UPDATES on those late-talking 2yos who are approaching 3yo?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by harryjacksmom, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. harryjacksmom

    harryjacksmom Well-Known Member

    Hi All [​IMG]

    A long time ago, I posted about my late-talkers and had a lot of response to the initial post and a follow-up. Just wondering how everyone is doing?

    Here's us:

    Well, I have officially told them both to STOP TALKING at least once [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Jack really took off at about 26 months and hasn't really slowed down. The only problems I'm having lately is that he gets really excited and is sometimes harder to understand than he used to be....guess he's starting to slack on occasion. The motivation is definitely there and he astounds me lots of times. He can tell you the entire plot of Cars, is a big ole bossy boss, and freely admits it!

    Scene from today:

    Me, wearily, while two grumpy boys resist a nap: Jack you were tired enough to fall asleep in the car, what happened?
    Jack: You TOLD me to wake up! (big aren't-you-proud smile)
    Me (to myself): well, yeah, but that was just long enough for you to get to the BED....argh

    Harry, oh my sweet Harry has started talking, real talk, conversations that some people can understand [​IMG] It took us a long time, we started speech last August but have only gone to a few 'booster sessions' because he took off on his own. This last month, he's learned all his colors, started singing recognizable songs, reciting the alphabet, labeling everything and really answering questions. He's still not at the major conversation level, but he's getting there [​IMG]

    So, what are your stories? How is it going? What things really 'clicked' for your kids?

  2. harryjacksmom

    harryjacksmom Well-Known Member

    Hi All [​IMG]

    A long time ago, I posted about my late-talkers and had a lot of response to the initial post and a follow-up. Just wondering how everyone is doing?

    Here's us:

    Well, I have officially told them both to STOP TALKING at least once [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Jack really took off at about 26 months and hasn't really slowed down. The only problems I'm having lately is that he gets really excited and is sometimes harder to understand than he used to be....guess he's starting to slack on occasion. The motivation is definitely there and he astounds me lots of times. He can tell you the entire plot of Cars, is a big ole bossy boss, and freely admits it!

    Scene from today:

    Me, wearily, while two grumpy boys resist a nap: Jack you were tired enough to fall asleep in the car, what happened?
    Jack: You TOLD me to wake up! (big aren't-you-proud smile)
    Me (to myself): well, yeah, but that was just long enough for you to get to the BED....argh

    Harry, oh my sweet Harry has started talking, real talk, conversations that some people can understand [​IMG] It took us a long time, we started speech last August but have only gone to a few 'booster sessions' because he took off on his own. This last month, he's learned all his colors, started singing recognizable songs, reciting the alphabet, labeling everything and really answering questions. He's still not at the major conversation level, but he's getting there [​IMG]

    So, what are your stories? How is it going? What things really 'clicked' for your kids?

  3. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    That sounds great! Glad to hear they are doing well.

    I have seen alot of changes as the boys hit age 3yrs! Ben is potty trained which is great and Luke is getting there. They love to sing songs and remember the words more often than I do. Their attention spans and capacity to entertain themselves has grown tremendously. They have know their abc's for awhile but now are able to identify many letters individually and often can tell me a word that cooresponds with it (c is for cat) They can also count items up to 20. They have really great memories and can tell me details about things we did several months ago!! They also play with so much more imagination now.

    I guess the thing that I'm most proud of is that they are well mannered. They always say "please, thank you and your welcome". Last night, we were out to dinner and they kept saying please and thank you without prompting. The waitress was so impressed and I was very proud!! [​IMG]
  4. 2for1

    2for1 Well-Known Member

    OMGoodness! Thank you so much for posting this!!! What an encouragement! My boys are about to start Speech...they don't say a word. Rarely ever even babble. i am so worried. I know they know the words because they understand what i say...it's just that mean old Expressive Language! I am hoping it will just "click" with my boys, too.
  5. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad you asked for updates. My boys still had very little language when they started preschool in September (they were 2 years 3 months). Now, five months later, Ben is almost talking in full sentences and he can hold a simple conversation and tell you what's happening around him. Adam, my super late talker, is now speaking in two and three word phrases although his pronunciation is bad at times. They both sing all sorts of songs, know all their colors, shapes, letters, and most numbers. Both can count to twelve when they feel like it.

