced at 38 weeks and delivered both vaginally with no problems. Lila was born first, weighing in at 7 lbs 9 oz and Luke was born 6 minutes later by breech extraction at 7 lbs 13 oz. Both went home with me 2 days later with no complications. So, it is very possible!
  9. Queen of Carrots

    Queen of Carrots Well-Known Member

    I don't have a birth story yet. (Maybe today?) But some things I am doing/have done to increase my chances:

    Find a doctor who is comfortable with vaginal deliveries for twins, including a breech extraction if necessary. Some doctors don't do these anymore and you'll wind up with an automatic c-section if either baby is breech.

    Work on good posture and exercises to get both babies head down (Baby B switched between 36 and 38 weeks for me). Try

    Take good care of yourself so your babies can be full term if possible.

    Hire a doula.

    Hope you are able to have the kind of birth you want!
  10. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I only delivered vaginal. My first was a large baby, long labor, 4th degree tearing, forceps but very speedy recovery (and an extremely mellow child in return).

    My twins were also large, baby A had always been head down and I delivered her in 4 pushes. Baby B was born feet first by breech extraction (as planned) and he came into this world 4 minutes later. A little bit of tearing but again a very smooth and uncomplicated birth of 2 almost 8lbs babies.

    You can do it! I love this video on You Tube:
  11. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    At 26 weeks, I was told we would have to have a c/s, recommended at 34 weeks, because my babies had TTTS. The specialists didn't even think we'd make it to 34 weeks. I also had a cerclage in place.

    At 32 weeks, I was still pregnant, and Baby A and Baby B were head down and doing much better than thought. So we were given the go-ahead for a vaginal if we continued to do well. My history of precipitous, easy labors and larger babies was a plus for me being able to do this. I was given an epidural to help in removal of the cerclage and just in case I had to have an emergency c/s, and I also did L&D in the OR to be prepared. My twins were also born at 34w1d which necessitated the presence of NICU staff at deliver.

    My vaginal L&D was easy, I'd say. From the time my water broke on its own at 9 pm, I delivered at 11 and 11:05 pm. The epidural was minimal, and I could've gotten up and walked off away from the OR table. My babies were in NICU for a week and about two weeks, but overall they did wonderfully considering their prematurity. (Although, I wish I could've gone 2 more weeks with them in utero.)
  12. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    I also had a vaginal delivery at 35 4/7 weeks. Both babies were head down at delivery, but baby B had been switching from vertex to breech and back the whole pregnancy. My doc was very willing to do a breech extraction on B if necessary.

    My delivery was relatively easy - water broke on baby A at 2:30 in the morning, at the hospital by 3:30ish, epidural by about 5ish, then pushing by 9am! I had Maya at 1001 and Naomi at 1058 (my contractions kinda stopped once one baby was out, so they had to give me some pitocin and use forceps, but no problems). No episiotomy or tearing. No NICU time and they came home with us in two days.
  13. erwelch

    erwelch Well-Known Member

    I had mine vaginally with no problems. They were born at 36.1wks, I went into labor on my own & they came out within 11 minutes. I pushed 2 times with A & 2 mores times with B & they were both perfect & came right to our room with us. They didn't even get jaundice which is unusual for 36wk twins I guess. It is totally possible with some positive thinking!!
  14. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    I delivered mine vaginally, but at 31.5 weeks. Both were head down until labor, then "B" turned. But my peri did a breech extraction that went beautifully. My babies were born at 12:01pm & 12:02pm. Everybody thinks they were sectioned because of the time =) Hope you have a good experience and healthy babies either way...
  15. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    I delivered vaginally as well. I'm glad I did, though it was certainly no walk in the park. I was induced due to pre-e (I also had PUPPPS which was AWFUL) at 37 weeks. It was a rather long induction, starting about 6pm and I wasn't fully dilated until 4pm the next day. I pushed for a couple of hours and eventually, Matthew was born with the help of forceps and Will was helped with a vacuum. I was just wiped out rom not sleeping at all for several weeks (thanks to PUPPPS) and the magnesium sulfate they have to give you for the pre-e (nasty stuff). I did tear and have a bad hemorrage after they were born (required a blood transfusion) but that bleeding would have happened with the c/s as well. Anyway, my recovery was easier with them than it was with my singleton (who was gigantic and just destoyed me down there...temporarily thankfully). The most important advice I can give is to have an OB that will give you the chance. You don't want to fight with an OB that is not "on your side".
  16. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    we were induced at 38 weeks and 4 days.
    had an epidural :wub: and a great vag birth.
    we got to the hospital at 7am and by 6pm hubby and i were eating dinner and the twins were sound asleep in there
    little beds.
    They were born 9 minutes apart at 5 lbs 10 oz for baby A and 5 lbs 5 oz for baby B
    i labored with out my epidural for about an hour or so, but i knew from the begining that i was going to get one so i did and it
    was great (felt like a bee sting when they did it) i was able to take a nap :lazy: and before i knew it i was ready to push.
    they did a quick ultra sound to see where they were and i was pushing. DD got stuck and need the vacume to help get her out. i had no pain and
    was able to just concentrate on pushing. its great because i did not feel the labor pains once i got my epidural but i still felt the babies when they came out.
    that was amazing!! i could not have asked for better labor. please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or would like to talk.
    Good Luck to you!!
  17. tashatank24

