using pacis during the day

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gimena, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    My ds loves his pacies, dd likes them when he sees them with it and ofcourse steels it even if she has one,
    so for the longest time we left them on the crib and only used them in the car...
    until we went on vacation and pacies where used during the day..
    now ds keeps going back into his room to get the pacies or looks for them or cries for them in the kitchen...
    should I just give in for some quiet??? once he is entratain he drops them, so don't know why
    I"m so concerend about giving to him...
    I just don't like the idea of him crying just for the pacie... what an addiction!
    when we are out and he is distracted he doesn't even remember...
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We always limited where the plug was during the day. The kids who had them would only get them during naptimes and in the car. Car was taken away first and then sleep times. I'd say stick to your guns and soon it will be better.
  3. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    We are in the same boat - sometimes they find one and will want it or if they see one they want it but I really am trying hard to limit it to the car and sleep times. I dont want them getting that used to them know I plan on trying to get rid of them in the next 6 months or so also I dont want to inhibit their speech in any way. But there are times when I have let them have it but I am trying to be more aware.
  4. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Our pacis stay in the crib and have since about 10 months old or so. They do on occassion go in and try and grab them out of the crib. They know though. If I catch them, they will go put them back. I would listen to the whining and just sit it out. It won't take long for your LO to realize that you aren't giving in. I personally can't stand to see kids over a year running around with pacis all the time. You can't develop expressive vocabulary with something in your mouth!
  5. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    My boys really only use their paci's during naps and bedtime. Their paci's stay in their cribs through the day. Now occasionally, they'll try to reach for them. I usually put them on a higher part of the crib so they can't reach in, but I do forget sometimes to put them out of reach. In those cases, I let them use it until their next bottle. At that time, they usually hand over their loveys and paci's and I will give them their milk. I'll then put everything away. I don't mind them carrying around their loveys, but their pacis must go back and stay in their cribs.

    We are thinking when they are 20 months, we are going to wean them off the paci's either cold turkey or cutting a hole in their paci's to try to get them to not want their paci's themselves.
  6. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    We only use pacifiers at naptimes and bedtimes. There are many days that I wish that I could pull them out because they whine so much, but I know that in the long run it won't benefit them. Stick to just using them in the crib!!!
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    one of my favorite bits of parenting advice i've gotten is "start as you mean to go on". basically meaning that it may be a pain in the butt to not give them the pacis all day now, but it'll be an even bigger pain in the butt trying to wean them off of them later. and you will need to at some point. so why not stick with the rules you have now & save yourself the headache down the road?

    maybe try & brainstorm some at home activities to do with your DS whenever he starts whining for his paci that you know will distract him enough. GL!
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I love that advice, and I heard it early on too!

    I recently (in the last few months) taught ours to say "bye bye" to the paci and for THEM to put it back in their crib in the morning when we leave the room. They never used to take it with them then they started, and if we let them they'd have them in all day long. but its so cute, they actually reach up and over and toss the paci and blankie back in the cribs - when i request. (they don't put it through the slats!!)

    good luck with what you decide. I think you'll get good results in a short amount of time.
  9. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Mine do the same thing. Say bye-bye to the binky. And they throw it over and don't normally get upset. Maybell- Our LOs have the same birthday!
  10. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    twins in more ways than birthdays! saying bye bye to the pacifiers too! april 30th - that made me smile!
  11. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    I think i am one of the few lucky moms whose babies do not use paci's...they had them while in the NICU and CCN, and then about a week when they got home, (well one baby did and the other refused) but since they were a little over a month old neither has wanted their paci's. They have done remarkably well not having them. Sorry can not help with the paci question..but good luck.
  12. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I weaned my DD down to the paci just at naptime and bedtime at 15 months. But we didn't take it away completely until she was almost 3 and I really, really, really wish I'd just done it cold turkey at 15 months. It was painful at almost 3. I would not give in if I were you.
  13. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with this.

    However, we´ve been through a lot of illnesses and are now in the same boat as you (we only used to have them for nap and car times too). Now what I do is take away their pacis and blankies when they sit down for breakfast (I´ve always had this rule) and I go and put them in the kitchen out of sight. Both LOs will whine for them. DD asks and I say no blankie now, you can have it later. DS can be more complicated and I have to use distraction to help him forget. I usually ask him where a certain toy is or go and start playing with one and making a big deal out of it. That works. However, it´s harder when they are tired. Before naptime, we go and get the pacis and blankies and off to bed we go. I have given in more in the afternoons when I´ve had them up for 6+ hours and stuck indoors. However I´ve found that they will often leave them lying around and so I hide them again. They are getting the message. I hope to get rid of pacis this year but am not too sure how that will go!!!


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