    I still wonder sometimes about Adam. Ben is always so eager to please people (and be the center of attention) that he's happy to demonstrate what he knows. Adam gets shy and quiet around new people though he will open up after an hour or two. He's finally started talking more for his teacher which is really great. He frequently drops all consonant sounds from his words even though he can recite (and recognize) every letter of the alphabet with perfect diction. He can even pronounce the harder sounds in the names of the letters 'S', 'X', and 'H' but he gets very lazy when talking to us and only makes the vowel sounds. This has been slowly improving, though.

    While we're talking about speech, does anyone else's kids have weird pronunciations for common words? For some really odd reason, both boys have odd words for "water". Ben calls it "yow-ah" which I can see as a gross mispronunciation of "water". Adam, on the other hand, calls it "non-yee" (??!). Even though DH and I go out of our way to make sure we call it WATER and not reinforce their mispronunciations, they both use these really strange words for it.

    Sorry for the long post, I could go on and on.

    Edit: I wanted to add that I chose to enroll them in preschool (two-year-old program) before trying EI speech therapy. If they hadn't both improved so quickly, I would have called EI.
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    so glad they are oding well. I always say be careful what you ask for! I remember saying, "I can't wait for my daughter to talk" Well I sure did regret that some days! [​IMG] My oldest 2 are BIG talkers!
  7. SandyKay

    SandyKay Well-Known Member

    Hi, glad you asked. My two started speech therapy at age 24 months and had tested at the 10 month expressive level. They were only saying 2 words a piece. Now, after 9 months of therapy, Mary has been dismissed just this week and Mady will continue until May and is expected to test out then. Mary is now testing at her age level for expressive speech. Mady is doing well too, she is 2-3 months behind Mary and is not as easy to understand. We love our speech therapist and will miss her when this is finished. It is so cute to hear the girls talk to each other. I am sure I will wish they would be quiet in the future.
  8. harryjacksmom

    harryjacksmom Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Debb-i:
    That sounds great! Glad to hear they are doing well.

    I have seen alot of changes as the boys hit age 3yrs! Ben is potty trained which is great and Luke is getting there. They love to sing songs and remember the words more often than I do. Their attention spans and capacity to entertain themselves has grown tremendously. They have know their abc's for awhile but now are able to identify many letters individually and often can tell me a word that cooresponds with it (c is for cat) They can also count items up to 20. They have really great memories and can tell me details about things we did several months ago!! They also play with so much more imagination now.

    I guess the thing that I'm most proud of is that they are well mannered. They always say "please, thank you and your welcome". Last night, we were out to dinner and they kept saying please and thank you without prompting. The waitress was so impressed and I was very proud!! [​IMG]

    [​IMG] Debi, that sounds great! Harry also says the letters of absolutely everything these days - T-tree, toe, tomato...and on and on [​IMG]

    And I'm like you, the manners are the major thing - Harry told a kid 'thank you for moving' after saying 'excuse me' to get him to move the other day [​IMG] Jack is also Mr. Polite, and there is no greater 'pay check' IMHO - YAY for manners!
  9. harryjacksmom

    harryjacksmom Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by 2for1:
    OMGoodness! Thank you so much for posting this!!! What an encouragement! My boys are about to start Speech...they don't say a word. Rarely ever even babble. i am so worried. I know they know the words because they understand what i say...it's just that mean old Expressive Language! I am hoping it will just "click" with my boys, too.

    Hi April,

    I hope that you also have a big explosion in language - you'll get lots of support for whatever you choose to do, but I can't tell you the number of moms of boys, especially, who say this happened. Just trust your instincts, watch for progress and don't worry too much of this precious time away [​IMG]

    Originally posted by Sue1968:
    ...I still wonder sometimes about Adam. Ben is always so eager to please people (and be the center of attention) that he's happy to demonstrate what he knows. Adam gets shy and quiet around new people though he will open up after an hour or two. He's finally started talking more for his teacher which is really great. He frequently drops all consonant sounds from his words even though he can recite (and recognize) every letter of the alphabet with perfect diction. He can even pronounce the harder sounds in the names of the letters 'S', 'X', and 'H' but he gets very lazy when talking to us and only makes the vowel sounds. This has been slowly improving, though.

