update...week 34 :)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by twinkatsmommie, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. twinkatsmommie

    twinkatsmommie Active Member

    I hope all you mommies are well.
    As you guys know I have had a few times we thought we would have the babies early and then the onset of depression and anxiety. Well I am now at week 34 and so happy, we have 18 days till my dr scheduled my C-section (5/17). He believes I will go full term (37 weeks) because my cervix has not changed from a one since week 28 and that is with all the contractions I keep having. I can't take the medication to stop them for the last week or so because of the constant tummy problems. I can barely keep down food much less medication. I feel like I have had the sickness at the end of the pregnancy instead at the start.
    We have all the basics for the girls to come home and my baby shower is the Saturday after my C-section. (My baby sister did not know that twins come early so she has family coming in from out of town and can not change the date, which is fine because they can still see me at the hospital or I might be home by then). I feel like I can pop and bring them home and I wont be needing something other then sleep, lol.
    I am starting to feel overwhelmed about the amount of work it takes to take care of two, but I have done lots of research for tips to help make it a little easier. I now have a cleaning crew that cleans to my house every week and a guy that comes to my house every week to clean the yard and the landscaper comes every month to trim the yard up. So I feel like all that can be managed but I worry that with all this time on bed rest that my strength is not 100% and so I am going to struggle to keep going. My mom keeps telling me that somehow I will find the strength to get it done and that I have a support system that will be watching me very closely for any signs of serious distress.
    Physically I am in pain all the time, when I lay down all the way it is so painful and exhausting to get back up. I feel like a beached whale every time I need to pee at night and the whole bed moves and I grunt like a pig. Not including my swelling of my feet has increased and when I walk to the bathroom I feel like the top of my feet will explode. I have also noticed that my pelvic area and lower tummy are always under strain and when I move I feel like they will give out and it scares me. My tummy is so small I have to eat like 10 times a day to try to intake the calories I need, my breathing is usually labored because the girls are taking up everything. I am having issues gaining weight but the girls are looking great, we had them measured almost two weeks ago and Baby A (Ariel) was 4.9 pounds and Baby B (MJ) was 4.8. And the rest of the measurements where right at 32 weeks or 33 weeks. The dr is very confident that these girls wont need any or very little NICU time.
    I keep thinking about the C-section and how I am very nervous about it. The dr and me have talked it out several times and he knows I am scared and he reassured me that he will talk to me before, during and after the surgery so I feel like I am involved. He knows I have never had a major surgery and my husband has never went through a pregnancy let alone a c-section and he is a bit nervous (he wont admit it). He told me I wont have to have my arms tied down and he will walk me through every tiny step of what he is doing so I am informed. My husband and I have also decided on no more children so when I am having my c-section done he will tie my tubes, and my husband will have his procedure before we can resume sexual activities and that will help ensure we will not have a hockey team to raise.lol
    I am struggling with the depression and anxiety and my support system says I am doing great for being on bed rest for almost 3 months. I snap at my loved ones a lot and then I feel so horrible afterwards because they did not do anything to deserve it. I cry for no real reason sometimes and I go in my room and hide it from my loved ones because I feel stupid for doing it. When my husband catches me crying he just holds me and tells me its my hormones and that I am doing great. And my anxiety spikes a lot and I have no real resource to get rid of it, all I can do is my breathing exercises and then take a nap. But all in all I guess I am holding up ok.
    Sorry this was so long but it felt good to write it all out :)
  2. j-squared

    j-squared Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on making it to 34 weeks! I admire all the women like you who had to do so much bed rest. It must be so difficult!

    I'm looking forward to hearing that you've had your twins in a few weeks.

    AS far as the c-section goes, I was incredibly anxious about mine (maybe even unreasonably so) as I'd never had any kind of surgery before, but it went very well. The day of the surgery was the hardest, but once I was up and moving the next day it was fine. I am very pleased with how it went and part of that was having a great doctor and team in the OR and the postpartum unit staff were fabulous during our hospital stay.
  3. DannyT

    DannyT Well-Known Member

    Congrats on making it to 34 weeks! I'm almost 20 weeks now so I truly admire you for the length of bedrest. I will be thinking of you these next two weeks!!!! Looking forward to seeing the post about the birth of your healthy twins!
  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Yay for making it to where you are! I know how you feel, I have been where you are bed rest wise. I was put on bed rest at 24 weeks for pre term labour and that is where I stayed until my scheduled section at 37 weeks. You are doing amazing. Almost done!
  5. twinkatsmommie

    twinkatsmommie Active Member

    thanks guys I am proud of myself too, I wish I could keep food down. Bed rest since 24 weeks really is tough but us mommies have to do what we have to do to have healthy babies.
  6. wvtwinmama

    wvtwinmama Well-Known Member

    I have been thinking of you and am so glad to hear this happy update. Way to go!!! Bed rest is so hard, but you've done a great job. My fingers are crossed that the next three weeks will just fly by.
  7. Lindala25

    Lindala25 Well-Known Member

    Congrats on making it this far. This last bit will fly by and they'll be here before you know it. In regards to the C-section, my twins were my second one and it really isn't that bad. I have never had a vaginal delivery to compare it to, but honestly I was back on my feet pretty quickly. I was walking in my room by about 12 hours afterwards (slowly) and moving about fairly normally by the time I went home day 3 (minus lifting heavier things, twisting motions of my torso). I was able to pick up my toddler by day 5, probably shouldn't have yet but I could do it. I believe I didn't need pain meds of any kind by day 7 at the latest. We went to a family easter party when they were 12 days old and I know I had no pain at that and did everything just fine. The c-section with the twins was a little more painful but I don't know if that was related to my being bigger or the fact it was the second one. Just take it easy with the twisting motions, make DH do a little more of the baby work the first few days. I had a csection with our first and I remember talking my DH through his first diaper change ever when DS#1 was only a few hours old because my epidural hadn't even worn off yet!
  8. twinkatsmommie

    twinkatsmommie Active Member

    I am now at 35 weeks and stop taking my meds and moving around as much as I can stand. The dr said I am still only a 1 but he can feel a baby head when he checked me. He said my c-section is scheduled for 5/17 but if I go into labor the hospital will not stop it. I was really happy when the ultra sound should that both of the girls have hair and that Baby A is 5.7 pounds and Baby B is 5.6 pounds. I know there is an error margin but just to think that my girls are over 5 pounds was amazing. I will try to keep you updated as the next 13 days go by...thanks for all your support and prayers!!

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