UPDATED: NOT HAPPY W/ANSWER - WWYD? Preemies milk transition 12mo. adjusted/actual?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SweetpeaG, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We won't be getting our 12 mo wcc until we are 13 mos (doctor is moving into a new office)...anyhow, we got the go ahead to introduce milk & dairy products (he said NO cheese/yogurt/etc at our 9 mo wcc).

    But I forgot to ask if we needed to wait until we are 12 mos. adjusted age (35-weekers).

    I was trying to find something on the web, but no luck...maybe I'm not using the write search terms?

    Called and spoke to the triage nurse...she said not to worry about adjusting for their age, but did say that they should be on 1 or 2%, NOT WHOLE milk b/c there's too much fat in it!?!?! I tried to question her w/o sounding like a b*t*h. She said that 1 & 2% has the same caloric content but with less fat...that the high fat in whole milk is actually a negative nutritionally.

    I have NEVER heard of giving a 1-2 yo anything BUT whole milk. The fact that my babies have been in the 5-10%ile since 1 month makes me want to avoid her "advice" even more.

  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We were 35 wk 2 days and we did not adjust for age. So we switched to milk at 1. Our pediatrician also gave us the ok for other dairy such as yogurt and cheese at 9 months.
  3. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    Mine were born at 34 weeks and our pediatrician did not tell us to adjust for age. We switched to milk at 12 months actual age.

  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    34 weekers w/ Nicu time and we did yogurt and cheese at 9 months and milk at 12
  5. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    I actually started the girl's on Milk this past weekend, and I gave them yogurt lastnight for the first time and they are fine. I still give 4 oz of formula with a 4 oz Milk bottle though.
  6. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Mine were 34 weekers and my pedi said we could start the transition at 11.5 months, but didn't want them on all whole milk until 12 months. So, we followed that. Just as a side note, they have consistently been in the 25% (Reagan) and 50% (Morgan) for their weight after they got out of that preemie stage.
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine were born at 31 weeks and my pedi said 12 months actual. I questioned that, and she said they wouldn't need to stay on formula as they were pretty much caught up developmentally/weight wise.

    But my pedi also okay'd yogurt and cheese at their 9 month (actual) appointment. I'd definitely call and ask.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine were born 3 months early and we started whole milk at 12 months actual age, usually our pedi. starts at 9 months, but since mine were preemies we waited to 12 months.
  9. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    My girls were 31 weekers. I started the transition at 11 months. They did great so I gave them whole milk by 11 1/2 months. Pedi said that it was fine to start at 11 months. They were caught up by that time.
  10. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I would call and complain about that nurse but thats just me! They must have the fat for healthy brain development! Plus yours are low weight any way(my Jessy is 3% and Jazzy is like 30-40%)! I actually feed mine alot of high fat foods(cream cheese yummy)! I'd follow your mind in this one, if your not read to go to milk then don't and wait till the appt it won't hurt them to be on formula a bit longer.
  11. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Screw that nurse- and that's putting it nicely. It is irritating to hear people give advice when they don't know what they are talking about! WHOLE MILK UNTIL AGE 2! Unless your child has a medical condition otherwise! It's not just about the fat content for "calories" it's about brain cell building and the only way to do that is through fat!!!!!! THere are soooooo many studies on fat and brain development! Sorry- but I have to say that nurse needs to not give info like that- imagine how many parents are beyond confused and nutritional issues can result because of that! Why do you think everything anymore - formula and even some yogurts have DHA????? Ok, I think I got that out! [​IMG] My girls are barely on the 3rd%ile and we add butter, avacado, use whole milk, use half and half, use alfredo sauce, etc.

    Go ahead and do the whole milk thing- don't adjust- you were pretty close to term- the difference would be a month and that won't make a difference. We were 14 months chronological and 11 months adjusted when we started whole milk- start slow and move on.
  12. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Everything I have ever read says to give whole milk until the age of 2, since toddlers need that fat for brain development. I think that nurse has lost her mind.
  13. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    My ds is a 27 weeker, I didnt switch him to whole milk until he was 1 year adjusted age, per peds advice as well as my comfort level. Ive NEVER heard of giving a 1-2 year old just 1-2% milk, only whole milk.
  14. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Yea- and I agree with Tabbisue- I would call and complain- this is nutritional advice she is giving and it's wrong!! She needs to get correct thinking- who knows how many people she has done this too. Let me know if you need any medical research studies to back it up- I know just where to get them [​IMG]
  15. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Okay, so I'm not overreacting then...glad to hear you all had similar gut-reactions. The more I think about it the madder I've gotten.

