Update on Sam's fever.....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    We didn't go to hospital last night. They had seen Ped in the AM. We did the call the nurse. She said to dress her only in a onsie. And luke warm baths (along with tyl or motr) to cool down fever.

    they went to sleep around 8-9. DH checked her at 12, she had 106 degree temp. we did the bath and motrin. it helped. we were up for over an hour. then they were up around 2:30 again. Then up at 6:30am. I took them for a stroll and they took a short nap. Now they are down for their nap (sam's passed out. syd is screaming.)

    Sam's diarrhea is awful. she's not eating much. refusing milk. barely drinking the Pedialyte. but as soon as she drinks, i swear it goes straight thru her. she was in so much pain with the diarrhea today, i felt so bad for her. just trying to keep her hydrated and temp reasonable.

    but her temp is back down to around 101.

    DH is going into work way late again (2 days in a row). pls don't let him get introuble.

    i'm exhausted. need a shower and food. hope they sleep for a long nap.
  2. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you had quite a night. Hang in there and be sure to watch her fever carefully-- you do not want her to have a febrile seizure. I hope she gets well soon! :hug99:
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Sorry you have a tough go of it now!! It'll pass and you'll get through it! :hug99: :ghug: I know it's rough and I hope she's feeling better this evening!!
  4. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    Bless your heart :hug99: What a scary situation. I hope the fever and diarrhea clear up very quickly.
  5. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    Sounds like I was in the the same boat you were! It has been miserable. Our doctor said we probably had the 'enterro virus'. I doubt that is they way you spell it, but that is how it sounds. Said it may manifest into hand foot mouth disease, as it is in the same family. comes often at the end of summer, very early fall. Passed via fecal matter more often than not, usually passes through kids. BUT, I got it as well as my mom! My mom has it the worst, as she had a fever, vomitting, diarrhea, but I had fever and diarrhea. On of the twins woke up in the middle of the night, with a fever of 103.7, vomitting. The next morning, even with Tylonel and Motrin, E's fever was 104.7. within two hours, I was on the toilet, my mom was throwing up and on the toilet. THe thing is, my mom had not been around my twins for over a week, and then kept them on Tuesday. She said that E had two major dirty diapers, and I had already changed a huge dirty diaper. E was sick at 130am, and my mom and I were sick at 330am. Odd, huh? Now, my husband, my other twin, and my three year old did not get sick- THANK GOODNESS! The doctor said it would probably work its way out within 48 hours, and I think he was right. Today, other than being extremely tired, we are all doing better.
    I can only imagine that you are exhautsted with two little ones both sick. Hope you get some rest soon!
  6. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    oh my! I'm so sorry! That's a very tough illness to battle, those high fevers are very stressful.
    Big hugs to you all, I hope everyone feels a lot better soon.
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