    While we're talking about speech, does anyone else's kids have weird pronunciations for common words? For some really odd reason, both boys have odd words for "water". Ben calls it "yow-ah" which I can see as a gross mispronunciation of "water". Adam, on the other hand, calls it "non-yee" (??!). Even though DH and I go out of our way to make sure we call it WATER and not reinforce their mispronunciations, they both use these really strange words for it.


    Hi Sue - YAY - it sounds like they are making good strides. Adam sounds a lot like my Harry in that he let Jack take the spotlite and tends to say more difficult words better than easier ones, kwim?

    They had a few weird ones, but nothing too far out there, although a few months ago (where you are now) they were more likely to have weird words or phrases for things. Now, I'm having to translate and decipher lot less - [​IMG] to your continued improvement!

    Originally posted by SandyKay:
    Hi, glad you asked. My two started speech therapy at age 24 months and had tested at the 10 month expressive level. They were only saying 2 words a piece. Now, after 9 months of therapy, Mary has been dismissed just this week and Mady will continue until May and is expected to test out then. Mary is now testing at her age level for expressive speech. Mady is doing well too, she is 2-3 months behind Mary and is not as easy to understand. We love our speech therapist and will miss her when this is finished. It is so cute to hear the girls talk to each other. I am sure I will wish they would be quiet in the future.

    Hi, Sandy - that's great progress! Aren't great speech therapists the best?!? We're probably in that same 2-3 month gap, but that's so much better than the huge one we had just a few months ago [​IMG] I'm loving the boys' first real conversations, too - it also makes it a little easier on my ears, to be honest [​IMG]

    SO, how are other people doing? Hope everyone's making some progress and having some fun along the way [​IMG]
  10. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I wish I could say we were doing as good as others. I have taken the wait and see approach. William is finally stringing words together and I can understand what he is saying most of the time. He still doesn't speak much, but that is a personality issue not a speech issue. Unfortunately his current phrases are back talking (for example "leave alone" is a favorite of his). He can count up to 13 when he wants to and will try to repeat almost any word when he is in the mood. Nathan on the other hand is still pretty far behind. Although recently he has had a language explosion, he is still nearly impossible to understand by anyone but me. He gets easily frustrated when someone doesn't understand him, and resorts to grunting and pointing a lot. He can also count to 13 although you can only clearly understand about half of the numbers. I think he is starting to catch up and likes to talk so much more than William.
  11. lettered olive

    lettered olive Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by SandyKay:
    Hi, glad you asked. My two started speech therapy at age 24 months and had tested at the 10 month expressive level. They were only saying 2 words a piece. Now, after 9 months of therapy, Mary has been dismissed just this week and Mady will continue until May and is expected to test out then. Mary is now testing at her age level for expressive speech. Mady is doing well too, she is 2-3 months behind Mary and is not as easy to understand. We love our speech therapist and will miss her when this is finished. It is so cute to hear the girls talk to each other. I am sure I will wish they would be quiet in the future.

    Wow, this is so great to hear. My DS was just tested this week, at 21 months he is at a 13 month expressive and 14 month receptive. Although I have to admit I don't know how he can have 13 month expressive when he has no words! He makes a lot of sounds now though and uses the "more" sign. DD hasn't been tested yet because she understands so much, I am just hoping she will catch on. She says a lot but I don't understand any of it except for a few things.

    I hope that 9 months from now I can make a post like yours!!!
  12. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Finally at 2 1/2 Jesse is stringing 2-3 words together .. but most of his sentences are still one worded. Jayden is a little behind Jesse, but seems to striding along at his own good pace. They have been busy with daycare/preschool and EI playgroup that I think is helping ALOT.
  13. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    its great that they have started talking now!
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