    tashatank24 Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies!! I have been feeling so much better about this since reading your stories. I had never heard of a breech extraction until one of you mentioned it to me, so I looked it up and then surprised my doc when I asked if he was comfortable with that and what the other doctors that may be on call thought about it. Then HE was able to put me at ease. This is so Do-able! Thanks again girls!!
  18. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    Another vaginal delivery here. I had my girls at 39 weeks and 1 day. They are 26 minutes apart..and it was a great delivery. I had a harder delivery with my son..20 months later. (He was vaginal also).

    It is possible. And my doctors never mentioned a C-section when I was pregnant. My girls were head down pretty early..and I was having a vaginal birth..even if I wanted a C-section. LOL

    I was more scared of having one vaginal and one C-section ..and I know that has happened to some women, but I figure we are mothers of twins, we can handle anything. LOL

    Good is possible..just learn, read and know what to expect so you won't have any suprises.

  19. skovarik

    skovarik Active Member

    I delivered vaginally at 32+2 and it was smooth and easy!! My small one came first at 11:01 and my big one came second at 10:20! It was tiring but well worth it in the end!
  20. spiveyplustwins

    spiveyplustwins Well-Known Member

    I had the easiest delivery ever! Alot of my friends with singletons had harder deliveries then I did. I am a little different than you guys here because I have TWO uteruses!!! Yes, that's right - not ONE, But TWO - and my boys were in the same one (the left one). My uterus is half the size of a regular one, so my OB was not very hopeful on making it to term. I made it to 35 and a half weeks!

    My water broke around 7 that night and I was already 5 cm. I got to the hospital and in my room by 8 - got the epidural and by 11:30 I was 10 CM and ready. I got into the OR all ready to go by midnight. Pushed through 3 contractions and Michael Dean was born at 12:07 - It took 20 minutes for Jeremiah to come down and I pushed through 2 contractions and he was born at 12:30am. I didn't feel a THING and hardly tore at all. It was a piece of cake. I was back in the recovery room just before 1 am.

    Honestly, I was terrified, but would do it all over again - it was so easy!!!
  21. Andrea1122

    Andrea1122 New Member

    I am so happy to hear of so many vaginal twin deliveries! At my OB practice there are 2 doctors one who is pro c-section (admitted she hadn't done a vaginal twin delivery in 6 yrs!!) the other open to it as long as Baby A is head down and Baby B is in a good position (can't be butt down). I was induced at 41 wks with my daughter - easy labor and delivery - so I WANT to try vaginal delivery of the twins if it is possible and safe. Baby A has been head down for the past month or so and Baby B was head down at 32 wks but since then has been sideways - transverse. I'm not 35wks and 3 days. My OB has put me on the schedule for a Sept 2 delivery - which would put me at 38wks and a day. The High Risk docs (I'm over 35) said I should not go past 37 weeks since I have monochon....identical twins - both in the same placenta but different sacs. The High Risk docs said that unless I go into labor on my own...they would recommend a c-section as well. I am just torn. I would love to hear what you guys have to say. I think I know but need to hear it again...Thank you! :)
  22. erwelch

    erwelch Well-Known Member

    I had my girls vaginally at 36.1wks with no problems at all. They both came right into our room and never left. The delivery was easy except that there were 18 people in the room with us in case of any problems. It was my 2nd vaginal birth so I don't think it bothered me as much. I was up and walking around as soon as the epidural wore off, which was a good thing since I also had a 19mth old to take care of.

