update & vent session..little long

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Erika12, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. Erika12

    Erika12 Member

    I had my first Level II u/s yesterday. It went pretty well. My DH and I found out the sex of the babies, boy was he shocked. His worst nightmare came true ......we are having identical twin girls!!!! The look on his face was priceless, he really thought he would get at least one boy out of this, guess not [​IMG] The peri said the girls were in different sacks but sharing a placenta. He said there was a 5% chance of TTTS but my chances looked good that it would not occur, but since there is a chance I will have to go every two weeks now to the peri. Both babies looked healthy, weighing in at 8oz. We are very excited, now we can start on the nursery and move forward. He did move my delivery date up two weeks and will not let me go past May 20th now, reality gets closer and closer [​IMG]

    On another subject my DH is driving me crazy about my health and getting enough protein,etc. I read on here how some of you drink 2-3 protein shakes a day, how do you do it? Those things make me gag, I've already done the morning sickness and really don't care to gag on these protein shakes daily. Do any of you have any suggestions on other ways to get more protein? I try to eat as much protein as I can but it never hurts to get more. I'm up for anything but choking down those protein drinks is not an option for me.

    By the way, I don't post alot but I get on here daily to check this forum. You ladies are great, you have calmed my nerves in a lot of areas and reassured me of a lot of things. Now if I could just get over the fear of the C Section, not a for sure thing but a good chance. I DO NOT have a high tolerance of pain and I'm scared to death. This is my first pregnancy and the unknown gets to me quite often. Some of these birthing stories, though I love hearing them scare the crap out of me! But I guess it's better to know all of the information up front, then know nothing at all. Any advice would that would help settle my nerves on the C section would be appreciated as well.

    Thanks again!
  2. Erika12

    Erika12 Member

    I had my first Level II u/s yesterday. It went pretty well. My DH and I found out the sex of the babies, boy was he shocked. His worst nightmare came true ......we are having identical twin girls!!!! The look on his face was priceless, he really thought he would get at least one boy out of this, guess not [​IMG] The peri said the girls were in different sacks but sharing a placenta. He said there was a 5% chance of TTTS but my chances looked good that it would not occur, but since there is a chance I will have to go every two weeks now to the peri. Both babies looked healthy, weighing in at 8oz. We are very excited, now we can start on the nursery and move forward. He did move my delivery date up two weeks and will not let me go past May 20th now, reality gets closer and closer [​IMG]

    On another subject my DH is driving me crazy about my health and getting enough protein,etc. I read on here how some of you drink 2-3 protein shakes a day, how do you do it? Those things make me gag, I've already done the morning sickness and really don't care to gag on these protein shakes daily. Do any of you have any suggestions on other ways to get more protein? I try to eat as much protein as I can but it never hurts to get more. I'm up for anything but choking down those protein drinks is not an option for me.

    By the way, I don't post alot but I get on here daily to check this forum. You ladies are great, you have calmed my nerves in a lot of areas and reassured me of a lot of things. Now if I could just get over the fear of the C Section, not a for sure thing but a good chance. I DO NOT have a high tolerance of pain and I'm scared to death. This is my first pregnancy and the unknown gets to me quite often. Some of these birthing stories, though I love hearing them scare the crap out of me! But I guess it's better to know all of the information up front, then know nothing at all. Any advice would that would help settle my nerves on the C section would be appreciated as well.

    Thanks again!
  3. kimber074

    kimber074 Well-Known Member

    I don't do well with the protein drinks either, i have found the carnation instant breakfasts are manageable though. I have been told they have quite a bit of protein in them, worth a try.
  4. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your girls!
    As for the c-section... I have had 2 of them, this will be my third. I would rather do a vaginal birth if given the choice, but the c-section really isn't so bad. If it were, I would have never decided to go for another baby (I went into it knowing it would have to be a c-section). I took it a little harder than most, since I am a big baby, but I had a friend who was up and walking around of her own free will the day after her c-section. From what I hear, the faster you make yourself get up and get moving, the quicker you will recover.
    All of the excitement of having the baby (or babies in our cases this time) definately makes the pain of surgery tolerable! I'll make sure I post a happy birth story after I have mine next month!
  5. ReallyTiredMom

    ReallyTiredMom Well-Known Member

    Hello and welcome to the site! I love it, too, and check it daily! I've learned more from these ladies than my doctor, I think!

    My doctor never told me to drink the shakes - and I am a vegetarian! I eat a lot of dairy, nuts, peanut butter, protein bars (love the Cliff bars!), etc. I have the occasional Ensure Plus, which I mix with ice cream and make a shake out of. Just a thought...

