*UPDATED* DD just climbed out of crib!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MNTwinSquared, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Audrey was soooo proud of herself as she came marching out the door to the living room where daddy & I were!! It seems that toddler beds are going to be in order soon!!! We needed to start thinking about it sooner or later with the new baby coming, but I was just hoping to hold off a little bit longer! The last time we tried she wasn't ready. She 'freaked' when we tried it before. So, let's hope we can make it to the weekend in cribs and then we'll attempt it! (So, there is another thread here asking for tips. Please share in there! I'll be watching for them!)
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    You know both of ours climbed out a couple of time at that age. DH and I both told them that it was very important that they not climb out and that they needed to call for Mommy or Daddy to take them out. For whatever reason, it worked. They have not climbed out since. Every morning my wake up call is Ryan saying " Mommy, get me out of bed!" . My point is don't give up hope yet. Maybe you can talk her out of climbing out again.
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    One climb doesn't have to spell the end, but if you are ready - you might as well just go for it. It's a wild ride and I have NO GREAT advice because I'm still struggling.
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Yep, happened a 2nd time tonight. (hence the reason I am still awake & up) I am afraid that no amount of talking and explaining is going to make her stay in on her own. It'll be a slow road, but it is time.. esp. with the new baby coming in April. Thanks!
  5. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Depending on what type of crib you have....we have sleigh style (back side higher than front) and when one of my DD climbed out- we turned them around!! She can't get over the higher side and for now that is working.

    Crib tent?? You could try a reward for not climbing or a punishment. My girl nap in different rooms- one in a PP and she can climb out easily. If she does I take away a beloved stuffed animal. I did it twice and naptime has not been a problem since ( the staying in the PP, sleeping in another story!!!)
  6. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(KCMichigan @ Jan 15 2008, 12:27 PM) [snapback]573419[/snapback]
    Depending on what type of crib you have....we have sleigh style (back side higher than front) and when one of my DD climbed out- we turned them around!! She can't get over the higher side and for now that is working.

    (lightbulb going off) I wish I would have thought of this a month ago! Kate started climbing out and we had no idea what to do. She was only 22 months and I was not ready for her to be in a big girl bed. We ended up putting her in with our oldest in her full size bed and that is working out pretty good. Darnit! I wish I would have known that then!
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Well, we took off the sides and put up bedrails, which almost completely covers the openings. I sat in there and waited until they were almost asleep. It worked.. Audrey came out at about 7:30 this morning all proud. Clayton had a rough night with a sore messy diaper butt... but he cried, vs getting out of bed at that time. It was a bit later to bed than we would have liked, but they stayed in bed all night. We got security chains for the front doors so we can rest easy knowing that IF they tried to get out of the house, they can't. It's a good start. It was time.. especially since the baby in coming in a few months and will need a crib! One step at a time! I keep asking Audrey if she is a big girl who slept in a big girl bed and she responds "yes" every time! :wub:
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Jackie, I hope that it is an easy transition. Ours were a tad younger than yours when we made the switch, but it was relatively stress free. I am hoping the same goes for you!!!
  9. MEARA

    MEARA Well-Known Member

    We went from crib to twin size bed with a tent on it. Helped zip them in at naptime, etc. and also helped with transition. Now, the tent has been destroyed and we are down to just a bed - and the dog helps prevent them from falling out too ;)
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