    Luckily our doctor is changing offices and hopefully she isn't going with him.
  16. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    WHAT???? I have never heard anyone ever giving any 12 month olds 1 or 2% milk. I have always heard whole milk because kids need that extra fat. We switched our oldest to 2% at 3 I think it was and just now at 6 switched her to 1% (she's tiny for her age).

    I agree, I would call and complain and then give your babies whole milk like everyone has said. That is just absurd!!!
  17. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I have ALWAYS heard with all 4 of our kids- WHOLE milk until age 2.
  18. doubletroublesma

    doubletroublesma Well-Known Member

    Mine were 36w 3 days and at 12 months not adjusted I was able to give them whole milk, my doc said I could have introuduced this at ten months, I didnt know that then. We kept ours on whole milk till the age of 3 because they were preemie (on the advice of the doc).

    We were also give the ok for cheese, yogurt etc.

    I would seriously complain about that nurse and get a second opinion if possible.
  19. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    Wic guidelines are whole milk until age 2. And especially if they were preemie, they need the extra nutrition to help them "catch up". We give whole milk, and won't switch to 2% until about 2-3yrs. Mine are on the small end of the spectrum too!
  20. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I agree with the PP's. My girls are fairly big and we were still told whole milk until age two. I would think with yours being on the small end they would especially need whole milk. The old thinking (like when I was a baby, in the 70's) was to give babies/toddlers lowfat or skim. Maybe she's from that era.
  21. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Whole milk or breastmilk until age 2. No question. To suggest otherwise... ridiculus (IMO).
  22. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Whole milk until at least two... All of mine including my 7 and 10 year olds are on whole milk. But then, they are all pretty small and need the extra fat.
  23. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    My doc doesn't have a problem with my 8 year old drinking whole milk, as the twins are drinking it as well (2 1/2)
    My babies were born at 35 w 6 d..... I ran out of formula at a friend's house 3 weeks before their 1st b-day and gave milk to my son in desperation. He was done with formula after that, so I tried it with my daughter & she did well also.
    It also solved his reflux
  24. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by crazybabies:

    It also solved his reflux

    Ooh, that would be an added bonus! I hope we have the same results!

    I've been hunting around on the internet and I can't find one thing that says you should give ANYTHING BUT whole milk to children under 2. The AAP says whole milk until age 2....I don't know where she was getting her information.

    Thanks everyone for your opinions. Sometimes when it comes to the boys I feel like I just react w/o being able to step back from the situation and really evaluate whether it's a big deal or not. To me, this one is a big deal. I'm definately calling the office back to complain.
  25. lmBurlingame

    lmBurlingame Well-Known Member

    I breastfed our boys until they were 12 mos adjusted age, then they drank whole milk until they turned 2. I agree with *all* the pps about the whole milk issue. That nurse has got her head up her arse.
  26. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    MY ped says WHOLE milk till age 2. It's not the calories that they need so desparately, it's the fat! My Ped says whole milk regardless of where they are on the charts until 2. My kids are all at the upper end of the weight charts and he still recommends whole milk.

    That's ridiculous that they would advise a lower fat milk when it's the fat that aids brain development!

    Best of luck, go with your gut! I think your triage nurse is not very bright!
  27. chris629

    chris629 Well-Known Member

    Wow I am late on this, sorry!

    We switched Josh over to whole milk right at 1 actual. Actually we went a little sooner since he was not liking formula.
    Abbi has a g tube so she is needing the extra cals so she switched to pediasure.
    They were 28 wkrs and no way would I switch my 1 yo full term or preemie to anything but whole milk. Not unless they were eating so great that every day they were taking in what they need as far as fat and cals go.
  28. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    You need to talk to that nurses boss. Be nice about it, but let them know you got information that seriously conflicted with the current train of thought regarding milk. Just think how many other moms have gotten this kind of info from her. She may honestly not realize that whole milk until 2 is the current thought (I mean it isn't as though the medical field doesn't change their mind constantly or anything [​IMG]).
  29. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    I was giving the boys 2% at first because I didn't think it would make much differnce and that's what we had. Anyway I decided to make sure that was okay and EVERYTHING I read said toddlers need whole milk until age 2 for brain development.

    Also milk solved our reflux problem too. Mine weren't premies but they did an iron count at 10 months and I was allowed to switch them to milk then so I think you should be fine with making the switch.
  30. MelanieMA

    MelanieMA Well-Known Member

    just my 2 cents:

    My 30 weekers- whole milk at 12 mo. actual age and until they are 2 years old. Yogurt ok'd at 9 mos.

    They are doing great on the milk and seem to really like it.

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