    I'm worried about my c section, too, but I have heard so many ladies on this site say that it wasn't that bad. And ditto above - I heard the sooner you can get yourself up and moving afterwards (within reason, of course!) the better! My first delivery was vaginal so we'll see how this goes! Oncwe those babies are welcomed into this world, I think you really DO forget about the pain!
  6. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the news of two healthy little girls!!! How exciting.

    I could not do the protein shakes. Instead, I just ate lots of extra protein. Plus I ate a lot of cottage cheese, nuts, string cheese, and milk. Cottage cheese gives you a lot of bang for your buck in terms of protein.

    As for the c-section, the actual surgery itself was pretty pain-free for me. The recovery was a different story. But to tell you the truth, I have a very low tolerance for pain and it was doable. The thing is, you have two babies to care for and that takes your mind off of things. You have no choice, and you just kick into gear.
  7. Beebs

    Beebs Active Member

    Congratulations on your girls! I'm having two girls, too!

    As far as protein goes I love edamame! If you like it it's a great protein snack! String cheese, eggs, yogurt, turkey bacon (usually with eggs, but also good on a blt)...

    I also would like to avoid the c-section, but I just know it'll be ok- having been through two vaginal births I know things don't always go as planned, but they are always ok in the end.

    See you around the board!
  8. MrsCasper

    MrsCasper Active Member

    I eat Babybel cheese wheels 5 grams you buy at Costco with crackers a lot. I also drink ensure ~ vanilla served cold 13 grams. Also 1 cup of chocolate milk has 10 grams of protein! yum!
  9. lj20272

    lj20272 Well-Known Member

    I lived on chicken, steak & eggs.

    Heres a list of good protein providers:

    * Milk
    * Soy Milk
    * Eggs
    * Cheese
    * Yogurt
    * Peanut Butter
    * Lean Meats, Fish, and Poultry
    * Beans, Tofu, Lentils, and other Legumes
    * Grains, including bread and pasta
    * Nuts and Seeds
  10. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congrats on your girls! My twins were my first, also, and I knew at about your stage that I would have to have a c-section. It wasn't too bad and my recovery was pretty quick. I am having a c-section again with this one.

    Protein: Make sure you get your dairy in. Milk, cheese, yogurt. Grilled cheese sandwiches were good for me and I also love chocolate milk when I am pregnant. Nuts are a good source so peanut butter is good.

    Maybe make smoothies with yogurt and fruit, then you are getting both in!
  11. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member


    I could have written part of your post about your DH pushing the protein. My DH read part of the Barbara Luke book and became fanatical about getting me to eat more protein. I couldn't get the shakes down too... but I really loved the chocolate carnation instant breakfasts. They don't have quite as much protein as the other shakes, but I could easily drink them several times a day (though, I needed them to be super cold). I also ate a lot of peanut butter, beans, and string cheese besides the chicken and beef that we often had for dinner.

    As for the c-section, I've had two and both were great experiences. I'm one of those people that insisted on getting up as soon as possible and it helped a great deal. 12 hours after each section I was up and walking across the room(with help from a nurse... but walking nonetheless). Around 24 hours post section, I had the catheter our and was walking to the bathroom on my own. I'm quite sure it helped speed my recovery. I had some pain after the surgeries, but I never took anything except motrin (percocet zonks me out). If you are worried about pain, just tell your dr... he/she will probably give you a percocet (or other pain med) presecription to take with you. Don't overdo it when you get home, but try to move around as much as you can.

    Take care and congrats on your two girls!!

  12. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    congrats on the girls. [​IMG]

    I don't know about the protine shakes. I've never had one, but the foods the others have sugguested are all good.

    as for the C-section, the surgery should not be painful. and the recovery isn't exactly a pic-nick, but honestly with the one I had I'd say it's easier than the last several weeks of pregnancy. so to me it seemed like a break. and my biggest tip is to just always take your pain meds when it's time, and the pain really doesn't get too bad. I think the thought of surgery is worse for me than the actual event. hopefully it'll be that way for you too.
    good luck! [​IMG]
  13. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    I would say it's nice to have a DH who's concerned - as long as he's helping! Tell him if he's so worried, he'd better get cooking!! LOL

    Anyway, I actually like the Ensure chocolate drinks; I'm still drinking them to supplement breastfeeding. Can't jive with you there; although I agree w/PP, try the Cliff bars!

    As for the CS, my first was Vag, and much easier from my perspective. I had a really easy birth, though. The CS wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. None of my worst fears (throwing up, feeling pain during surgery, infected incision etc) happened. The worst of it ended up being the constipation afterward. Try not to stress too much. There are some pretty great posts on this forum about the CS procedure, if you do a search for the keyword. I had lots of questions beforehand, and the answers found here really helped to prepare me.

    Good luck!
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