Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommy2btwins, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. mommy2btwins

    mommy2btwins Well-Known Member

    :( HI EVERYONE... well right now dh and i are supposed to be at the Atlantis in the Bahamas... Of course.. after sophias little illness and rash last week , remember, Alexandra decided to get sick.. not pneumonia sick thank god..but sick enough to have fever..neb tx's and when we took them to my parents house last night .. alex wouldnt go to sleep.. and they even ahve their own nursery there.. she cried and cried.. uncomfortable.. for 3 hrs.. nothing my mother,who is here every day , could do to console her.. so i had to go there and get her.
    my mom did not give me the green light to go away even though she had no fever.. so we had to cancel the whole trip... my dh flipped sooo mad ..and i am very upset.. iknow there will be other trips yada yada yada..but i felt my mom should of just told us to go regardless..and took care of the baby? is that selfish to ask ?
    also we were thinking of rebooking it and taking the girls..they will be around 17 months by that time..has anyone taken their kids to atlantis at that age?? my ped..highly does not recommend taking kids away until they are 4 years old..but stated that the bahamas may be an acception...
    i am soooo upset.................... i wish i was on the beach...and of course when i got lexie home last night she slept through the night..and besides minor coughing..and irritalitly and fever.... she was pleasant eating drinking and playing..go figure.
  2. krictyandtwins

    krictyandtwins Active Member

    That really sucks! im so sorry. I would be so upset too. To try to look at the upside of this maybe theres a reason why you couldnt go. I wouldnt take the kids to the bahamas with you. Try to reschedule it with just you and your husband.
  3. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    That really stinks. Sorry you had to cancel your trip.

    Why does your ped not recommend taking kids away? I had mine in Florida at 9 months and we are leaving for the Atlantis in a little over a week. My girls are 21 months old so I will let you know how they do there. But I have heard it is a very kids friendly place.

    ETA: Almost forgot, I hope your girls are feeling better soon.
  4. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    That sucks that you had to cancel your trip. Hope your girls get better soon x
  5. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    Im so sorry hunny.....hope your girls are better soon, you can always book another trip :)
  6. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    OH NO!!! I can't imagine getting so psyched up for a trip and then having it cancelled. I am so sorry. I don't know about if it is asking too much for your mom to watch them while they are sick. My parents are older and have never watched my girls because my girls are just too much to handle.

    I don't know that I can say anything to make you feel better but here is something that might be fun to do- We love the beach too and on rainy days DH, the gals and I would set up beach chairs in the living room, put on beach clothes, turn on Bob Marley and pretend we were at the beach. Make some tropical drinks for you and DH after the babes go to bed and put a fan on so it feels like an ocean breeze....I know, not NEARLY the same thing but it might lift your spirits just to do something a little different.....

    As for re-booking- I would try to do it without kids. We went to Florida when the girls were 16 months and it was so much work. Not sure why your ped says to wait until after they are 4. But I will say, at nearly 4 years old it is much easier to travel with the gals then at 16 months.

    Again- so sorry your trip was cancelled. Hope you get to re-book soon and I hope your babes feel better!

  7. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry you had to cancel your trip - I hope you can reschedule it soon.

    However, I cannot imagine leaving one of my girls with my parents for even an overnight if she was sick enough to require nebulizer treatments. I think your Mom is actually right in this situation. I hope she feels better soon!
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So sorry your trip got cancelled. Why does your ped. not recommend taking your kids on a trip until age 4, I've never heard of such a thing? We had ours in Florida at 10 months and are going to SC in July.
  9. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Sorry they were sick. I bet you would not have had a good time anyway. You probably would have spent all your time worring about the kids.
  10. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    Its so hard to grab that time alone. I can imagine your disapointment with it all. I think if your daughter was just a little sick, your mom being a mom herself would understand the need for your time alone with DH, and opted to take care of her...esp since it was nothing serious, and she was inevitably Ok...but maybe her being on a neb could have scared your mom a bit, and Im sure you would havbe worried your head off...Can you rebook the trip to go maybe next week?? The airlines will charge you a changing fee (i used to be a travel agent), but the hotel should be able to oblige you...if you had travel insurance, it should be okay.

    Im so sorry you werent able to go. ;( MANY MANY hugs to you. I think your kids would LOVE Atlantis. So much to do there. I dont know wwhy your pedi said that...I just took mine to Florida...but my pedi never said not to take them anywhere. Strange!

    Good luck re-booking!
  11. mommy2btwins

    mommy2btwins Well-Known Member

    thanks the days go on i am glad we stayed home.. i amgoing to rebook the trip for around june... so hopefully we will get the green light to go !!!!!
  12. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you're going to rebook the trip. You will have a much better time if you're not worrying about the girls' health while you are gone!
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