Utensils help!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sottovoce, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. sottovoce

    sottovoce Well-Known Member

    Our children are pretty messy eaters at nearly 19 months and not very proficient with their utensils. My DH insists I am introducing them too early and that I should wait a year (!). I think they need a lot of practice at it to get better at it because it is a matter of gross and fine motor skills.

    I figure I have to do most of the experimenting/teaching/experiencing during the week and then minimize my DH's exposure to the feeding mess on the weekend as he really gets upset about it (last night our son flung applesauce all over the place). Maybe I should get a mat for the floor.

    How long does it take? Are there some foods that are better to try with? Any tips? Should I wait?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Invetro Mommy

    Invetro Mommy Well-Known Member

    We started at about the same time. They are 2yr8m now and still throw food and eat with their hands. DD normally eats with her fork or spoon but DS grabs handfuls off of his plate...so when DD sees this she follows along. The only thing I know for sure with us, is if you sit with them the entire meal and give direction it will help. Good luck with your messes, my two get food everwhere....the floor, drapes, walls and sometimes on the fish tank.
  3. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I do not think it is too early at all. Jack and Lily have been using spoons and forks for a couple of months now. They eat a bowl of cereal with milk every morning and use their spoons just fine. They also use forks at dinner and do very well with them. Sometimes they use spoons at dinner as well. They actually prefer the regular people forks so I just give them the salad forks (smaller ones) to use and they work very well.

    That being said, we do have a dog to clean up the mess. I know my DH just does not handle the overall noise and chaos very well and he tends to get upset when food goes flying as well. I do not know what that is about - must be a boy thing!
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I don't think it is too early at all. I definitely would not wait another year, they need to learn this self help skill. Try yogurt thickened up with baby oatmeal, mashed potatoes, applesauce. Mine like those turkey sausages, those are good things to cut up and use with the fork.

    Mine use their silverware 90% of the time. Whenever they resort to using their hands for something they should not eat with their hands, we ask them to please use their fork or spoon and they fix the behavior.
  5. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Our pedi told us at their 15 mo appt that utensils are great for developing hand-eye coordination, in addition to being polite ;). I have been REALLY taking my time because I hate cleaning up the mess, but I also don't think my boys are ready for utensils full-time. If I load a spoon with food, my kids can shove it in their mouths (albeit upside down). Amy, I can't even imagine my boys eating cereal with milk via a spoon independently. Your kids have amazing motor skills!! Anyway... my point is that no, it's not too early; yes, it's messy; and no, they won't be proficient overnight. :D
  6. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Try using a fork instead of a spoon. Cody loves to eat with a fork. I still stab most of the food for him, but he loves putting it in his mouth himself.
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