    Good luck!
  23. ErickaK

    ErickaK Well-Known Member

    My twins were an easy pregnancy and delivery. I delivered at 35w 5d after my water breaking at home. I delivered vaginally, waited until I knew for sure I could push (My water broke at 9am and the girls came at 4:46pm.) In 1 push I had my Baby A at 4:46pm and my Baby B was breech and delivered as such at 4:49pm after 3 pushes. Within 10 mins of entering the OR and meeting everyone, my daughters' were born.
  24. jec34e

    jec34e Well-Known Member

    I successfully vaginally delivered my twins also. It was my first pregnancy. My water broke at 6:30 am, I had an epidural by 9 am ( was heavenly) and I started pushing at 5 pm. Baby A was out at 6:30 and Baby B was breech and pulled out that way 8 minutes later.
    It is definitely possible! As you can see many of have done it!!
  25. jec34e

    jec34e Well-Known Member

    I successfully vaginally delivered my twins also. It was my first pregnancy. My water broke at 6:30 am, I had an epidural by 9 am ( was heavenly) and I started pushing at 5 pm. Baby A was out at 6:30 and Baby B was breech and pulled out that way 8 minutes later.
    It is definitely possible! As you can see many of have done it!!
  26. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    My birth went incredibly smooth!! No problems at all!! 7 minutes apart! One was transverse but they pointed her down once Baby A was out.

    My water broke at home and 12 hours later I had both my girls!
  27. jordyn25

    jordyn25 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(erw @ Aug 13 2008, 02:12 PM) [snapback]928611[/snapback]
    I had my girls vaginally at 36.1wks with no problems at all. They both came right into our room and never left. The delivery was easy except that there were 18 people in the room with us in case of any problems. It was my 2nd vaginal birth so I don't think it bothered me as much. I was up and walking around as soon as the epidural wore off, which was a good thing since I also had a 19mth old to take care of.

    Good luck!

    I was just like this with my dd. I popped her right out, I was up and walking once the epi wore off, took a shower, my stomach was flat again instantly and the next day I wa sin reg clothes with makeup on walking around and a few days later at the mall.......I HOPE it is somewhat similar. It was so nice and made caring for her so much easier and fun.
    You give me hope!
  28. eehrlich

    eehrlich Well-Known Member

    had my girls vaginally - baby a was head first baby b was breech both came out no problem. i wouldnt worry until you find out their positions toward the end of your pregnancy. most docs will let you go vag as long as baby a is head down and bigger than baby b - but it all depends on the philosophy of the doctor there at delivery.
  29. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    My girls were born vaginally at 34w6d due to pre-e and HELLP. Baby A was out in 3 big pushes. Baby B decided to hang out and enjoy the room for a while. She was born 1.5 hours later bum first. No problems. I didn't even have a stitch.
  30. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I had a vaginal Delivery. I almost needed an emergancy C-section for baby B. Once Baby A came out Baby B started to decline. Her heart slowed down to like 30 beats. We got her out Really fast! Apperiantly.. (I didnt know) she was born blue and needed to be resitated(sp?). I didnt find out until the next day.

    You really need to be ready to have an emergancy section. You never know what will happen... In my case it almost happened but she was in the right position and it was faster to get her out vaginally then to start prepping me for surgery.

    Now Both of them are healthy 11.5 month olds and she never went to the Nicu for any treatment.

    Good luck!
  31. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    Our girls were the easiest laboring experience that I ever had! I have five and A&A were #4 and #5. They were both born within 31 minutes of their waters being broken. Aubrey was first and 11 minutes later came Avarey. Weights were 6lb 12oz and 6lb even. I had planned to have the CS but chickened out 15 minutes before the surgery and was able to deliver the next morning since both were head down and fighting to go first. I actually had to sit up in bed all night to get one to move into my pelvis. :rolleyes: I really think that they were fighting to go first--hehe. In the end I had two beautiful girls with no pain, no pain medications, and no cutting or tearing. :D You will know right around the last few days before delivery what will most likely be your way of delivery. I knew the whole time that I just wanted the CS to get my tubes tied but now I know that I made the right choice.

    Like other posters noted: ask millions of questions! don't stress yourself! and definitely get plenty of rest!
    Lots of love!
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